Hacker News Lookup is a minimal and non-intrusive Chrome extension that allows you to lookup on Hacker News the page that you are currently viewing, and browse for related pages.
We assume you are familiar with ClojureScript tooling and you have your machine in a good shape running recent versions of java, maven, leiningen, etc.
clone this repo somewhere:
git clone https://github.com/jazzytomato/hnlookup.git cd hnlookup
it gets built into
folder.In one terminal session run:
lein dev
if you want it to have the hot reload with figwheel, you will need to add the plugin
but I usefigwheel-sidecar
within cursive (see instructions below) -
use latest Chrome Canary with Custom Formatters enabled
open Chrome Canary and add
via "Load unpacked extension..."
add a run configuration under Run/Edit Configurations
Under clojure REPL, click
and select Use clojure.main in normal JVM process with parameters "scripts/repl.clj"
To all the authors and contributors of the libraries I use but especially for the chromex library and chromex-sample boilerplate