Please Note: This project has been discontinued.
If you'd like to read more, please refer to my discontinuation of Spotify Web Player for Linux.
I apologise to anyone who feels disappointed about this decision, it was one that took a lot to think about. It's sadly what happens when you rely on a third-party in all honesty.
If you'd like to continue this project, please either add a pull request or Fork it.
An Electron wrapper of Spotify Web Player to increase desktop integration for a stable Spotify Player for Linux replacement
- (D-Bus) Notifications
- Tray Icon with Play, Previous, Next, Logout, and Quit functionality.
- Non-intrusive Spotify advertisements (except Spotify playback advertisements).
- D-Bus MPRIS controller support
- Sing! A MusixMatch viewer integrated - sing your favourite songs from within the application
- Light theme
- Preferences - Customimize small things that can make a big difference
- Search bar linked to Ctrl+S
- Close To Tray (Minimize To Tray without the Tray Icon)
- Update Button
- Remembers where you left off
- Media Keys
- Mix-&-Match tray icons to your DE/Icon preferences
Check out the Releases page.
If you cannot find a release, don't worry! It's easy to use with a few simple linux only commands...
Debian/Ubuntu/Linux Mint
sudo apt-get install libappindicator1 libnotify4
Arch and Arch derivatives (AUR packages maintained by twa022)
These commands require root priviledges (e.g. sudo su
, su root
Make the appropriate directories
mkdir -p /usr/bin/spotifywebplayer/libs/electron && mkdir /usr/bin/spotifywebplayer/node_modules
Download the archive from GitHub
Extract Spotify Web Player
tar -zxvf 1.0.0.tar.gz --strip 1 -C /usr/bin/spotifywebplayer
We must download a few prerequisites
sh /usr/bin/spotifywebplayer/
If you are running 32 bit, we must get these modules
wget && unzip -d /usr/bin/spotifywebplayer/node_modules
However, if you're running 64 bit, we must get these modules
wget && unzip -d /usr/bin/spotifywebplayer/node_modules
Create Application Icon & Application Launcher
cp /usr/bin/spotifywebplayer/icons/spotify.png /usr/share/pixmaps/ && printf "[Desktop Entry]\nVersion=1.0.0\nName=Spotify Web Player\nComment=Music for every moment. Spotify is a digital music service that gives you access to millions of songs.\nExec=bash /usr/bin/spotifywebplayer/spotifywebplayer\nPath=/usr/bin/spotifywebplayer\nIcon=spotify\nCategories=GNOME;GTK;AudioVideo;Audio;Player;\nActions=PlayPause;Next;Previous;\nType=Application\nTerminal=false\n[Desktop Action PlayPause]\nName=Play/Pause\nExec=dbus-send --print-reply --reply-timeout=2500 --session --dest=org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.spotifywebplayer /org/mpris/MediaPlayer2 org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player.PlayPause\n[Desktop Action Next]\nName=Next\nExec=dbus-send --print-reply --session --dest=org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.spotifywebplayer /org/mpris/MediaPlayer2 org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player.Next\n[Desktop Action Previous]\nName=Previous\nExec=dbus-send --print-reply --session --dest=org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.spotifywebplayer /org/mpris/MediaPlayer2 org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player.Previous" > /usr/share/applications/spotifywebplayer.desktop
Make application launchable
chmod +x /usr/share/applications/spotifywebplayer.desktop && chmod +x /usr/bin/spotifywebplayer/spotifywebplayer
Launch the application with gtk-launch spotifywebplayer
or bash /usr/bin/spotifywebplayer/spotifywebplayer
libappindicator1, libnotify4, wget, unzip, dbus