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Vue Mixin Decorator

Build Status npm Greenkeeper badge semantic-release

PLEASE NOTE: As Vue3 has moved away from class components, this project is archived and will not be recieving further updates.

This library fully depends on vue-class-component.

Most ideas and code are stolen borrowed from @HerringtonDarkholme and his av-ts project. Also from @JsonSong89's comment, who suggested that the idea should be extracted into a separate project which is why I've begrudgingly done so.

Project template shamelessly stolen from vue-property-decorator.

Best case scenario is this project/implementation/concept gets merged/provided into/by an officially supported project and this one can be deprecated.


MIT License


npm install --save-dev vue-mixin-decorator


There are 2 decorators:

  • @Mixin
  • @Component

and an extension class:

  • Mixins

Note: @Mixin is @Component exported from vue-class-component.

Single Mixin

import Vue from 'vue';
import { Component, Mixin, Mixins } from 'vue-mixin-decorator';

class MyMixin extends Vue {
  created() {
    console.log('Mixin created()');

  mixinMethod() {
    console.log('Mixin method called.');

class MyComponent extends Mixins<MyMixin>(MyMixin) {
  created() {

Multiple Mixins

import Vue from 'vue';
import { Component, Mixin, Mixins } from 'vue-mixin-decorator';

class MyMixin extends Vue {
  created() {
    console.log('Mixin created()');

  mixinMethod() {
    console.log('Mixin method called.');

class MyOtherMixin extends Vue {
  created() {
    console.log('Other mixin created()');

  otherMixinMethod() {
    console.log('Other mixin method called.');

// Create an interface extending the mixins to provide
interface IMixinInterface extends MyMixin, MyOtherMixin {}

class MyComponent extends Mixins<IMixinInterface>(MyMixin, MyOtherMixin) {
  created() {

See also