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Awesome Command Line

Remove PDF Watermark

  1. Uncompress original pdf file to text file.

    pdftk original.pdf output uncompressed.pdf uncompress

  2. replace watermark strings to empty.

    sed -i "s/watermarktextstring//g" uncompressed.pdf

  3. Compress the edited text file back to pdf file.

    pdftk uncompressed.pdf output fixed.pdf compress

Print Selected Columns of a CSV file

  • Print the 1st,3rd,5th columns

    awk -F ',' '{print $1,$3,$5}' input.csv

  • Add a header before print

    awk -F ',' 'BEGIN {print "index,col1,col2"} {print $1,$3,$5}' input.csv

  • Use comma to seperate output, OFS for "output field seperator"

    awk -F ',' '{OFS=","}{print $1,$3,$5}' input.csv

  • Change print to printf

    awk -F ',' 'BEGIN {print "index,col1,col2"} {printf("%s,%s,%s\n",$1,$3,$5}' input.csv

Generate a Random Password in Linux Terminal

  • date +%s | sha256sum | base64 | head -c 32 ; echo

SSH Asks for password When authorized_keys is Corrected Configured (with public keys)

  • Make sure the ownerships of user ufo are:
  • 700 for /home/ufo
  • 700 for /home/ufo/.ssh
  • 600 for /home/ufo/.ssh/authorized_keys

Conda Configuration

  • Put ~/Anaconda3/condabin in system search path
  • Run conda config --set auto_activate_base true to activate base env when terminal starts (doesn't work for windows dos somehow)

Get Bandwidth of Network Interface

  • DOS wmic NIC where NetEnabled=true get Name, Speed ref
  • POWERSHELL Get-NetAdapter | where Status -eq "Up" | select InterfaceDescription, LinkSpeed ref
  • BASH sudo ethtool <interface> | grep Speed ref or cat /sys/class/net/<interface>/speed ref

Prepare a Start-up Script for Windows DOS Terminal (similar as ~/.bashrc in linux) ref

  • Edit the "%"USERPROFILE"%\init.cmd" script (script location could be anywhere) and put in commands such as activate for conda environment.

  • Run reg add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor" /v AutoRun ^ /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d "%"USERPROFILE"%\init.cmd" /f

  • To remove the start-up operation, run reg delete "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor" /v AutoRun

Mount Remote Drive

  • mount sudo sshfs -o allow_other username@serveIP:remote_folder local_mount_point
  • unmount sudo fusermount -u local_mount_point


Collect useful terminal commands






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