Anyquery is a SQL query engine that allows you to run SQL queries on pretty much anything. It supports querying JSON, CSV, Parquet, SQLite, Airtable bases, Google Sheets, Notion databases, and log files using Grok, among others. It also supports running SQL queries on remote files (HTTP, S3, GCS), local apps (Apple Notes, Apple Reminders, Google Chrome Tabs, etc.), and databases (MySQL and PostgreSQL). It's built on top of SQLite and uses plugins to extend its functionality.
Moreover, it can act as a MySQL server, allowing you to run SQL queries from your favorite MySQL-compatible client (e.g. Looker Studio, DBeaver, TablePlus, Metabase, etc.).
The documentation provides detailed instructions on how to run queries with Anyquery.
But let's see a quick example. Type anyquery
in your terminal to open the shell mode. Then, run the following query:
-- List all repositories of asg017 related to SQLite
SELECT full_name, stargazers_count, pushed_at FROM github_repositories_from_user('asg017') WHERE name LIKE '%sqlite%';
-- Count rows of a remote 75MB CSV file
SELECT count(*) FROM read_csv('', header=true);
-- Insert into a Notion database all repositories of nalgeon related to SQLite
INSERT INTO notion_database(repo, stars, last_push) SELECT full_name, stargazers_count, pushed_at FROM github_repositories_from_user('nalgeon') WHERE description LIKE '%sqlite%';
-- Close all tabs of the datasette documentation
DELETE FROM chrome_tabs WHERE url LIKE '%datasette%';
You can also launch the MySQL server with anyquery server
and connect to it with your favorite MySQL-compatible client.
anyquery server &
mysql -u root -h -P 8070
The documentation provides detailed instructions on how to install Anyquery on your system. You can install anyquery from Homebrew, APT, YUM/DNF, Scoop, Winget and Chocolatey. You can also download the binary from the releases page.
brew install julien040/anyquery/anyquery
echo "deb [trusted=yes] /" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/anyquery.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt install anyquery
echo "[anyquery]
gpgcheck=0" | sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/anyquery.repo
sudo dnf install anyquery
scoop bucket add anyquery
scoop install anyquery
winget install JulienCagniart.anyquery
choco install anyquery
Anyquery is plugin-based, and you can install plugins to extend its functionality. You can install plugins from the official registry or create your own. Anyquery can also load any SQLite extension.
Anyquery is licensed under the AGPLv3 license for the core engine. The RPC library is licensed under the MIT license so that anyone can reuse plugins in different projects.
The plugins are not subject to the AGPL license. Each plugins has its own license and the copyright is owned by the plugin author. See the LICENSE file for more information.
If you want to contribute to Anyquery, please read the contributing guidelines. I currently only accept minor contributions, but I'm open to any suggestions or feedback.
You can have a brief overview of the project in the architecture documentation.