Synchronize files between two paths by comparing modified timestamps.
On subsequent use, using a shared state file, remove files intentionally deleted from one path on the other.
This is useful for a large music collection shared among a group of people, where individuals periodically change the collection by finding a better source and replacing, editing id3 tags to provide more accurate data, embedding artwork within audio files, deleting low quality recordings, etc.
Individuals can sync with multiple other individuals. Every two individuals have a shared state file. The latest shared state propagates across all individuals over time.
Positional Args:
LABEL give label for subsequent use
PATH1 1st directory path
PATH2 2nd directory path
confirm before deleting files
-force int
update modified using this path regardless of modified timestamp (0=timestamp, 1=PATH1, 2=PATH2)
print program version, then exit
Looks for state file '.ssync-LABEL' within root of PATH1 and PATH2 which contains list of common paths.
Compares latest state with current paths within each of PATH1 and PATH2 to determine:
what has been deleted and should be deleted on the opposite path, then deletes.
what is new and should be copied to the opposite path.
Compares modified timestamp of each common path to determine more recently modified, then updates on opposite path.
Copies new files ensuring both paths are not adding the same new folder. If so, appends (1) to the folder name upon copying the folder and files within from PATH2.
Saves updated state to file on both paths.
Download latest go binary from In this case, version 1.10.
Extract to /usr/local
, run:
sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.10.linux-amd64.tar.gz
Open ~/.profile for editing, run:
nano ~/.profile
Append the following, then save/exit:
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin
export GOPATH=$HOME/go
export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
Source updated profile and ensure go $HOME/go exists, run:
source ~/.profile
if [ ! -d $HOME/go ]; then mkdir $HOME/go; fi
Get latest source, run:
go get
Navigate to source path, run:
cd $GOPATH/src/
From within source path, run:
go build
The binary will build to the current directory. To test by displaying usage, run:
./ssync --help
From within source path, run:
go test -cover -v ./...
Fork repo on Github.
From within source path, setup new remote, run:
git remote add myfork [email protected]:$gituser/ssync.git
Create a new branch to use for development, run:
git checkout -b new-branch
Make your changes, add, commit and push to your Github fork.
Back on Github, submit pull request.
This code is available open source under the terms of the MIT License.