Blog post that covers the behaviour and performance benefits of each data structure.
# Dependencies you might need to install
# sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php
# sudo apt-get update
# sudo apt-get install git build-essential php7.0-dev
git clone "php-ds"
cd php-ds
# Build and install the extension
sudo make install
# Clean up the build files
make clean
phpize --clean
The best way to enable the extension is to create an ini file.
# To see where additional .ini files are located
php -i | grep "dir for additional .ini files"
# Create a new .ini file for the extension
echo "" > /path/to/ini/files/30-ds.ini
You can also enable the extension temporarily using the command line:
php -d
There is a suite of PHPUnit tests that can be installed using Composer.
The extension has to be installed to run the tests.
composer install
composer test
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The MIT License (MIT). Please see LICENSE for more information.