- Install Python>=3.9 and pip
- Install the project by
pip install git+ssh://[email protected]:2222/JOJ/JOJ3-config-generator.git
- Run it by
joj3-config-generator --help
- Clone this repo by
git clone ssh://[email protected]:2222/JOJ/JOJ3-config-generator.git
- Install Python>=3.9 and PDM
- Change dir to the repo,
cd JOJ3-config-generator
- Install deps by
pdm install && pdm run pre-commit install
- Run the cli app by
pdm run app --help
- Check other commands or scripts with
pdm run --list
joj3-config-generator convert
function is now supported, currently support one argument as input, it indicates the convert root- default value on the server can be given as
- NOTE: the user should ensure that the ideal
file is in the sub-directory of the convert root - the intended immutable files should be placed at a sub-directory named
at same position as therepo.toml
- default value on the server can be given as
$ tree .
|- immutable_files
| |-- push.yaml
| |-- release.yaml
|-- repo.toml
- sample command on the server
joj3-config-generator convert /home/tt/.config/joj