is a great tool for managing gameservers and voiceservers with limited resources and controlling on their resource use. For easy installation of new servers you can install a so called egg. For teamspeak server they ship a default egg. The default egg has a lack of features such as configuration of the server and updating of the server. Because of this reason I build a egg which updates itself and has multiple configuration variables in the pterodactyl panel.
- Auto updating on server restart
- Multiple Startup Parameters
- Use a specific server version or the latest server version
You just need three simple steps to install the teamspeak-egg in your installation.
- Check Requirements
- Import the Egg
- Restart the daemon
- (Optional) Downgrade the Server after installing
- full operating and up to date installation of panel and daemon. check the update documentation on the documentation page of
- administration access to the panel
- the server firewall has to access
Clone the github repository
git clone [email protected]:JPylypiw/teamspeak-egg.git
or download the egg script here
go to Nests in you pterodactyl panel
If you don't have a Nest for your custom Eggs, please create one.
Hint: It is not recommended to use the default Nests. They may be overwritten while updating the panel.
Click on Import Egg and choose the
file. -
You should see a message Egg successfully imported in green on top.
connect to your server using ssh
ssh servername
restart the systemctl process. this step may vary in your installation please check the documentation if you have don't know how to execute the step.
systemctl restart wings
check your Node in pterodactyl panel. It should be up and running. This is indicated by the green heart in Nodes Section
This step is needed if you want to install a older version of teamspeak instead of the latest.
For performing the downgrade the server has to be installed and started one or multiple times.
Important: When performing this step you will lose all data of your teamspeak server because the server database does not allow downgrading!
Stop the Server in Console section of pterodactyl server panel
Go to File Management and delete all files containing the word "sqlitedb". Normally this should be the 3 files:
- ts3server.sqlitedb
- ts3server.sqlitedb-shm
- ts3server.sqlitedb-wal
Go to Configuration -> Startup Parameters and edit Server Version to your desired server version.
Go back to Console and start the Server. You should see the startup containing the ServerAdmin token.
teamspeak-egg is GNU General Public License v3.0. Please check the License before performing any changes on the scripts.
- changed from linux Version of TeamSpeak3 to Alpine Version
- Fixed startup issues with TeamSpeak Version 3.8.0
./ts3server: Relink `/usr/lib/' with `/usr/glibc-compat/lib/' for IFUNC symbol `memset'
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
- you can set a static teamspeak server version instead of using the latest server version
- changed some documentation for downgrading the server after installing the latest version
Performance: Bugfixes:
- some shell script issues fixed
- modified license from MIT to General Public License v3.0
- added documentation for installation and screenshots
- added egg script for panel installation
Performance: Bugfixes:
- moved tsversion from 3.6.1 to 3.7.1
- Initial release of the teamspeak-egg
Performance: Bugfixes: