A game made with TurtleSim in :::ROS, the task is to drive the turtle around a predefined path without going out of the line.
- Ubuntu version : 20.04 / 18.04
- ROS version : Noetic / Melodic
- Editor used : Vscode
- Compiler : catkin
cd catkin_ws/src
cd ..
roslaunch turtle_launch.launch
- Subscribed to "/turtle1/color_sensor" topic to get the background colour of the turtle.
" /turtle1/set_pen
The above services where used to draw a predefined shape in the turtlsim for the user to drive the robot.
- If the turtle when out of line a warning message is given to the user.
Room for addition of more shapes and complex shapes to drive the turtle around.
Different levels with the ability to adjust thickness of the line using the "width" parameter in "/turtle1/set_pen" service.