PlayKit JS Skip - [Skip] UI Plugin for the Kaltura Player JS
PlayKit JS Skip is written in ECMAScript6, statically analysed using Flow and transpiled in ECMAScript5 using Babel.
The plugin requires Kaltura Player JS to be loaded first.
First, clone and run yarn to install dependencies:
git clone
cd playkit-js-skip
yarn install
Then, build the player
yarn run build
Finally, add the bundle as a script tag in your page, and initialize the player
Note: The config can be supplied in two ways:
- Globally - In the Plugin level (and will apply globally for all entries) or
- Specifiably In the Media / Entry level:
<script type="text/javascript" src="/PATH/TO/FILE/kaltura-ovp-player.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/PATH/TO/FILE/playkit-skip.js"></script>
<div id="player-placeholder"" style="height:360px; width:640px">
<script type="text/javascript">
const config = {
targetId: 'player-placeholder',
provider: {
partnerId: {YOUR_PARTNER_ID}
plugins: {
skip: {
timeout: 6
// translations - for local environment
// ui: {
// translations: {
// en: {
// "skip": {
// "skipIntro": "Skip Intro",
// "watchNext": "Watch Next"
// }
// }
// }
// }
// 1. Config - in the media level - (needed just in case it is not returned from the KMC)
// const kalturaPlayer = KalturaPlayer.setup(config);
// kalturaPlayer.loadMedia({entryId: '0_wifqaipd'}, {
// metadata: {
// intro: {
// startTime: 1,
// endTime: 32,
// },
// outro: {
// startTime: 4,
// endTime: 5,
// }
// }
// });
// 2. Config - in the Plugin level - (global for all entries)
const kalturaPlayer = KalturaPlayer.setup({
plugins: {
skip: {
timeout: 4,
intro: {
relativeTime: 10
outro: {
relativeTime: 5
kalturaPlayer.loadMedia({entryId: '0_wifqaipd'});
Tests can be run locally via Karma, which will run on Chrome, Firefox and Safari
yarn run test
You can test individual browsers:
yarn run test:chrome
yarn run test:firefox
yarn run test:safari
We use ESLint recommended set with some additions for enforcing Flow types and other rules.
See ESLint config for full configuration.
We also use .editorconfig to maintain consistent coding styles and settings, please make sure you comply with the styling.
Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
This project is licensed under the AGPL-3.0 License - see the file for details