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Lean formalization of the "Generalized Algebra" used in my PhD thesis

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Generalized Algebra

A Lean 4 project for calculations with Generalized Algebraic Theory (GAT) signatures

Created by Jacob Neumann for his PhD thesis, A Generalized Algebraic Theory of Directed Equality (2025).

oneGAT and nouGAT

The GAT signature language, which we refer to as oneGAT is the QIIT signature language from 'Constructing Quotient Inductive-Inductive Types by Altenkirch, Kaposi, and Kovács, but (currently) without the Pi-types with metatheoretic domain. The definition of oneGAT is given in signature.lean and the oneGAT-to-String function is implemented in ConPrinting.lean.

The purpose of this project is to provide a convenient syntax for defining oneGAT signatures, and for automatically generating the corresponding notions of algebra, homomorphism, displayed algebra, section, etc., as defined in the 'Constructing QIITs' paper and its appendix. We call this syntax nouGAT. The nouGAT-to-oneGAT parser is implemented in nouGAT.lean, and the algebra-generation, displayed-algebra-generation, etc. in AlgPrinting.lean.

The nouGAT syntax uses named variables (instead of oneGAT's de Bruijn indices), Russell-style universe U with implicit El (instead of Tarski-style, with explicit El), infix arrows for (dependent) functions (instead of explicit Pi's), and other syntactic sugar implemented or in-the-works. So, for instance, the GAT ℭ𝔞𝔱 of categories would be written in nouGAT as:

Obj : U,
Hom : Obj ⇒ Obj ⇒ U,
id : (X : Obj) ⇒ Hom X X,
comp : {X Y Z : Obj} ⇒ Hom Y Z ⇒ Hom X Y ⇒ Hom X Z,
lunit : {X Y : Obj} ⇒ (f : Hom X Y) ⇒
    comp (id Y) f ≡ f,
runit : {X Y : Obj} ⇒ (f : Hom X Y) ⇒
    comp f (id X) ≡ f,
assoc : {W X Y Z : Obj} ⇒ (e : Hom W X) ⇒ (f : Hom X Y) ⇒ (g : Hom Y Z) ⇒
    comp g (comp f e) ≡ comp (comp g f) e

and then this is compiled to the oneGAT signature

▷ U 
▷ Π 0 (Π 1 U) 
▷ Π 1 (El (1 @ 0 @ 0)) 
▷ Π 2 (Π 3 (Π 4 (Π (4 @ 1 @ 0) (Π (5 @ 3 @ 2) (El (6 @ 4 @ 2)))))) 
▷ Π 3 (Π 4 (Π (4 @ 1 @ 0) (Eq (3 @ 2 @ 1 @ 1 @ (4 @ 1) @ 0) 0))) 
▷ Π 4 (Π 5 (Π (5 @ 1 @ 0) (Eq (4 @ 2 @ 2 @ 1 @ 0 @ (5 @ 2)) 0))) 
▷ Π 5 (Π 6 (Π 7 (Π 8 (
    Π (8 @ 3 @ 2) (Π (9 @ 3 @ 2) (Π (10 @ 3 @ 2) (
        (9 @ 6 @ 5 @ 3 @ 0 @ (9 @ 6 @ 5 @ 4 @ 1 @ 2)) 
        (9 @ 6 @ 4 @ 3 @ (9 @ 5 @ 4 @ 3 @ 0 @ 1) @ 2)

and then the following (pseudo)Agda definition of ℭ𝔞𝔱-algebras (i.e. categories) can be automatically generated:

record ℭ𝔞𝔱-Alg where
    (Obj : Set)
    (Hom : Obj → Obj → Set)
    (id : (X : Obj) → Hom X X)
    (comp : (X : Obj) → (Y : Obj) → (Z : Obj) → Hom Y Z → Hom X Y → Hom X Z)
    (lunit : (X : Obj) → (Y : Obj) → (f : Hom X Y) → comp X Y Y (id Y) f = f)
    (runit : (X : Obj) → (Y : Obj) → (f : Hom X Y) → comp X X Y f (id X) = f)
    (assoc : (W : Obj) → (X : Obj) → (Y : Obj) → (Z : Obj) → (e : Hom W X) → (f : Hom X Y) → (g : Hom Y Z) → comp W X Z g (comp W X Y f e) = comp W Y Z (comp X Y Z g f) e)

and likewise for homomorphisms, displayed algebras, and so on.

In the future, we hope to implement the algebras, homomorphisms, displayed algebras, etc. as mathematical structures within Lean, but for now the functions in AlgPrinting.lean simply output a string specifying (in pseudoAgda) what these structures should be.

Example GATs

Currently, signatures are given in a "pretty" and "plain" form. The "plain" form will actually syntax-check, and produce a oneGAT signature. The "pretty" versions make use of nouGAT syntax which may not have been implemented yet, and therefore likely won't compile. The "pretty" versions are the ones used in the text of the thesis. The ultimate goal is to implement the missing syntax, so that the "pretty" versions will produce the same oneGAT signature as their "plain" counterpart.

See GeneralizedAlgebra.lean for a listing of all the example GATs and a demonstration of their oneGAT representation, algebras, displayed algebras, etc.

Basic structures

Quiver-like structures

Models of Type Theory


Lean formalization of the "Generalized Algebra" used in my PhD thesis






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