This is a color scheme developed by Protesilaos Stavrou for emacs. This theme conforms to the highest color contrast between background and foreground values (WCAG AAA). I have attempted to port it to neovim using lua.
- The master branch of the theme no longer depends on colorbuddy.
- The theme also support 256 colors now(In the master branch).
If you are using the stable neovim (version 0.4.4 at the time) install tjdevries/colorbuddy.nvim
and use the stable branch of this theme.
Also make sure to enable termguicolors.
Plug 'ishan9299/modus-theme-vim' -- if using nightly neovim
Plug 'ishan9299/modus-theme-vim', {'branch': 'stable'} -- only if you are not using nightly
call minpac#add('ishan9299/modus-theme-vim') -- if using nightly neovim
call minpac#add('ishan9299/modus-theme-vim', {'branch': 'stable'}) -- only if you are not using nightly
In the terminal execute this command. Read :h packages
cd ~/.config/nvim
mkdir -p pack/packages/{opt,start}
git submodule add --name modus-theme-vim pack/packages/start/modus-theme-vim
# also remember to check out to stable if using neovim 0.4.4
use 'ishan9299/modus-theme-vim'
In lua
vim.cmd('colorscheme modus-vivendi') -- Dark
-- or
vim.cmd('colorscheme modus-operandi') -- Light
In vimscript
colorscheme modus-vivendi -- Dark
" or
colorscheme modus-operandi -- Light
The theme has multiple configuration options.
(you need galaxline for this to work)vim.g.modus_yellow_comments
(use this if you want a transperent background)vim.g.modus_dim_inactive_window
(default 1, set to 0 to disable)
To do the same in viml.
let g:modus_moody_enable
let g:modus_yellow_comments
let g:modus_green_strings
let g:modus_faint_syntax
let g:modus_cursorline_intense
let g:modus_termtrans_enable
let g:modus_dim_inactive_window
(default 1, set to 0 to disable)
All these options are disabled by default. To enable them set the value 1.
- Also included are modus-vivendi and modus-operandi for wezterm terminal.
The right side has all the options enabled. The statusbar on the left is expressline. The font is Victor Mono.
- TreeSitter
- Telescope
- Startify
- gitsigns
- GalaxyLine
- nvim-ts-rainbow
Please feel free to open an issue if you want other plugins to be included.
- viml
- python
- nix
- lua
TreeSitter is supported if there is a language that isn't properly highlighted please open an issue.
- vim is not supported.
- It is not well tested with the stable neovim (version 0.4.4) please open an issue or consider using nightly.
- For using these colorschemes in your terminal
- To covert the hexcolor codes to the nearest 256 color I used this javascript code.