A weather app using Apixu weather API and google maps (so far) to show the user the weather in the submitted location in both celcius and farenheit.
clone this repositoryobtain an api key from https://www.apixu.com/
(optional) obtain an api key for google maps using https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/get-api-key
(without the above, the google maps will launch in developer mode)
- create a .env file in the root directory and assign your API keys to variables REACT_APP_WEATHER_APIKEY and REACT_APP_GOOGLEMAPS_APIKEY
- replace the process.env variables in src/containers/app.js and src/containers/GoogleMap/GoogleMap.js with your api keys
(NOTE: if you didnt get the google maps API key, delete the lines where the API key is set)
run npm install
run npm start