Essential and Life-Saver Tools for Node Runners.
All these tools are helping me a lot with my Lightning Node Friendspool⚡🍻
How to Setup Telegram Bot:
- Create a Telegram Bot: Open the Telegram app and search for the "BotFather" bot. Start a chat with BotFather and use the /newbot command to create a new bot. Follow the instructions to set up your bot and obtain the API token.
- Get Your Chat ID:
Start a chat with your newly created bot.
Visit the following URL in your web browser, replacing <YOUR_BOT_TOKEN> with the actual token you obtained:
Look for the "chat" object within the response. The "id" field in that object is your chat ID. - Get your TELEGRAM USER ID (This is very important to ensure you are the only user authorized to use the bot Access and this will return your TELEGRAM_USER_ID
Repository Installation:
- Git Clone the Repository:
git clone
This is the best and cheapest tool ever for swaps out (from Lightning to On-chain) Send SATS from your Lightning node directly to any Lightning Address. You can send it out to your strike lightning address and send it back to your node to your on-chain wallet with no FEES.
Get the
file -
You need to change the lines to your configuration.
nano config.ini
*[paths]* # set your paths in case you cron-job it: $ whereis lncli # replace pathtoumbrel for your full path for umbrel directory lncli_path = /pathtoumbrel/scripts/app compose lightning exec lnd lncli *[system]* # replace userpath for your full parent path to the .npm-global directory full_path_bos = /userpath/.npm-global/lib/node_modules/balanceofsatoshis/bos
and ExitCTRL+X
How to Run
- You can run the code with the argument --local-balance . Ex.
python3 --local-balance 40
This will first consider the channels where the local liquidity is above 40% - When you run the code, you should reply to some questions.
- You can choose a specific peer or leave it blank
- The program will end only after the total amount informed is transferred
- Tips: Use a wallet service with free withdrawals like Strike, and define a smaller amount per transaction. Umbrel Version Standalone Version
You can control your Lightning Node using Telegram. This tool allows you to pay invoices, generate invoices, send SATs, and much more. All available commands
1. `/onchainfee <amount> <fee_per_vbyte> - Calculate on-chain fee`
2. `/pay <payment_request> - Pay a Lightning invoice`
3. `/invoice <amount> <message> <expiration_seconds> - Create a Lightning invoice`
4. `/bckliquidwallet - Backup Liquid wallet`
5. `/newaddress - Get a new onchain address`
6. `/sign <message> - Sign a message`
7. `/connectpeer <peer address> - connect to a peer`
8. `/openchannel <public key> <size in sats> <fee rate in sats/vB> - open a channel using UTXOS`
9. `/lndlog <optional all docker logs parameters> and | grep something - Shows LND logs`
10.`/sendsats <lnaddress> <amount> <memo> <peer> (optional) - send sats to a lnaddress`
Get the
file -
You need to change the lines to your configuration.
PATH_TO_UMBREL = "YOUR-FULL-PATH-TO-UMBREL" # Path to your elements wallets: BCK_SOURCE_PATH = "/home/<user>/app-data/elements/data/liquidv1/wallets" # Any external folder, external storage device where you want to place the backup: BCK_DEST_PATH = "/mnt/backup/liquid" # Chat ID:<YOUR_BOT_TOKEN>/getUpdates: CHAT_ID="CHAT_ID" NODE="NODE NAME" # Please check if it is the right path for your BOS Binary: FULL_PATH_BOS = "/home/<user>/.npm-global/lib/node_modules/balanceofsatoshis/"
and ExitCTRL+X
Now you need your telegram User ID, please keep it safe for you ONLY.
Access type
and this will return your TELEGRAM_USER_ID
How to Setup
Open file
Change Line 8 sys.path.append('/path/to/nr-tools/') to your path, if you cloned it on your user it should be
Change Lines:
# Insert your Telegram bot token TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN = "YOUR-TELEGRAM-BOT-TOKEN" #Get it on TELEGRAM_USER_ID = "YOUR-TELEGRAM-USER-ID" BOS_PATH = "path_to_your_BOS_binary"
Now you can run it python3
To run on the background you can use screen
or setup it as a service: screen -S lntools-bot python3
This script checks for pending stuck htlcs that are near expiration height (< 13 blocks). It collects peers of critical htlc and disconnects / reconnects them to reestablish the htlc. Sometimes htlcs are being resolved before expiration this way and thus costly force closes can be prevented.
How to Setup:
- open the code:
cd nr-tools
- Include your Bot Token and Chat ID to receive telegram messages
- Replace the line 26
_CMD_LNCLI="/path_to_umbrel/scripts/app compose lightning exec -T lnd lncli"
with your Umbrel diretory Path - Optionally set up the
on line 75 to a higher number - Save the Script - CTRL + O
- Leave the editor - CTRL + X
- Make the script an executable:
sudo chmod +x
- Setup CRON to run the script every 30 minutes -
sudo crontab -e
- Add the line:
*/30 * * * * /bin/bash /home/<USER>/nr-tools/
- CTRL + O to save and CTRL + X to leave editor
This script checks the LND database size and restarts the lND and other services if it is bigger than 12GB.
How to Setup:
- open the code:
cd nr-tools
- Include your Bot Token and Chat ID to receive telegram messages
- Replace on line 4 /path_to_umbrel with the path for your Umbrel Directory
- Setup with the size that you usually restart LND on line 7
- Replace lines 41 and 48, where is /path_to_umbrel with path for your Umbrel Directory
- Save the Script - CTRL + O
- Leave the editor - CTRL + X
- Make the script an executable:
sudo chmod +x
- Setup CRON to run the script every 1 hour -
sudo crontab -e
- Add the line:
0 * * * * /bin/bash /home/<USER>/nr-tools/
- CTRL + O to save and CTRL + X to leave editor
This is a telegram bot to start, stop and restart Umbrel services. You can use /on name_of_service to start some services
How to Setup:
- open the code:
cd nr-tools
- Include your Bot Token and your Telegram user Id to receive telegram messages
- Replace /path_to_umbrel with your path to Umbrel directory
SCRIPT_PATH = "/path_to_umbrel/scripts/app"
- Save the Script - CTRL + O
- Leave the editor - CTRL + X
- Install Dependencies:
pip3 install pyTelegramBotAPI
- Run the code:
You can also run it with a screen command to keep it executing in background: screen -S service-on-off python3
Usage: On your telegram app inside the BOT, you can type:
- /on lightning - to turn on lnd
- /off lightning - to turn off lnd
- /boot lighting - to restart lnd The same can be done with any Umbrel Services. Like, bitcoin, circuit-breaker, tailscale, lightning-terminal etc.
This script sells some info about your node every day, channels, and their capacity, and you get some SATs back as payment for this info
Portuguese Instructions by Redin:
- You need to set up an account on
- Then you need to get the API-KEY
- Click on Node and then Account and click on the button GENERATE APY KEY
- Open the code:
cd nr-tools
- Replace the line 12 with your API KEY:
- On line 55 replace /path_to_umbrel with the path to your Umbrel directory:
["/path_to_umbrel/scripts/app", "compose", "lightning", "exec", "lnd", "lncli", "querymc"],
- Save the Script - CTRL + O
- Leave the editor - CTRL + X
- Install Dependencies:
pip3 install requests
- Run the code:
Recommended to execute this code as a Linux Service or with screen: screen -S sats4 python3
Generates a BOS Fund command to consolidate your unspent UTXOS.
Pre-reqs You need Balance of Satoshis (BOS) installed
- Just run
** This program only generates the command, so you should first check it, copy, paste and then RUN.
This code runs with your crontab every day and saves your node balance, considering Forwards and Rebalances
Pre-reqs You need Balance of Satoshis (BOS) installed
How to Setup:
- open the code:
cd nr-tools
- Replace
NODE_NAME = "Your-node-name"
with your Node Alias - Replace
FULL_PATH_BOS = "/home/<user>/.npm-global/lib/node_modules/balanceofsatoshis/"
This is very important to set up right to run with Crontab - Save the Script - CTRL + O
- Leave the editor - CTRL + X
- open crontab with the command
crontab -e
- Add a line:
0 0 * * * /usr/bin/python3 /home/<user>/ >> /home/<user>/node-balance.log 2>&1
Please check if it is the right path in your system. - Save the Script - CTRL + O
- Leave the editor - CTRL + X
** This code will save your node daily balance in the file /home/<user>/node-balance.log
** If you want to run adhoc for a specific date and month please run the code
This repository contains a Python script designed to disable a specific Lightning Network channel using charge-lnd
before closing it. The script checks for pending HTLCs, ensures that the channel remains disabled, and uses dynamic fee rates to close the channel efficiently.
Before running the script, ensure you have the following installed:
- Python 3.7+
- lncli (part of LND)
- charge-lnd (charge-lnd GitHub repository)
- LNDg (LNDg Github)
- Requests library (Python library for HTTP requests)
Ensure you have requests installed:
pip install requests
Follow the instructions on the official charge-lnd GitHub repository to install and configure charge-lnd on your system.
To run the script, execute the following command:
- Enter the desired max_fee_rate: This is the maximum fee rate in sat/vbyte that you are willing to pay to close the channel.
- Enter the Channel ID: Provide the channel ID (chan_id) of the channel you wish to disable and close.**
- Disable the channel by creating/updating a configuration file in the specified directory.
- Run charge-lnd to apply the configuration and disable the channel.
- Check for pending HTLCs and wait until they are cleared.
- Re-run charge-lnd periodically to ensure the channel remains disabled.
- Close the channel using the specified fee rate or a dynamic fee rate obtained from Mempool.Space.
- The script provides detailed output, showing each step of the process, including any errors encountered.
To avoid manually monitoring the script in the terminal, you can run it in a screen
session. This allows the script to continue running in the background, even if you disconnect from your session. You can also reattach to the session later to check on the progress.
If screen
is not already installed, you can install it using your package manager:
- Debian/Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install screen
Open your terminal and navigate to the directory where the script is located:
cd /path/to/your-repository
Start a new screen session with a name of your choice:
screen -S <name_of_your_choice>
Once inside the screen session, run your Python script:
You can now detach from the screen session and leave the script running in the background:
- Detach from the session by pressing Ctrl + A, then D.
Your script will continue running even after you close the terminal.
- If you want to check on the progress or logs of the running script, you can reattach to the screen session:
List all running screen sessions to find your session name:
screen -ls
Reattach to your session:
screen -r <your_session_name>
Now, you can see the output of your script and interact with it if necessary.
When your script has finished and you no longer need the session, you can exit the screen session by simply typing:
This will close the session.
This Python script allows you to send low-cost advertisements via the Lightning Network. You can target nodes by country, limit the number of peers you want to send the message to, and filter out nodes with more than 150 channels. It's a simple and cost-effective way to spread your message to Lightning Network operators.
- Target by country: Use the ISO Alpha-2 country code (e.g.,
for Brazil) to select which country's nodes you want to reach. - Limit the number of peers: Define the maximum number of peers to send the message to.
- Node filtering: The script avoids nodes with more than 150 channels to focus on smaller operators.
- Low cost: Messages are sent via the Lightning Network with a default payment of just 1 satoshi.
- Logging: All operations are logged to a file (
), including successful and failed attempts.
Before running the script, you need to install the following:
Python 3.6+
Python Libraries:
: For fetching data from the API.
You can install it using pip:
pip install requests
The script performs the following tasks:
- Prompts for input: You will be asked to enter the country code (ISO Alpha-2), the message to send, and the maximum number of peers to send to.
- Fetches Lightning nodes: It queries the API to retrieve the list of Lightning nodes in the specified country.
- Filters nodes: The script only targets nodes with 150 channels or fewer.
- Sends the message: Using BOS, the script sends a 1-satoshi payment along with the message to each peer.
- Logs the results: All events, including errors, are logged in boskeysend.log.
- Run the script:
- Follow the prompts:
- Enter the country code (ISO Alpha-2 format).
- Enter the message you want to send.
- Enter the maximum number of peers to send the message to.
All interactions are logged to boskeysend.log, including:
- The commands run with BOS
- The response code and output of each BOS command
- Errors encountered during the process