Wrote a simple chat application consisting of 2 nodes in :::ROS, Implementation of basic subscriber-publisher,using the concept of multithreading using AsyncSpinner in ROS.
- Ubuntu version : 20.04 / 18.04
- ROS version : Noetic / Melodic
- Editor used : Vscode
- Compiler : catkin
git clone https://github.com/jerinpeter/ChatApp
cd ..
rosrun ChatApp speaker
rosrun ChatApp microphone
Uses 2 nodes Speaker and Microphone
Both the nodes subscribe and publish to each other
Used 2 topics
/tomic - for publishing msg from speaker node to microphone node, [subscribed by microhone node]
/tospeaker - for publishing msg from microphone node to speaker node, [subscribed by speaker node]
In this package we have 2 nodes, a speaker and a microphone
speaker is publishing msgs in the main func inside a while loop and a simple callback function is written to receive messages from the mic
All user callbacks will be called from within the ros::spin() call. ros::spin() will not return until the node has been shutdown, either through a call to ros::shutdown() or a Ctrl-C
Thus affecting the publishing of the messages from the speaker node in the absense of an Async spinnner
The main problem arises in the microphone node where the publishing is executed in the callback func. which maybe delayed as it is waiting for the user i/p.
Thus resulting in messegs not getting transmitted from the speaker node or not getting published from the microphone node.
The standard ROSCPP spinner (ros::spin()) is single threaded, meaning it will only execute callbacks one by one.
On the other hand Async Spinner is a threaded spinner and callbacks will have it's own thread
It is ideal in dealing with complicated callback funtions