Installpkg is a tool for scripted installation packages on various Linux distributions. This is accomplished by doing the following:
- It first detects the running distribution.
- It then defines which tools to use for the installation based on the detected distribution.
- Then it parses text files in a given directory for the line containing the proper package name for the detected distribution.
- Installs all packages defined in the text files.
InstallPkg was created to answer a need I had with new Linux installations. I've become comfortable with a certain set of tools and wanted to have them available to me in all of my installations regardless of the Linux distribution. While I could have scripted the install for individual Linux distributions, this proved to be difficult to maintain and frustrating to implement. So, I set out to create a tool which detects the distribution, reads a predetermined "list" of packages, reconciling the package name for the detected distro and installs all of them.
Clone the repository, populate the packages directory with the package files following the templates provided, and run -i
., version: 1.0.0
Usage: [ARGUMENTS]...
The following arguments are available.
-h, --help Print this help and exit.
-v, --version Print the version and exit.
-i, --install Install all packages from /home/boweevil/projects/personal/installPkg/packages/.
-c, --custom Specify a custom packages directory from which to install.
Examples: -h -v -i -c ./path/to/packages
supported_distros: "fedora" "centos" "centos linux" "debian" "ubuntu" "arch" "antergos linux"
You may also define a custom path for packages to install using -c ./path/to/packages
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