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Keratin AuthN

Keratin AuthN is an authentication service that keeps you in control of the experience without forcing you to be an expert in web security.

This gem provides utilities to help integrate with the backend of a Ruby application. You will also need a client for your frontend, such as keratin/authn-js.

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Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'keratin-authn'


Configure your integration from a file such as config/initializers/keratin.rb:

Keratin::AuthN.config.tap do |config|
  # The AUTHN_URL of your Keratin AuthN server. This will be used to verify tokens created by AuthN,
  # and will also be used for API calls unless `config.authn_url` is also set (see below).
  config.issuer = ''

  # The domain of your application (no protocol). This domain should be listed in the APP_DOMAINS of
  # your Keratin AuthN server.
  config.audience = ''

  # Credentials for AuthN's private endpoints. These will be used to execute admin actions using the
  # `Keratin.authn` client provided by this library.
  # TIP: make them extra secure in production!
  config.username = 'secret'
  config.password = 'secret'

  # OPTIONAL: enables debugging for the JWT verification process
  # config.logger   = Rails.logger

  # OPTIONAL: Send private API calls to AuthN using private network routing. This can be necessary
  # if your environment has a firewall to limit public endpoints.
  # config.authn_url = 'https://authn.internal.dns/

Reading the Session

Use Keratin::AuthN.subject_from(params[:authn]) to fetch an account_id from the session if and only if the session is valid.

Modifying Accounts

  • Keratin.authn.update(account_id, username: '[email protected]'): will synchronize an email change with the AuthN server.
  • Keratin.authn.lock(account_id): will lock an account, revoking all sessions (when they time out) and disallowing any new logins. Intended for user moderation actions.
  • Keratin.authn.unlock(account_id): will unlock an account, restoring normal functionality.
  • Keratin.authn.archive(account_id): will wipe all personal information, including username and password. Intended for user deletion routine.
  • Keratin.authn.expire_password(account_id): will force the account to reset their password on the next login, and revoke all current sessions. Intended for use when password is deemed insecure or otherwise expired.


  • Keratin.authn.import(username:, password: user.password, locked: false): will create an account in Keratin. Intended for importing data from a legacy system. Returns an account_id, or raises on validation errors.

Example: Sessions

You should store the token in a cookie (the keratin/authn-js integration can do this automatically) and continue using it to verify a logged-in session:

class ApplicationController

  def logged_in?
    !! current_account_id

  def current_user
    return @current_user if defined? @current_user
    @current_user = User.find_by_account_id(current_account_id)

  def current_account_id

Example: Signup

class UsersController
  def create
    @user =, :email))
    @user.account_id = current_account_id

    # ...

Example: Login

class SessionsController
  def create
    @user = current_user

    # ...

Example: Multiple Domains

When working with multiple frontend domains it may be beneficial to use a referrer header as your audience instead of a static configuration. You can do this by providing an additional parameter to the subject_from method.

class ApplicationController

  def current_user
    return @current_user if defined? @current_user
    @current_user = User.find_by_account_id(current_account_id)

  def current_account_id
    Keratin::AuthN.subject_from(cookies[:authn], audience: URI.parse(request.referer).host)

Testing Your App

AuthN provides helpers for working with tokens in your application's controller and integration tests.

In your test/test_helper.rb or equivalent:

# Configuring AuthN to use the MockKeychain will stop your tests from attempting to connect to the
# remote issuer during tests. The MockKeychain creates a single weak key, for speedy tests.
Keratin::AuthN.keychain =

# Including the Test::Helpers module grants access to `id_token_for(user.account_id)`, so that you
# can test your system with real tokens.
module ActionDispatch
  class IntegrationTest
    include Keratin::AuthN::Test::Helpers

Developing AuthN

After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake test to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.