This is a repository containing a Ansible role to deploy a Cowrie honeypot container using Docker in rootless mode.
It is used to gather additional passwords and usernames for the password lists used by konstruktoid/ansible-role-hardening and konstruktoid/hardening.
The list with gathered passwords and usernames are available in the konstruktoid/honeypot-passwords repository.
docker_user: cowrie
rootful_enabled: true
sets the username of the account that will run the container if
in rootless mode and the cowrie
configuration and logs will be stored in the
user home directory, {{ docker_user_info.home }}/cowrie
will start the container as the root user and use
. This is required in order to gather the source address of the
$ ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
$ ansible-pull -i ',' -c local --url local.yml
There is a Packer configuration file, aws/ubuntu.pkr.hcl, and Terraform plan, aws/ available for deployment to Amazon Web Services.
$ cd aws
$ packer init -upgrade ubuntu.pkr.hcl
$ packer validate ubuntu.pkr.hcl
$ packer build ubuntu.pkr.hcl
$ terraform init -upgrade
$ terraform validate
$ terraform plan
$ terraform apply
Note that the sshd
service is disabled and replaced with the honeypot.
You will need to manage the instance using the AWS Session manager.
There is a Packer configuration file, azure/ubuntu.pkr.hcl, and Terraform plan, azure/ available for deployment to Microsoft Azure.
The azure_vars_export
file is available in the konstruktoid/hardened-images
$ export ARM_PRINCIPAL_NAME=Honeypots
$ export ARM_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME=Honeypots
$ export ARM_LOCATION=northeurope
$ source azure_vars_export
$ packer init -upgrade ubuntu.pkr.hcl
$ packer validate ubuntu.pkr.hcl
$ packer build ubuntu.pkr.hcl
$ terraform init -upgrade
$ terraform validate
$ terraform import "azurerm_resource_group.honeypots" \
"$(az group show --name "${ARM_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME}" | jq -r '.id')"
$ terraform plan
$ terraform apply
$ grep -E '"admin_(username|password)":|"public_ip_address":' terraform.tfstate
Note that the sshd
service is disabled and replaced with the honeypot.
You will need to manage the instance using the serial console.
There is a Packer configuration file, digitalocean/ubuntu.pkr.hcl, and Terraform plan, digitalocean/ available for deployment to DigitalOcean.
$ cd digitalocean
$ packer init -upgrade ubuntu.pkr.hcl
$ packer validate ubuntu.pkr.hcl
$ packer build ubuntu.pkr.hcl
$ terraform init -upgrade
$ terraform validate
$ terraform plan -var "do_token=$DO_TOKEN"
$ terraform apply -var "do_token=$DO_TOKEN"
Note that the sshd
service is disabled and replaced with the honeypot.
You will need to manage the instance using the Recovery Console and login
using the username set by the system_user
packer variable,
by default.
The logs are stored in {{ docker_user_info.home }}/cowrie/var/log
and can be
accessed using either sudo
or sudo