The groan framework is a basis for building complex hierarchical CLI interfaces with bash and other languages, and aspires to achieve this with some degree of elegance, through hierarchical composition.
- the noise that emits from programmers forced to code in bash.
is a simple extensible bash framework (similar to sub)
for creating a suite of scripts that have similar command, sub-command usage style to git/bzr/hg/docker etc.
Clone this repository, and rename 'groan' to be the top level name of YOUR command.
Add your scripts (in any language) and help topics, to the commands
Your command can be nested within other commands, or you can compose your command from others.
The help facilities are provided by the enclosed command helper
, and the remote upload and execution capability
is provided by the command sensible
. Pick and choose modules that you wish to include.
Roll your own gitlike command suites, complete with help-documentation help-topics. Support for standard options like --debug, --quiet is also included.
Groan is recursively merge-able/compose-able. Assemble a named suite of sub-command scripts in a folder, that folder may be made available alongside, or nested as sub-commands within another suite.
Groan uses/demonstrates this internally to implement the help sub-command.
The groan help
sub-command of groan
is implemented by the nested folder of commands helper/commands
The mapping is implemented by the command:
Fork keithy/groan to yourrepo/yourcommand then create your working branch with the name of your new command. To contibute your command back submit a pull-request.
This incarnation of groan was conceived in about 2009, in 2017 I used 'sub' extensively and then fed that experience back into groan (in 2018), rather than port existing groan based projects. I also want to use groan as a base for incorporating "fish" based scripts if I should ever develop any.
- Is recursively composeable and mergeable
- Is simpler than sub
- Sub-commands provide usage and documentation
- Support for additional documentation topics/reporting
- Demonstrates simple implementation conventions and patterns (e.g. options handling)
- Adopts the informal bash "strict" mode which considerably aids debugging.
- (does not yet support command completion.)
- supports default option flags (--verbose --quiet --help --debug --dry-run --confirm --ddebug)
- default means for platform determination
- finds sub-commands via a configurable search path (allows local overides)
- finds config files via a configurable search path
- reads a config file (to set environment vars) before running sub-commands
- sub-commands may be written in any shell or language
- sub-commands may have metadata for help
- sub-commands can run as source, exec, or eval
- help included provides:
- list of help topics -
groan help topics
/groan topics
- list of commands and their usage -
groan help commands
/groan commands
- markdown viewer support
- list of help topics -
Groan (sub)commands are called after having:
- processed and filtered out the standard set of flags.
- --verbose -V
- --debug -D
- --quiet
- --dry-run # enabled by default
- --confirm # disables --dry-run flag for destructive operations
- --ddebug -DD # developer debug
- found and 'sourced' a config-file.
- found and 'sourced' metadata (if separate).
Groan looks for config files in a number of places. This can be configured in
"$g_working_dir/$c_name.conf" # --local
"$HOME/.$c_name.conf" # --user
"$c_dir/$c_name.conf" # --global )
...follow the convention commands/<c_sub_cmd>
will directly source the shell file<name>.sub.exec
will exec the .cmd.exec<name>
will sudo the .cmd.exec<name>.sub.*
will eval the .cmd.*<name>.sub.rb
Non-shell scripts provide their help metadata via <name>
The help c_sub_cmd included provides:
- Display text file giving information on a topic e.g.
groan help topic test-topic
Commands are implemented expecting that they may be run with the METADATAONLY flag, in which case they populate variables and exit prior to doing anything:
The environment c_sub_cmd prints out the environment variables (or evaluates a given expression) in the context of where scripts will run, after applying the config file.
groan environment --eval "echo $PATH"
A number of template conf files can be provided, the user can choose a file and a place to install it. Out of the box, local, user and global config options are provided
./groan configure --options
Available options:
1) local config : /Users/coding/wip/groan.conf
2) user config : /Users/bob/.groan.conf
3) global config : /Users/bob/.local/bin/groan/groan.conf
Available templates:
default.conf (preset)
Install configuration with:
./groan config default.conf --install --local --confirm
groan setup /usr/local/bin --link --confirm
Expects to find remote host configuration has been provided via a conf
file that can be loaded using configure
. Example:
sensible_host_names=('test' 'atomic' 'rocky')
declare -Ag sensible_deploy sensible_tags sensible_install
sensible_deploy[atomic]='[email protected]:/home/keith/base'
- Remote deploy via:
groan remote deploy --tag=test --install --confirm
- Remote execute via:
groan remote exec --tag=all -- pwd
- Remote undeploy via:
groan remote undeploy --tag=all --confirm
The script groan/commands/
implements aliasing of one sub-command to another.
If you copy this script and rename to
then the new assistant
will be handled by the enclosed helper
command via ../helper/commands/
Aliasing can also be done, directly to another command e.g.
and within the same suite. e.g.
The comprehensive test suite is here using the bash-spec