This is a simple port scanner that is able to map a large range of protocols. Using good design patterns for concurrency, like fan-in/fan-out, fixtures, goldenfiles and test helpers for tests, we create nice unit tests and acquire good performance in scanning process. All pakcages are covered by TDD, even when using tcp protocol for tests.
- Install
$ go install
- Build
$ go build -v
- Test
The tests are using patterns like golden files, fixtures and test helpers. The golden files have inside it all output scenarios. If tests failure happens in diffrent machines(because of port setup), just update the golden files.
$ go test ./... -cover -update
then test portscanner again
$ go test ./... -cover
- Usage
$ ./portscanner -h
Usage of ./portscanner:
-end int
-end is the end of port range (default 80)
-host string
-host is the target host to be scaned (default "")
-start int
-start is the start of port range (default 1)
-t int
-t is the value of connection timeout used (default 100)
-workers int
-workers is the number of concurrent process (default 1)
$ ./portscanner -start 1 -end 2000 -workers 5 -host
Generating report
processed: 100%
Port Protocol Status
80 http open
443 https open