require github.com/jenkins-zh/jenkins-client
Examples of jcli configuration
- name: dev
username: admin
token: 11132c9ae4b20edbe56ac3e09cb5a3c8c2
proxyAuth: username:password
So when you use jcli-client, you need to configure and read configuration files like this
type Config struct {
URL string `yaml:"url"`
UserName string `yaml:"username"`
Token string `yaml:"token"`
func GetJenkinsCore() (core client.JenkinsCore, e error) {
// read configuration files
jenkinsConfigPath := "./jenkins.yml"
yamlFile, e := ioutil.ReadFile(jenkinsConfigPath)
if e != nil {
// yaml parse
var config Config
e = yaml.Unmarshal(yamlFile, &config)
if e != nil {
// capsulate JenkinsCore
core = client.JenkinsCore{
URL: config.URL,
UserName: config.UserName,
Token: config.Token,
crumbIssuer, e := core.GetCrumb()
if e != nil {
} else if crumbIssuer != nil {
core.JenkinsCrumb = *crumbIssuer
More used API
// GetBuild get build information of a job
func (q *JobClient) GetBuild(jobName string, id int) (job *JobBuild, err error){...}
// Build trigger a job
func (q *JobClient) Build(jobName string) (err error) {...}
// BuildWithParams build a job which has params
func (q *JobClient) BuildWithParams(jobName string, parameters []ParameterDefinition) (err error) {...}
// GetHistory returns the build history of a job
func (q *JobClient) GetHistory(name string) (builds []*JobBuild, err error) {...}
// Log get the log of a job
func (q *JobClient) Log(jobName string, history int, start int64) (jobLog JobLog, err error){...}
More used API
// Create will create a user in Jenkins
func (q *UserClient) Create(username, password string) (user *UserForCreate, err error) {...}
// Delete will remove a user from Jenkins
func (q *UserClient) Delete(username string) (err error) {...}
type JobBuildOptions struct {
Env string
JobName string
BranchTag string
func BuildJob(jobBuild JobBuildOptions) (e error) {
core, e := GetJenkinsCore()
jobClient = client.JobClient{core}
if e != nil {
param1 := client.ParameterDefinition{
Description: "pre and prd please use tag",
Type: "Branch or Tag",
Value: jobBuild.BranchTag,
DefaultParameterValue: client.DefaultParameterValue{Value: "origin/master"},
param2 := client.ParameterDefinition{
Description: "choice",
Name: "ENV",
Type: "Choice Parameter",
Value: jobBuild.Env,
DefaultParameterValue: client.DefaultParameterValue{Value: "qa"},
param3 := client.ParameterDefinition{
Description: "Deploy Type",
Type: "Choice Parameter",
Value: "publish",
DefaultParameterValue: client.DefaultParameterValue{Value: "publish"},
params := []client.ParameterDefinition{param1, param2, param3}
e = jobClient.BuildWithParams(jobBuild.JobName, params)
Pay attention to the part of the Jenkins CLI, they need some special plugins. Please read through the following table:
API | Plugin |
Search Job | pipeline-restful-api |
This project takes advantage of ks-releaser to do the release job. Please file a Pull Request against this repository.