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An online shop for a hypothetical beer import and distribution company in Norway, built with Django and Bootstrap.

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Beer WareHaus Logo

Beer WareHaus

Beer WareHaus is an online shop for a hypothetical beer import and distribution company in Norway. The purpose of the site is to provide a simple intuitive ways for managers of bars and restaurants to browse and purchase products they wish to serve. Additionally the site provides a number of tools allowing the shop owner to easily manage the products in the shop.

Beer WareHaus Responsive Screens

The site has been deployed to Heroku and can be viewed here.


Project Goal

This project is my fourth and final Milestone Project in the Code Institute's Fullstack Development program. The purpose of this project was to create an e-commerce site using the Django framework, static file hosting with AWS, and a functional payment system with Stripe. This e-commerce site is fully functional and could be used by a real beer distribution company with minimal setup.

User Stories

User Stories for Customers

As a restaurant or bar manager I would like to So that I can
Browse products purchase what I need
Search products find something specific
Filter products by style compare the offerings
Filter products by packaging (can, bottle, keg) choose serving style
See offerings by a specific producer get an idea of the producer's offer
Buy a product serve it to customers
Pay using a card complete my purchase
Create a profile save my information and review past orders
Update my profile information be contacted by the importer
See my shopping cart before paying know the cost and content before the purchase
Update my shopping cart make decisions before the purchase
See details about a product make an informed purchasing decision
View my order history be reminded of previous purchases
Receive an email confirmation about my order have archived information about it
Contact the importer know about the status of an order
Know the newest arrivals buy the freshest products

User Stories for Shop Administrators

As an administrator I would like to So that I can
Add/Update/Remove a product keep the store up to date
Add/Update/Remove a producer keep users informed about the latest information
Highlight specific products sell products that need to move
Receive orders from customers in my mailbox fulfill the orders
Mark a product as a new arrival entice customers with fresh products


Following these user stories, wireframes were drawn to provide a starting point and guidance throughout the development process.

Beer WareHaus Wireframes

  • The full desktop wireframes can be found here
  • The mobile wireframes can be found here

Data Structure

Before starting the development of the application, its models and their relationships were delineated:

Beer WareHaus Models


The application was built using bootstrap and its responsive grid system. Fonts and colors were carefully chosen to give the application a distinctive brand and feel.


Two fonts from Google Fonts were used throughout the site:

  1. Roboto Slab was used for the logo and the navigation of the site.

Roboto Slab Font

  1. Lato was used for all the titles and contents of the site.

Lato Font


A simple color scheme was used to accentuate readability and usability.

  • #1b1b1b #1b1b1b - dark grey, primary color

This color is used in the header's background and for fonts throughout the site. It was chosen for its simplicity and for providing contrast with other colors.

  • #f8f8fb #f8f8fb - off white, background-color

This off white was chosen for the background color for the site as it provides good contrast with the other chosen colors, while being easier on the eyes than white.

  • #ffc717 #ffc717 - gold, highlight color #1

This yellow was used to highlight specific elements of the site to provide users with a visual aid on actions that can be performed, for example on buttons. It is also echoed in the site's logo, providing brand consistency.

  • #077f94 #077f94 - blue, highlight color #2

This blue is used as a secondary highlight, meant to contrast with and compliment the gold buttons. They are used for links, and to help highlight product cards in listings.

  • #00d9ff #00d9ff - blue, highlight color #2 alternative

This lighter shade of blue was used as an alternative to the previously described blue and was used to highlight new products in listings.


Existing Features

Home Page

  • The home page displays a slideshow with offerings highlighted by the administrator of the site
  • The home page lists the newest products to be added to the shop

Product Listing

The shop offers a number of solutions to make specific products easier to list and find.

  • A search function lets users find specific products
  • A product listing can be sorted by date of import, cost, and producer
  • A product listing can be filtered by packaging type (keg/drag, bottles/cans)

Product View

  • A user can view the details of a product, which includes the following:
    • Product name
    • Image
    • Producer
    • Description
    • Style
    • Alcohol contents
    • Volume
    • Number of units per order (for example, a box of 12 bottles)
    • Product rating on untappd (if existing)
  • Users can choose a quantity and add it to their cart

Producers Page

  • The producers page allows the import company to highlight reputable producers that it partners with
  • Each producer links to a description and a listing of their products offered in the shop

User Account

The creation of the account requires a valid email, a company name, a company number, and a password. The creation of an account gives access to the following features:

  • Update of profile information
  • View the account's order history

Shopping Cart

  • Items chosen for purchase are placed in the shopping cart
  • The shopping cart displays subtotals for items placed in it and a grand total cost
  • Quantities for the products can be adjusted from within the shopping cart
  • Items can be removed from the shopping cart
  • A user can choose to proceed to payment


  • The checkout details and delivery information are pre-filled with the information provided in the user's profile, it can however be edited.
  • A summary of the order is displayed on the checkout page
  • Payment is made by card using Stripe

Administrator features

  • On product pages, an administrator has additional links to edit a products information or remove it from the shop
  • An administrator has two options to add a new product:
    • Entering the product's information manually
    • Finding a product using a search on Untappd using its API and importing it
  • An administrator can add a new producer either by entering the information manually or by performing a search on Untappd
  • The administraor has the option of updating the images and text on the home page's carousel

Features Left to implement

  • The subscription form in the footer should be connected to a marketing mailing application, such as Mailchimp for example.
  • For authenticated users, the option should be added to renew an order.


Testing was done manually throughout the development process. The full rundown of the testing can be found here.

Additionally, all code was validated in the following ways:

HTML - All pages were successfully run through the W3C HTML Validator to ensure compliance with the standards set by the W3C.

CSS - CSS validation with the W3C Jigsaw Validator returned some expected and necessary flags from vendor extensions. Other than that, the code complies to the W3C standards.

Python - All Python code was checked with the PEP8 online validator and is PEP8 compliant, aside from line length flags, which were left for code readability.


Before deploying the application, ensure the following are installed:

  • Python 3
  • PIP
  • Git
  • Heroku CLI

The application relies on the following services, and accounts will have to be created for them:

Local Deployment

These are the steps to deploy Beer WareHaus locally.

  1. From the application's repository, click the "code" button and download the zip of the repository.

    Alternatively, you can clone the repository using the following line in your terminal:

    git clone
  2. Access the folder in your terminal window and install the application's required modules using the following command:

    python -m pip -r requirements.txt
  3. Create a file containing your environmental variables called at the root level of the application. It will need to contain the following lines and variables:

    import os
    os.environ["DEVELOPMENT"] = "True"
    os.environ['EMAIL_HOST_USER'] = 'YOUR_EMAIL_USER'
    os.environ['EMAIL_HOST'] = '' # for gmail

    Please note that you will need to update the SECRET_KEY with your own secret key, as well as the Untappd and strip keys and secret variables with those provided by those applications.

    If you plan on pushing this application to a public repository, ensure that is added to your .gitignore file to protect your secrets.

  4. The application can now be run locally. In your terminal, type the command python3 runserver. The application will be available in your browser at the address http://localhost:8000.

Deployment to Heroku

To deploy Beer WareHaus to Heroku, use the following steps:

  1. In Heroku create a new application.

  2. From the heroku dashboard of your application, click on "Deploy", then "Deployment method" and select GitHub to connect the application to your github repository

  3. In the Heroku Resources tab, navigate to the Add-Ons section and search for Heroku Postgres. The hobby level can be selected for this application.

  4. Click on the "settings" tab and on the button labelled "Reveal Config Vars". The Postgres addon will have created a link to the Postgres database.

  5. Add the following configuration variables to the application:

    AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID The key provided by AWS
    AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY The secret key provided by AWS
    DATABASE_URL Postgres Database url provided by the addon
    DEFAULT_ORDER_EMAIL The email address orders will go to
    EMAIL_HOST The smtp host for the email
    EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD The password associated with the address that will send out emails
    EMAIL_HOST_USER The address that will send out emails
    SECRET_KEY Your Django secret key
    STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY The public key provided by Stripe
    STRIPE_SECRET_KEY The secret key provided by Stripe
    STRIPE_WH_SECRET The webhook secret provided by Stripe
    UNTAPPD_CLIENT_ID The client ID provided by Untappd
    UNTAPPD_SECRET The secret provided by Untappd
    USE_AWS True
  6. In the Heroku dashboard, deploy the application.

  7. To view the site, click "View App"


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript / jQuery
  • Python
  • Django
  • Untappd API

Tools Used




  • This site is meant for educational use.
  • Search functionality from Julien Phalip
  • Felipe Alarcon for his helpful feedback and advice, and constant availability as a mentor
  • Krisztina Szabo for letting me bounce ideas by her and being a fun rubberduck, over and over again.
  • Many thanks to the team at the Code Institute for their help throughout the development process.
  • I am endebted to all friends and family who have helped test the application and returned valuable feedback