A Java library inspired by TikTokLive and TikTokLiveSharp. Use it to receive live stream events such as comments and gifts in realtime from TikTok LIVE by connecting to TikTok's internal WebCast push service.
The library includes a wrapper that connects to the WebCast service using just the username (uniqueId
). This allows you to connect to your own live chat as well as the live chat of other streamers.
No credentials are required. Events such as Members Joining, Gifts, Subscriptions, Viewers, Follows, Shares, Questions, Likes and Battles can be tracked.
Join the support discord and visit the #java-support
channel for questions, contributions and ideas. Feel free to make pull requests with missing/new features, fixes, etc
Do you prefer other programming languages?
- Node orginal: TikTok-Live-Connector by @zerodytrash
- Rust rewrite: TikTokLiveRust
- Python rewrite: TikTokLive by @isaackogan
- Go rewrite: GoTikTokLive by @Davincible
- C# rewrite: TikTokLiveSharp by @frankvHoof93
NOTE: This is not an official API. It's a reverse engineering project.
- Install the package
dependencyResolutionManagement {
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.jwdeveloper.TikTok-Live-Java:Client:1.9.2-Release'
- Create your first chat connection
.onGift((liveClient, event) ->
String message = switch (event.getGift()) {
case ROSE -> "ROSE!";
case GG -> "GOOD GAME";
case TIKTOK -> "Ye";
case CORGI -> "Nice gift";
default -> "Thank you for " + event.getGift().getName();
System.out.println(event.getUser().getProfileName() + " sends " + message);
.onGiftCombo((liveClient, event) ->
System.out.println(event.getComboState()+ " " + event.getCombo() + " " + event.getGift().getName());
.onRoomInfo((liveClient, event) ->
var roomInfo = event.getRoomInfo();
System.out.println("Room Id: "+roomInfo.getRoomId());
System.out.println("Likes: "+roomInfo.getLikesCount());
System.out.println("Viewers: "+roomInfo.getViewersCount());
.onJoin((liveClient, event) ->
System.out.println(event.getUser().getProfileName() + "Hello on my stream! ");
.onConnected((liveClient, event) ->
System.out.println("Connected to live ");
.onError((liveClient, event) ->
System.out.println("Error! " + event.getException().getMessage());
- Configure (optional)
.configure((settings) ->
settings.setHostName("bangbetmenygy"); // This method is useful in case you want change hostname later
settings.setClientLanguage("en"); // Language
settings.setTimeout(Duration.ofSeconds(2)); // Connection timeout
settings.setLogLevel(Level.ALL); // Log level
settings.setPrintToConsole(true); // Printing all logs to console even if log level is Level.OFF
settings.setRetryOnConnectionFailure(true); // Reconnecting if TikTok user is offline
settings.setRetryConnectionTimeout(Duration.ofSeconds(1)); // Timeout before next reconnection
//Optional: Sometimes not every message from chat are send to TikTokLiveJava to fix this issue you can set sessionId
// documentation how to obtain sessionId https://github.com/isaackogan/TikTok-Live-Connector#send-chat-messages
//RoomId can be used as an override if you're having issues with HostId.
//You can find it in the HTML for the livestream-page
- onEvent
- onEvent
- onComment
- onRoomInfo
- onGift
- onSubscribe
- onFollow
- onGiftCombo
- onLiveEnded
- onQuestion
- onShare
- onLiveUnpaused
- onEmote
- onJoin
- onLike
- onLivePaused
onReconnecting TikTokReconnectingEvent
.onReconnecting((liveClient, event) ->
onError TikTokErrorEvent
General error event. You should handle this.
.onError((liveClient, event) ->
onConnected TikTokConnectedEvent
Triggered when the connection is successfully established.
.onConnected((liveClient, event) ->
onDisconnected TikTokDisconnectedEvent
Triggered when the connection gets disconnected. In that case you can call connect() again to have a reconnect logic. Note that you should wait a little bit before attempting a reconnect to to avoid being rate-limited.
.onDisconnected((liveClient, event) ->
onEvent TikTokEvent
Base class for all events
.onEvent((liveClient, event) ->
onEvent TikTokEvent
Base class for all events
.onEvent((liveClient, event) ->
onComment TikTokCommentEvent
Triggered every time a new chat comment arrives.
.onComment((liveClient, event) ->
onRoomInfo TikTokRoomInfoEvent
Triggered when LiveRoomInfo got updated such as likes, viewers, ranking ....
.onRoomInfo((liveClient, event) ->
onGift TikTokGiftEvent
Triggered when user sends gifts that has no combo (most of expensive gifts) or if combo has finished
.onGift((liveClient, event) ->
onSubscribe TikTokSubscribeEvent
Triggers when a user creates a subscription.
.onSubscribe((liveClient, event) ->
onFollow TikTokFollowEvent
Triggers when a user follows the streamer. Based on social event.
.onFollow((liveClient, event) ->
onGiftCombo TikTokGiftComboEvent
Triggered every time gift is sent
@see GiftSendType it has 3 states
Example when user sends gift with combo
>Combo: 1 -> comboState = GiftSendType.Begin
Combo: 4 -> comboState = GiftSendType.Active
Combo: 8 -> comboState = GiftSendType.Active
Combo: 12 -> comboState = GiftSendType.Finished
Remember if comboState is Finished both TikTokGiftComboEvent and TikTokGiftEvent event gets triggered
.onGiftCombo((liveClient, event) ->
onLiveEnded TikTokLiveEndedEvent
Triggered when the live stream gets terminated by the host. Will also trigger the TikTokDisconnectedEvent event.
.onLiveEnded((liveClient, event) ->
onQuestion TikTokQuestionEvent
Triggered every time someone asks a new question via the question feature.
.onQuestion((liveClient, event) ->
onShare TikTokShareEvent
Triggers when a user shares the stream. Based on social event.
.onShare((liveClient, event) ->
onLiveUnpaused TikTokLiveUnpausedEvent
.onLiveUnpaused((liveClient, event) ->
onEmote TikTokEmoteEvent
Triggered every time a subscriber sends an emote (sticker).
.onEmote((liveClient, event) ->
onJoin TikTokJoinEvent
.onJoin((liveClient, event) ->
onLike TikTokLikeEvent
Triggered when a viewer sends likes to the streamer. For streams with many viewers, this event is not always triggered by TikTok.
.onLike((liveClient, event) ->
onLivePaused TikTokLivePausedEvent
.onLivePaused((liveClient, event) ->
onWebsocketResponse TikTokWebsocketResponseEvent
.onWebsocketResponse((liveClient, event) ->
onWebsocketUnhandledMessage TikTokWebsocketUnhandledMessageEvent
Triggered every time a protobuf encoded webcast message arrives. You can deserialize the binary object depending on the use case.
.onWebsocketUnhandledMessage((liveClient, event) ->
onHttpResponse TikTokHttpResponseEvent
.onHttpResponse((liveClient, event) ->
onWebsocketMessage TikTokWebsocketMessageEvent
Triggered every time TikTok sends data. Data incoming as protobuf message. You can deserialize the binary object depending on the use case.
.onWebsocketMessage((liveClient, event) ->
List of extensions (addons) to TiktokLiveJava that will save your time
* Listeners are an alternative way of handling events.
* I would to suggest to use then when logic of handing event
* is more complex
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
CustomListener customListener = new CustomListener();
* Method in TikTokEventListener should meet 4 requirements to be detected
* - must have @TikTokEventHandler annotation
* - must have 2 parameters
* - first parameter must be LiveClient
* - second must be class that extending TikTokEvent
public static class CustomListener {
public void onLike(LiveClient liveClient, TikTokLikeEvent event) {
public void onError(LiveClient liveClient, TikTokErrorEvent event) {
// event.getException().printStackTrace();
public void onComment(LiveClient liveClient, TikTokCommentEvent event) {
var userName = event.getUser().getName();
var text = event.getText();
liveClient.getLogger().info(userName + ": " + text);
public void onGift(LiveClient liveClient, TikTokGiftEvent event) {
var message = switch (event.getGift()) {
case ROSE -> "Thanks :)";
case APPETIZERS -> ":OO";
case APRIL -> ":D";
case TIKTOK -> ":P";
case CAP -> ":F";
default -> ":I";
public void onAnyEvent(LiveClient liveClient, TikTokEvent event) {
Library documentation for contributors
Your improvements are welcome! Feel free to open an issue or pull request.