Say goodbye to iframes! Save +400 KBs (network) & +250 ms (rendering) while embeding Clutch.co widgets.
- 💨 Instant Performance Improvement — get rid off network requests (incl. fonts, assets, iframe — +400 KBs) and rendering (+250 ms)
- ▲ Perfect for SSR — data fetching & React components are modularized, in order to leverage things like Next.js' getStaticProps or Server-side Components
- 📦 Ready Out-of-the-box — use pre-built React components to instantly optimize your site
- ✨ Fully Headless & Customizable — use API to get JSON data for full control on styles & behavior
- 🛡️ Fully Type-Safe & Parsed with Zod — no unexpected behavior due to runtime type checking
- 🔗 Respects Clutch Analytics — links have same UTM & other params
ID | Name | API | React Component | Image |
2 | Badge | ✅ | ✅ | ![]() |
8 | Customer Reviews | ✅ | ✅ | ![]() |
npm install react-static-clutch-embed static-clutch-embed
pnpm install react-static-clutch-embed static-clutch-embed
yarn add react-static-clutch-embed static-clutch-embed
📦 Package | 🌎 Environment | ? Description |
static-clutch-embed | Node.js | API for widgets |
react-static-clutch-embed | Browser | Pre-built React Components for widgets |
👉 See the working example.
import type { InferGetStaticPropsType } from "next/types";
import { getReviewsData, getBadgeData } from "static-clutch-embed";
import { ClutchBadge, ClutchReviews } from "react-static-clutch-embed";
/* Import styles for pre-made components */
import "react-static-clutch-embed/styles/reviews.css";
import "react-static-clutch-embed/styles/badge.css";
export default function Page({
}: InferGetStaticPropsType<typeof getStaticProps>) {
/* Use pre-made components for out-of-the-box widgets embeding, just like iframe from clutch.co */
return (
Previously, it would be:
className={clsx('clutch-widget', styles.clutchWidget)}
<ClutchReviews data={customerReviewsData} />
Previously, it would be:
<iframe src="https://widget.clutch.co/widgets/get/2/darkbg?ref_domain=appunite.com&uid=33218" />
<ClutchBadge data={badgeData} />
/* Fetch data on server side in order to render components statically */
export const getStaticProps = async () => {
/* You can extract these from URL, in this case from: https://widget.clutch.co/widgets/get/8?ref_domain=appunite.com&uid=33218&ref_path=/ */
const widgetParams = {
uid: 33218,
ref_path: "/",
ref_domain: "appunite.com",
const customerReviewsData = await getReviewsData(widgetParams);
const badgeData = await getBadgeData(widgetParams);
return {
props: {
import type { WidgetParams } from "static-clutch-embed";
// You can extract these from URL, in this case from: https://widget.clutch.co/widgets/get/8?ref_domain=appunite.com&uid=33218&ref_path=/
const widgetParams: WidgetParams = {
uid: 33218,
ref_path: "/",
ref_domain: "appunite.com",
import { getReviewsData } from "static-clutch-embed";
const customerReviewsData = await getReviewsData(widgetParams);
company: {
name: 'AppUnite',
rating: 4.9,
reviewsCount: 15,
links: {
title: 'https://clutch.co/profile/appunite?utm_source=widget&utm_medium=8&utm_campaign=widget&utm_content=title&utm_term=appunite.com#summary',
logo: 'https://clutch.co/profile/appunite?utm_source=widget&utm_medium=3&utm_campaign=widget&utm_content=stars&utm_term=appunite.com#logo',
stars: 'https://clutch.co/profile/appunite?utm_source=widget&utm_medium=8&utm_campaign=widget&utm_content=stars&utm_term=appunite.com#reviews',
reviewsCount: 'https://clutch.co/profile/appunite?utm_source=widget&utm_medium=8&utm_campaign=widget&utm_content=num_reviews&utm_term=appunite.com#reviews'
reviews: [
id: 1999329,
rating: 5,
text: "This was a very fruitful collaboration that we're fully satisfied with.",
author: 'Director of Engineering, Contractbook',
link: 'https://clutch.co/profile/appunite?utm_source=widget&utm_medium=8&utm_campaign=widget&utm_content=testimonial&utm_term=appunite.com#reviews#review-1999329'
id: 1574954,
rating: 5,
text: 'They’re a team of very intelligent engineers.',
author: 'CEO, Bamboo',
link: 'https://clutch.co/profile/appunite?utm_source=widget&utm_medium=8&utm_campaign=widget&utm_content=testimonial&utm_term=appunite.com#reviews#review-1574954'
id: 1503564,
rating: 5,
text: 'No complaints, we loved working with AppUnite 100%.',
author: 'CEO, Solo ',
link: 'https://clutch.co/profile/appunite?utm_source=widget&utm_medium=8&utm_campaign=widget&utm_content=testimonial&utm_term=appunite.com#reviews#review-1503564'
id: 1113680,
rating: 5,
text: 'I needed smart people who cared about what we were doing, and they delivered.',
author: 'CTO, Halftone Design',
link: 'https://clutch.co/profile/appunite?utm_source=widget&utm_medium=8&utm_campaign=widget&utm_content=testimonial&utm_term=appunite.com#reviews#review-1113680'
id: 1052297,
rating: 5,
text: 'Everything AppUnite does is gold.',
author: 'CEO, Yogatrail',
link: 'https://clutch.co/profile/appunite?utm_source=widget&utm_medium=8&utm_campaign=widget&utm_content=testimonial&utm_term=appunite.com#reviews#review-1052297'
id: 951374,
rating: 4,
text: 'The team was open about everything. We could always have honest conversations with them.',
author: 'CTO, ASSISTME',
link: 'https://clutch.co/profile/appunite?utm_source=widget&utm_medium=8&utm_campaign=widget&utm_content=testimonial&utm_term=appunite.com#reviews#review-951374'
import { getBadgeData } from "static-clutch-embed";
const badgeData = await getBadgeData(widgetParams);
rating: 4.9,
reviewsCount: 15,
links: {
stars: 'https://clutch.co/profile/appunite?utm_source=widget&utm_medium=2&utm_campaign=widget&utm_content=stars&utm_term=appunite.com#reviews',
logo: 'https://clutch.co/profile/appunite?utm_source=widget&utm_medium=2&utm_campaign=widget&utm_content=logo&utm_term=appunite.com',
reviewsCount: 'https://clutch.co/profile/appunite?utm_source=widget&utm_medium=2&utm_campaign=widget&utm_content=num_reviews&utm_term=appunite.com#reviews'
import { ClutchBadge, ClutchReviews } from "react-static-clutch-embed";
import "react-static-clutch-embed/styles/reviews.css";
import "react-static-clutch-embed/styles/badge.css";
<ClutchReviews data={customerReviewsData} />
<ClutchBadge data={badgeData} />
- Distributed under the MIT License. See
for more information.