Sailng is a boilerplate that gives you a great foundation to start building realtime, Angular-based, single page applications. this is based on git://
It demonstrates how to create simple chat messages, update the page and delete a message all without a refresh. Go ahead and sign in with a couple different users in multiple browsers to see how it all works.
Current features include: a modular angular js architecture and file structure, an example of how to include services and directives from bower (lodash, angular-moment), and authentication using PassportJs.
More features are planned like i18n, plus I might modify the Gruntfile to run jshint and karma test runner on file saves.
You will need to have Sails v0.10 installed on your machine (sudo npm install sails@beta -g) and then clone the repo, cd into the project directory and run
$ npm install (if you are on Windows using Vagrant, be sure to: npm install --no-bin-links)
$ cd assets
$ bower install
$ cd ../
$ sails lift
Check it out at http://localhost:1337