Originally started as an internal project at the Student society in Trondheim this package has now been open sourced, as we believe it is the simplest and best way to manage configuration files for Go-projects. It serves its purpose for our projects, but we would love to hear your use-cases and feedback, if any.
- Makes writing Key-Value configuration files easy.
- Allows, in contrast to JSON, comments in your files - just prepend them with a
. - If you want to use
in a value, or preserve leading and trailing spaces, wrap the value in double quotes:"#value"
- Use the same methods as when demarshalling JSON-files, just define your configuration struct with your wanted types and let ITKconfig take care of the rest.
- Source code is simple and short, which makes it easy to understand the flow of the program, but also make changes to the library if you like.
An example scenario is given where you want to provide a configuration file to your Web-application. It could look like:
# Port that the webservice is listening to
Port = 8000
# Folder where we find our templates
TemplatesFolder = templates
# Enable or disable debug mode, giving more output to the user.
Debug = true
# Various contact points for the admins
AdminEmail = [email protected]
AdminEmail = [email protected]
Then, provided that this file is called myapp.config
we can load it into our
application by the following simple code:
package main
import (
type Config struct {
Port int
TemplatesFolder string
Debug bool
AdminEmail []string
func main() {
// Some sane defaults for our project.
config := &Config{
Port: 80,
TemplatesFolder: "temps",
Debug: false,
AdminEmail: []string{"[email protected]"},
// Override (or append on) defaults with config-file.
err := itkconfig.LoadConfig("myapp.config", config)
if err != nil {
// Print our variables, just to show off.
fmt.Printf("Port: %d\n", config.Port)
fmt.Printf("Templates: %s\n", config.TemplatesFolder)
fmt.Printf("Debug: %v\n", config.Debug)
for i, email := range config.AdminEmail {
fmt.Printf("Admin email %d: %s\n", i, email)
Could it be more simple, and yet so powerful?
The hash symbol is your friend, and you can use it wherever you want. You may also use it inside a variable by escaping it:
# This is a comment
Key = some value # Also a comment
Foo = "#something" # This is first comment on this line.
Double quotes are removed when parsing strings.
This is the case when writing a string without surrounding them with quotes:
Foo = ba"r
# Gets parsed as "bar"
Or when writing strings with quotes surrounding them:
Foo = "ba"r"
# Gets parsed as "bar"
If a string containing double quotes is desired, they can be escaped:
Foo = "ba\"r"
# Gets parsed as "ba"r"
Often a simple Key => Value mapping is not sufficient, and you want a key mapping to an array of values. This if fully supported and you can define your struct as:
type Config struct {
Foo []string
Bar []float64
Zoo []int
And then in your config-file:
Foo = string number one.
Foo = string number two.
Bar = 1.0
Bar = 2.0
Zoo = 1
Zoo = 2
Which, you guessed it, will map to the arrays Foo{"string number one.", "string number two"}
, Bar{1.0,2.0}
and Zoo{1,2}
At the moment the following types are valid to use when unmarshaling your config-file:
- String
- Int, Int8, Int16, Int32 and Int64
- Uint, Uint8, Uint16, Uint32 and Uint64
- Float32 and Float64
- Bool
And every one of those as slices, as well. For type definitions and more details about other types in Golang please refer to their doc on the subject.
There are three parts to parsing and defining a config in your application, given you want to set default values different from those used by Golang.
First you need to define your Config-type. This is done in order to unmarshal correctly. It is an important step for a type-safe language. An example definition looks like:
type Config struct {
Foo string
Second you need to create a default-variable of the type you defined in the previous step.
cfg := &Config{
Foo: "My default string",
As you can see our variable cfg
is a pointer to a Config-type. This pointer is
passed on to ITKconfig which sets the appropriate fields based on your config
Third you use ITKconfig to parse your config-file, validate it and then override your defaults. This is simply done by:
itkconfig.LoadConfig("filename.conf", cfg)
Non-slice keys can only be defined once per config file. Multiple definitions will produce an error.
- Trygve Aaberge ([email protected])
- Herman Schistad ([email protected])
Pull-request, your issues and any feedback is greatly appricated.