kiam server and agent running on the node.
More information:
Create the kiam webhook base configuration
oc project kiam oc apply -f contrib/openshift/kiam-config.yaml
Process Mutating WebHook Template.
The template is going to create the following resources:
- kiam-webhook-psp PodSecurityPolicy
- kiam-webhook-clusterrole ClusterRole
- kiam-webhook ServiceAccount
- kiam-webhook-rolebinding ClusterRoleBinding
- kiam-webhook Service
- kiam-webhook Deployment
- kiam-webhook MutatingWebhookConfiguration
2.1 Retrieve service-ca.crt from one pod
pod=$(oc get pods -lapp=kiam --no-headers -o export CA_BUNDLE=$(oc exec $pod -- cat /var/run/secrets/ | base64 | tr -d '\n')
2.2 Process the webhook-template
oc process -f contrib/openshift/webhook-template.yaml -p CA_BUNDLE=${CA_BUNDLE} | oc apply -f -
PARAMETER DEFAULT DESCRIPTION CA_BUNDLE CA used by kubernetes to trust the webhook KIAM_NAMESPACE kiam KIAM Namespace GIN_MODE release Http server startup mode gin-gonic LOG_LEVEL INFO Log level from logrus
Label the target project where you want the webhook to inject the vault agent sidecar container.
oc label namespace app kiam-webhook=enabled
Not yet implemented | Add the annotation with value true to the pod template spec to enable injection.
oc patch dc/thorntail-example -p '{ "spec": { "template": { "metadata": { "annotations": { "": "true" } } } } }'
The kiam agent webhook will:
- Check if kiam-webhook label is present .
- Verify base kiam-webhook-config.
- Verify kiam-webhook-config on the target project.
- Inject kiam configuration on the target pod.