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KD Schema

Daniel Leuck edited this page Sep 24, 2020 · 17 revisions

KD Schema Diagram


KD Schema (KDS) defines KD document structures. It is simple to express and easy to use. Here is a Kotlin example of defining a schema and applying it to a document in three lines:

val schema = Schema.make("tag Insect name=String flying=Bool"))
val document ="""Insect name="ant" flying=false""")
schema.apply(document) // Throws an error if attributes are missing or types are wrong

KDS is expressive. This is schema for a tag with a list of SI length measurements: tag Lengths [Length], which matches Lengths [8mm 12cm 1m] but not Lengths [2mg 4mg]

KDS allows you to validate the structure of a tag tree and inject default values. This is a Customer tag with a name and premium attribute. The premium attribute defaults to true.

tag Customer name=String premium=true

# A Customers tag has one or more Customer children
Customers {
    Customer 0.._

This is a Kotlin example demonstrating how to validate a tag structure and inject values:

var schemaTag ="""
    tag Customer name=String premium=true

    # A Customers tag has one or more Customer children
    @Root tag Customers {
        Customer 0.._
var schema = Schema.make(schemaTag)

var doc ="""
Customers {
    # The premium attribute is optional because its default value is specified.
    Customer name="Hajime" 
    Customer name="Jason" premium=false


...the output is:

Customers {
    Customer premium=true name="Hajime"
    Customer premium=false name="Jason"

Types & Unit Axes

KD Schema allows you to constrain a type by providing a KTS Type, SI Unit Axis or default value. For default values the type is inferred.


# The insect attribute is required, and must be a Bool
tag Bug insect=Boolean

# The insect attribute is required, and must be a Bool or nil
tag Bug insect=Boolean_N

# The insect attribute is optional, and defaults to true
tag Bug insect=true

You can specify type parameters for Ranges, Lists and Maps.


# The attribute names is a List<String>
tag Group names=[String]

# The attribute players is a Map<String, Int> (name, score)
tag Game players=[String, Int]

# The size is a range of Ints
board size=Range.Int

# The size is a range of SI unit axis Length
board size=Range.Length

# The size is a range of SI unit axis Length from 5cm to 20cm
board size=5cm..20cm

Matchers & Default Types

Matchers allow you to put more specific constraints on a value or attribute. Matchers can be regular expressions, a list of options or a range of values (including SI units). They can also include a default value, which makes them optional.


# name must end with "widget"
tag Widget name=[regex=".* widget"]

# color must be red, green or blue (default=red, String type is inferred)
tag Widget color=[options=[red, green, blue] default=red]

# size must be 5cm to 10cm (inclusive). There is no default, so the attribute is required.
tag Widget size=[range=5cm..10cm]

# Widget tag with a name Regex and options for color and size
tag Widget name=[regex=".* widget"] color=[options=[red, green, blue] default=red] \
               size=[range=5..10 default=7]

Child Tags

KD schema allows you to easily specify which child types a tag can contain, and how many. Child tags need to be specified above the parent tag. The root of the tag hierarchy is marked with the @Root annotation.


tag Potion color=String amount=Volume

tag Potions collection="General" {
  Potion 1..0 # Must contain 1 or more Potion tags

Tag Behavior Attributes

A tag's schema may allow any number of values (similar to varargs in many languages) by adding the attribute kd:varVals=Type


tag Stuff kd:varVals=String # Contains any number of String values

...which allows for tags such as:

Stuff "apples" "hats" "lemurs"

Similarly, a tag can allow for any attribute by using kd:anyAtts=true.


Tag names are uppercase. Attribute names are lowercase.