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WIP Regex matches bytes
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Regex matching on bytes instead of str. Postpones `u8_to_str` conversions
(and potential problems) to last possible moment.
WIP Priliminary implementation with much inefficieny.

Fixes errors in parsing lines with unicode chars that spanned Block
  • Loading branch information
jtmoon79 committed Jul 12, 2022
1 parent a932d5a commit 3d78b0d
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Showing 4 changed files with 277 additions and 39 deletions.
243 changes: 243 additions & 0 deletions src/Data/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1832,6 +1832,148 @@ fn captures_to_buffer(
debug_eprintln!("{}captures_to_buffer buffer {:?}", snx(), buffer);

/// helper to `captures_to_buffer_bytes`
macro_rules! copy_capturegroup_to_buffer {
) => {
let len_: usize = $$name).as_ref().unwrap().as_bytes().len();
debug_eprintln!("{}bytes_to_regex_to_datetime:copy_capturegroup_to_buffer! buffer[{:?}..{:?}]", so(), $at, $at+len_);
$at += len_;

/// helper to `captures_to_buffer_bytes`
macro_rules! copy_slice_to_buffer {
) => {
let len_: usize = $u8_slice.len();
debug_eprintln!("{}bytes_to_regex_to_datetime:copy_slice_to_buffer! buffer[{:?}..{:?}]", so(), $at, $at+len_);
$at += len_;

/// helper to `captures_to_buffer_bytes`
macro_rules! copy_u8_to_buffer {
) => {
debug_eprintln!("{}bytes_to_regex_to_datetime:copy_slice_to_buffer! buffer[{:?}] = {:?}", so(), $at, $u8_);
$buffer[$at] = $u8_;
$at += 1;

/// Put `Captures` into a `String` buffer in a particular order and formatting. This bridges the
/// `DateTime_Parse_Data::regex_pattern` to `DateTime_Parse_Data::dt_pattern`.
/// Directly relates to datetime format `dt_pattern` values in `DATETIME_PARSE_DATAS`
/// which use `DTFSS_YmdHMS`, etc.
fn captures_to_buffer_bytes(
buffer: &mut[u8],
captures: &regex::bytes::Captures,
tz_offset: &FixedOffset,
dtfs: &DTFSSet,
) -> usize {
debug_eprintln!("{}captures_to_buffer_bytes", sn());
let mut at: usize = 0;
// year
match {
Some(match_) => {
copy_slice_to_buffer!(match_.as_bytes(), buffer, at);
None => {
// TODO: 2022/06/27 do something smarter than setting current year
// TODO: 2022/07/11 cost-savings: inefficient to create datetime and string each call; create the year str once elsewhere, pass in to this fn as `Option<String>`
let localb = Local::today().year().to_string();
copy_slice_to_buffer!(localb.as_bytes(), buffer, at);
// month
copy_capturegroup_to_buffer!(CGN_MONTH, captures, buffer, at);
// day
match {
DTFS_Day::d | DTFS_Day::e => {
copy_capturegroup_to_buffer!(CGN_DAY, captures, buffer, at);
DTFS_Day::_de_to_d => {
let day: &[u8] =;
debug_assert_eq!(day.len(), 2, "bad named group 'day' data {:?}, expected data of len 2", day);
const SPACE_: u8 = ' ' as u8;
match day[0] {
// change day " 8" to "08"
SPACE_ => {
copy_u8_to_buffer!('0' as u8, buffer, at);
copy_u8_to_buffer!(day[1], buffer, at);
_ => {
copy_slice_to_buffer!(day, buffer, at);
copy_u8_to_buffer!('T' as u8, buffer, at);
// hour
copy_capturegroup_to_buffer!(CGN_HOUR, captures, buffer, at);
// minute
copy_capturegroup_to_buffer!(CGN_MINUTE, captures, buffer, at);
// second
copy_capturegroup_to_buffer!(CGN_SECOND, captures, buffer, at);
// fractional
match dtfs.fractional {
DTFS_Fractional::f => {
copy_u8_to_buffer!('.' as u8, buffer, at);
copy_capturegroup_to_buffer!(CGN_FRACTIONAL, captures, buffer, at);
DTFS_Fractional::_none => {}
// tz
match {
DTFS_Tz::_fill => {
// TODO: cost-savings: pass pre-created TZ `&str`
let tzs: String = tz_offset.to_string();
copy_slice_to_buffer!(tzs.as_bytes(), buffer, at);
DTFS_Tz::z | DTFS_Tz::cz | DTFS_Tz::pz => {
copy_capturegroup_to_buffer!(CGN_TZ, captures, buffer, at);
DTFS_Tz::Z => {
let tzZ: &str = u8_to_str(;
match MAP_TZZ_TO_TZz.get_key_value(tzZ) {
Some((_tz_abbr, tz_offset_)) => {
// TODO: cost-savings: pre-create the `tz_offset` entries as bytes
let tzs: String = tz_offset_.to_string();
copy_slice_to_buffer!(tzs.as_bytes(), buffer, at);
None => {
// cannot find entry in MAP_TZZ_TO_TZz, fill with passed TZ
// TODO: cost-savings: pre-create the `tz_offset` entries as bytes
let tzs: String = tz_offset.to_string();
copy_slice_to_buffer!(tzs.as_bytes(), buffer, at);


debug_eprintln!("{}captures_to_buffer_bytes return {:?}", sx(), at);


/// run `regex::Captures` on the `data` then convert to a chrono
/// `Option<DateTime<FixedOffset>>` instance. Uses matching and pattern information
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1927,6 +2069,107 @@ pub fn str_to_regex_to_datetime(
Some((dt_beg, dt_end, dt))

/// run `regex::Captures` on the `data` then convert to a chrono
/// `Option<DateTime<FixedOffset>>` instance. Uses matching and pattern information
pub fn bytes_to_regex_to_datetime(
data: &[u8],
index: &DateTime_Parse_Datas_Index,
tz_offset: &FixedOffset,
) -> Option<CapturedDtData> {
debug_eprintln!("{}bytes_to_regex_to_datetime({:?}, {:?}, {:?})", sn(), data, index, tz_offset);

let regex_: &Regex = match DATETIME_PARSE_DATAS_REGEX_VEC.get(*index) {
Some(val) => val,
None => {
panic!("requested DATETIME_PARSE_DATAS_REGEX_VEC.get({}), returned None. DATETIME_PARSE_DATAS_REGEX_VEC.len() {}", index, DATETIME_PARSE_DATAS_REGEX_VEC.len());

// shadow `regex_` with bytes-based regex
// TODO: cost-savings: precreate the `regex::bytes` instance
let regex_: regex::bytes::Regex = regex::bytes::Regex::new(regex_.as_str()).unwrap();
let captures: regex::bytes::Captures = match regex_.captures(data) {
None => {
debug_eprintln!("{}bytes_to_regex_to_datetime: regex: no captures (returned None)", sx());
return None;
Some(captures) => {
debug_eprintln!("{}bytes_to_regex_to_datetime: regex: captures.len() {}", so(), captures.len());

if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
for (i, name_opt) in regex_.capture_names().enumerate() {
let match_: regex::bytes::Match = match captures.get(i) {
Some(m_) => m_,
None => {
match name_opt {
Some(name) => {
eprintln!("{}bytes_to_regex_to_datetime: regex captures: {:2} {:<20} None", so(), i, name);
None => {
eprintln!("{}bytes_to_regex_to_datetime: regex captures: {:2} {:<20} None", so(), i, "None");
match name_opt {
Some(name) => {
eprintln!("{}bytes_to_regex_to_datetime: regex captures: {:2} {:<20} {:?}", so(), i, name, match_.as_bytes());
None => {
eprintln!("{}bytes_to_regex_to_datetime: regex captures: {:2} {:<20} {:?}", so(), i, "NO NAME", match_.as_bytes());

// sanity check
debug_assert!(!captures.iter().any(|x| x.is_none()), "a match in the regex::Captures was None");

let dtpd: &DateTime_Parse_Data = &DATETIME_PARSE_DATAS[*index];
// copy regex matches into a buffer with predictable ordering
// this ordering relates to datetime format strings in `DATETIME_PARSE_DATAS`
// TODO: [2022/06/26] cost-savings: avoid a `String` alloc by passing precreated buffer
const BUFLEN: usize = 35;
let mut buffer: [u8; BUFLEN] = [0; BUFLEN];
let copiedn = captures_to_buffer_bytes(&mut buffer, &captures, tz_offset, &dtpd.dtfs);

// use the `dt_format` to parse the buffer of regex matches
let buffer_s: &str = u8_to_str(&buffer[0..copiedn]).unwrap();
let dt = match datetime_parse_from_str(
) {
Some(dt_) => dt_,
None => {
debug_eprintln!("{}bytes_to_regex_to_datetime return None", sx());
return None;

// derive the `LineIndex` bounds of the datetime substring within `data`
// TODO: cost-savings: only track dt_first dt_last if using `--color`
let dt_beg: LineIndex = match {
Some(match_) => match_.start() as LineIndex,
None => 0,
let dt_end: LineIndex = match {
Some(match_) => match_.end() as LineIndex,
None => 0,
debug_assert_lt!(dt_beg, dt_end, "bad dt_beg {} dt_end {}, index {}", dt_beg, dt_end, index);

debug_eprintln!("{}bytes_to_regex_to_datetime: return Some({:?}, {:?}, {:?})", sx(), dt_beg, dt_end, dt);
Some((dt_beg, dt_end, dt))

// ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
// DateTime comparisons
// ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
Expand Down
54 changes: 26 additions & 28 deletions src/Data/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -90,9 +90,9 @@ pub struct LinePart {
/// used as-is in slice notation
pub blocki_end: BlockIndex,
/// the byte offset into the file where this `LinePart` begins
pub fileoffset: FileOffset,
fileoffset: FileOffset,
/// blockoffset: debug helper, might be good to get rid of this?
pub blockoffset: BlockOffset,
blockoffset: BlockOffset,
/// the file-designated BlockSz, _not_ necessarily the `len()` of the `Block` at `blockp`
/// TODO: is this used?
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -170,16 +170,28 @@ impl LinePart {

/// length of line starting at index `blocki_beg`
/// length of line starting at index `blocki_beg` in bytes
pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
(self.blocki_end - self.blocki_beg) as usize

/// since there is `fn len()`, function `is_empty` was recommended by clippy
/// clippy recommends `fn is_empty` since there is already `len()`
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
self.len() == 0

pub fn fileoffset_begin(&self) -> FileOffset {

pub fn fileoffset_end(&self) -> FileOffset {
self.fileoffset + (self.blocki_end as FileOffset)

pub fn blockoffset(&self) -> BlockOffset {

/// count of bytes of this `LinePart`
/// XXX: `count_bytes` and `len` is overlapping and confusing.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -589,13 +601,13 @@ impl Line {
a_found = true;
b_search = true;
if b < len_ {
debug_eprintln!("{}get_boxptrs: ptrs.push(linepart.block_boxptr_ab({}, {}))", so(), a, b);
debug_eprintln!("{}get_boxptrs: ptrs.push(linepart.block_boxptr_ab({}, {})) @Block[{:?}..{:?}] @[{:?}..{:?}]", so(), a, b, linepart.blocki_beg, linepart.blocki_end, linepart.fileoffset_begin(), linepart.fileoffset_end());
ptrs.push(linepart.block_boxptr_ab(&a, &b)); // store [a..b] (entire slice, entire `Line`)
debug_assert_gt!(ptrs.len(), 1, "ptrs is {} elements, expected >= 1; this should have been handled earlier", ptrs.len());
debug_eprintln!("{}get_boxptrs: return MultiPtr {} ptrs", sx(), ptrs.len());
return LinePartPtrs::MultiPtr(ptrs);
debug_eprintln!("{}get_boxptrs: ptrs.push(linepart.block_boxptr_a({}))", so(), a);
debug_eprintln!("{}get_boxptrs: ptrs.push(linepart.block_boxptr_a({})) @Block[{:?}..{:?}] @[{:?}..{:?}]", so(), a, linepart.blocki_beg, linepart.blocki_end, linepart.fileoffset_begin(), linepart.fileoffset_end());
ptrs.push(linepart.block_boxptr_a(&a)); // store [a..] (first slice of `Line`)
b -= len_;
Expand All @@ -605,32 +617,18 @@ impl Line {
if b_search && b < len_ {
debug_eprintln!("{}get_boxptrs: ptrs.push(linepart.block_boxptr_b({}))", so(), b);
debug_eprintln!("{}get_boxptrs: ptrs.push(linepart.block_boxptr_b({})) @Block[{:?}..{:?}] @[{:?}..{:?}]", so(), b, linepart.blocki_beg, linepart.blocki_end, linepart.fileoffset_begin(), linepart.fileoffset_end());
ptrs.push(linepart.block_boxptr_b(&b)); // store [..b] (last slice of `Line`)
} else {
debug_eprintln!("{}get_boxptrs: ptrs.push(linepart.block_boxptr())", so());
debug_eprintln!("{}get_boxptrs: ptrs.push(linepart.block_boxptr()) @Block[{:?}..{:?}] @[{:?}..{:?}]", so(), linepart.blocki_beg, linepart.blocki_end, linepart.fileoffset_begin(), linepart.fileoffset_end());
ptrs.push(linepart.block_boxptr()); // store [..] (entire slice, middle part of `Line`)
b -= len_;
// TODO: get rid of this
match ptrs.len() {
1 => {
debug_eprintln!("{}get_boxptrs: return SinglePtr (TODO: no need to alloc Vec)", sx());
debug_assert_gt!(ptrs.len(), 1, "Ptrs is length {}, expected >1; parsing algorithm missed this case", ptrs.len());

0 => {
// `a, b` that are past the end of the `Line` return `NoPtr`
_ => {
debug_eprintln!("{}get_boxptrs: return MultiPtr {} ptrs", sx(), ptrs.len());


/// `raw` true will write directly to stdout from the stored `Block`
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -715,10 +713,10 @@ impl Line {
let s3 = match std::str::from_utf8(s2) {
Ok(val) => val,
Err(err) => {
let fo1 = self.fileoffset_begin() + (linepart.blocki_beg as FileOffset);
let fo2 = self.fileoffset_begin() + (linepart.blocki_end as FileOffset);
eprintln!("ERROR: failed to convert [u8] at FileOffset[{}‥{}] to utf8 str; {}", fo1, fo2, err);
eprintln!("ERROR: failed to convert [u8] at LinePart@FileOffset[{}‥{}] to utf8 str, using from_utf8_unchecked; {}", linepart.fileoffset_begin(), linepart.fileoffset_end(), err);
unsafe {
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Readers/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ impl LineReader {
debug_eprintln!("{}linereader.drop_line: Arc::try_unwrap(linep) processing Line @[{}‥{}] Block @[{}‥{}]", sn(), line.fileoffset_begin(), line.fileoffset_end(), line.blockoffset_first(), line.blockoffset_last());
self.drop_line_ok += 1;
for linepart in line.lineparts.into_iter() {
self.blockreader.drop_block(linepart.blockoffset, bo_dropped);
self.blockreader.drop_block(linepart.blockoffset(), bo_dropped);
Err(_linep) => {
Expand Down

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