Many times while building full stack application,we need to upload images,
videos and pdf files to database so that it can be accessed as per the choice of user.
In most cases people prefer to store it in a folder and transfer that image path to
database. But this causes a problem after the website is hosted on a platform like heroku.
The Heroku filesystem is ephemeral - that means that any changes to the filesystem whilst
the dyno is running only last until that dyno is shut down or restarted. Each dyno boots
with a clean copy of the filesystem from the most recent deploy. So the saved image in
the uploads folder goes off and so the path cannot be accessed. For this reason moving
to a cloud platform is essential. It will also work fine after hosting on any platform.
So for this reason, I have created a repo which shows how you can upload images,videos,pdfs
to cloudinary. Cloudinary has a free trial with no credit cards required. Moreover it had
enough storage in the free trial sufficient for your personal projects and hackathons
(Max size of a single video should be lesser than 100mb). After uploading the video
through frontend it may take few seconds(5-10) to make effect. Till that time you can
show a good pre-loader in your site!
P.S = Initially you can upload only videos and images but you just need to submit a request
( that you need to host pdf also for
free,they will give you that privilege too within 5 minutes.
Isn't that cool!
- Clone this repo and run npm install
- goto client directory and run npm install as well
- Create .env file at root level and add following variables and assign their values MONGO_URI CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME CLOUDINARY_API_KEY CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET
- To start the client run npm start
- To run the server run nodemon index