This command-line tool estimates the disk space occupied by all files in a
given path. It displays a sorted list of the biggest items. The estimation
method is similar to the du -skx
command from GNU Coreutils package.
Usage: tdu [options] [directory]
-b n Number of big files shown (default 7)
-l n Number of depth1 items shown (default 15)
--max Show deepest and longest paths
-o file Export result to Ncdu JSON format
-e n Number of empty directories shown (default 0)
-d n Number of access denied directories shown (default 0)
-f n Number of character and block devices shown (default 0)
-t n Number of sockets and named pipes shown (default 0)
-s n Number of file status errors shown (default 0)
--human Print sizes in human readable format (default yes)
--human=false Print sizes in kilobytes
--consolemax Maximize console window (on Windows only, default no)
--version Program info and usage
--license Show the GNU General Public License V2
--help Program help
- If you just want to use the program on Linux or Windows x86-64, then you can download a ready-to-run binary at
- On the "Downloads" page, you will find packages for:
- Linux (386, Amd64, Armv6), including Raspberry Pi.
- Windows 7, 8, 10 (386, Amd64)
- FreeBSD (386, Amd64)
- You need a Go compiler
- Do not use Go v1.12 or v1.12.1 on Windows, because of this issue: golang/go#30883
- Clone the git repository or download the source archive.
- Run 'make' or 'build.cmd' to build the binary
- If you use FreeBSD or macOS, please test the code and submit patches for supporting those operating systems.
- Author: Joseph Paul
- Homepage:
- License: GNU General Public Licence version 2.