Advisory cross-platform file locks using file descriptors. Adapted from mafintosh/fd-lock.
Note that advisory lock compliance is opt-in, and can freely be ignored by other parties. This means this crate should never be used for security purposes, but solely to coordinate file access.
Basic usage
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::fs::File;
use fd_lock::RwLock;
// Lock a file and write to it.
let mut f = RwLock::new(File::open("foo.txt")?);
write!(f.write()?, "chashu cat")?;
// A lock can also be held across multiple operations.
let mut f = f.write()?;
write!(f, "nori cat")?;
write!(f, "bird!")?;
$ cargo add fd-lock
This crate uses unsafe
to interface with libc
and winapi
. All invariants
have been carefully checked, and are manually enforced.
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