This repo is a demo of how to use the simple 2d engine.
In this demo you can see:
- How to wire up the engine by providing the right implementation of the "manager" classes depending on the platform you're running the engine on. Manager classes are: GraphicsManager, SoundManager, InputManager and ResourceManager.
- How to setup views
- How to move, rotate and scale Sprites
- How to setup textured Sprites
- How to read player input (keyboard or touch screen)
- How to build a scene graph where the children sprites behave according to the position/scale/orientation of parent Sprites
- How to setup and use Shaders
- How to play songs and sounds
- How to render text
When checking out the repo, make sure to pull the submodules too:
git submodule update --init --recursive
The repo is structured as follows:
- src: code of the Sample Game. Here you can see how to implement things using the engine.
- assets: images and shaders used by the sample game
- projects: project files to run the sample game in different platforms
- simple-2d-engine: code of the engine
The osx build is in projects/osx. Here are the steps to run this project on OSX:
- install and update Xcode
- install xcode command line tools
xcode-select --install
- install homebrew
Once homebrew is installed, use the terminal to install the following dependencies:
brew install cmake
brew install glfw
brew install sdl2
brew install sdl2_mixer
brew install freetype
After installing all the dependencies, to build and run the game, use cmake and make:
cd projects/osx
cmake .
./simple-2d-engine-demo //execute the game
If you use VS Code there's a launch configuration called (lldb) Launch Sample Game that does the steps described above for you.
Install Android Studio on your system, open it, and open the project at projects/android/
. Then run "Build".
The cmake file "CMakeLists.txt" is located at: projects/android/app/src/main/cpp
. There you can find all the build configuration.