IMPORTANT: Code of Nebula go client has been transfred from nebula-clients to this reposotory(nebula-go), and new realeases in the future will be published in this reposotory. Please update your go.mod and imports corresspondingly.
Official Nebula Go client which communicates with the server using fbthrift. Currently the Master branch code is compatiple with Nebula v2.0.0 beta. If you are using a older version, please check branch v1.0.0.
Please be careful do not to modify the files in the nebula directory, these codes were all generated by fbthrift.
$ go get -u -v
If you get a message like cannot use path@version syntax in GOPATH mode
, see the instructions below for enabling go modules.
Dependency management tools are built into go 1.11+ in the form of go modules.
If you are using go 1.11 or 1.12 and are working with a project located within $GOPATH
, you need to do:
export GO111MODULE=on
Ensure your project has a go.mod
file defined at the root of your project.
If you do not already have one, go mod init
will create one for you:
go mod init
And then try to get dependencies of
in your go module by simply go get -u -v