Fortumo Sms Gateway plugin for Cordova-based frameworks
- Add Android platform to your project using CLI.
$ cordova platform add android
- Add Fortumo Sms Gateway plugin, referencing repo.
$ cordova plugin add
- Build the app.
$ cordova build
- Run it.
$ cordova run android
- add your GAP or NPM.
<gap:plugin name="fortumo-sms-cordova-plugin" source="npm" />
- Add your scripts under cordova.js tag
<script type="text/javascript" src="cordova.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="fortumo"></script>
<script src="myWallet.js"></script>
- Simply call
object methods, passing callback functions.
Initialize plugin.
fortumo.init(function(){}, function(){});
Check example folder for a wallet store prototype.