pylibmc is a Python client for memcached written in C.
See the documentation at for more information.
Because there ain't nothing better than releasing software in the spring time.
Lots of improvements have come about in just about every corner of the library, thanks to eighteen different authors over almost 20 pull requests. Amazing.
- Added touch support
- Added compress_level
- Added weighted distribution
- Added automated benchmarking utility
- Added Travis CI and build status
- Added behavior dead_timeout
- Added behaviors tcp_keepalive
- Added behavior callback_prefix_key
- Lots of bug tuning, fixes, tests, and documentation
Last but not least I would like to ask for your support in this project, either by helping out with development, testing, documentation or anything at all; or simply by donating some magic internet money to the project's Bitcoin address 12dveKhqiJWCY8zXT4kaHdHELXPeGAUo9h
Lastly, thanks in particular to the authors of this release: Abramowitz, Baklanov, Bergström, Borisov, Branson, Brown, Ericson, Hansche, Hlodversson, King, Kowalak, McFague, Moura, Noguchi, Schurter, Williams and Wong.
- Website:
- Github:
- IRC:
- E-mail: