- Task 001: 001-sum
- Task 002: 002-calculator
- Task 003: 003-fizz-buzz-fizzBuzz
- Task 004: 004-reverse-string
- Task 005: 005-reverse-integer
- Task 006: 006-is-palindrome
- Task 007: 007-is-palindrome-integer
- Task 008: 008-factorial
- Task 009: 009-factorial-with-exception
- Task 010: 010-array-factorial-with-exception
- Task 00?: 00?-fibonacci
- Task 00?: 00?-fibonacci-with-exception
- Task 00?: 00?-valid-paranthesis
- Task 00?: 00?-char-counter
- Task 00?: 00?-max-char
- Task 00?: 00?-anagrams
- Task 00?: 00?-stack
- Task 00?: 00?-queue
In order to use this repo:
1- clone it using this command:
git clone https://github.com/MamadTaheri68/TDD-Interview-JS.git
2-run this command inside TDD-Interview-JS
npm install
You should use one of these commands
npm run test // to run normal test
npm run liveTest // to run live test and check the result real-time
npm run fullTest // to run comprehensive test with additional Information