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AppleScript for helping manage Slate

loshlee edited this page Jun 10, 2013 · 1 revision

I'm making available an AppleScript that I use to select and activate from a collection of .slate or .slate.js files in 10.8 as well as a shortcut for opening those files for editing in TextWrangler. When first run, the script creates a Slate Sets folder in the Home folder containing a copy of the default slate settings file which can be edited and/or activated on subsequent launches. If any ".slate" or ".slate.js" file exists in the Home folder when Slate Manager is first launched, backup copies for those files are saved into the Slate Sets folder in the Home folder. The backup copy of the ".slate" file, is saved as a file named "original.slate" in the Slate Sets folder in the Home folder. The backup copy of the ".slate.js" file, if it exists, is saved as a file named "original.slate.js". If a ".slate" file is selected for activation, it removes the ".slate.js" file from the Home folder. However, putting the appropriate ".slate.js" back into the home folder is as easy as selecting a ".js" slate file the next time Slate Manager is run. Please help test it. Thanks.

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