Remember that feeling when you're adding a component in KiCAD, but the number is a total mismatch:

Of course this should be capacitor C8
! But that one already exists somewhere in the schematic... This
script solves that problem. However, let's first have a quick look at the current solution in KiCAD. Next we'll go over the new solution provided by the python script in this GitHub repo - and how to use it.
You can proceed placing C44
and then invoke the automatic designator renumbering tool from KiCAD (see 'Annotate Schematic...' in the 'Tools' menu):

That works, but then you lose grip on your designator numbers. The automatic annotator tool from KiCAD renumbers your designators either horizontally OR vertically throughout the whole schematic. You can't finetune it. For this reason, I dislike using this particular method - so I found myself renumbering the designators manually oftentimes. So painful!
Copy the content of
and put it in your KiCAD project. The script assumes that all your .kicad_sch
and kicad_pcb
files are in a single directory - preferrably the same as the script is dropped in. Now, backup your KiCAD project.
Seriously. Back up your KiCAD project. If something goes wrong, this script can mess it up beyond repair. Also, close your KiCAD project. It will only get confused if you modify the KiCAD files while it's running!

IMPORTANT: Close your KiCAD project, make a backup and ONLY THEN run this script.
Now, run the script with the -s
or --show
> python -s
The script lists all your designators and reports any that are missing:
'C1', 'C2', 'C3', 'C4', 'C5', 'C6', 'C7', 'C8', 'C9', 'C10', 'C12',
'C13', 'C14', 'C15', 'C16', 'C17', 'C18', 'C19', 'C20', 'C21', 'C22',
'C23', 'C24', 'C25', 'C26', 'C27', 'C28', 'C29', 'C30', 'C31', 'C32',
'C33', 'C34', 'C35', 'C36', 'C37', 'C38', 'C39', 'C40', 'C41', 'C42',
'C43', 'C44', 'D1', 'D2', 'F1', 'J1', 'J2', 'J3', 'J4', 'J5', 'J6',
'J7', 'J8', 'JP1', 'LED1', 'LED2', 'LED3', 'LED4', 'LED5', 'Q1', 'Q2',
'Q3', 'Q4', 'Q5', 'Q6', 'R1', 'R2', 'R3', 'R4', 'R5', 'R6', 'R7', 'R8',
'R9', 'R10', 'R11', 'R12', 'R13', 'R14', 'R15', 'R16', 'R17', 'R18', 'R19',
'R20', 'R21', 'R22', 'R23', 'R24', 'R25', 'R26', 'R27', 'R28', 'R29',
'R30', 'SW1', 'SW2', 'SW3', 'SW4', 'SW5', 'TP1', 'TP2', 'TP3', 'TP4',
'TP5', 'TP6', 'TP7', 'TVS1', 'TVS2', 'TVS3', 'TVS4', 'TVS5', 'TVS6',
'TVS7', 'TVS8', 'TVS9', 'TVS10', 'TVS11', 'TVS12', 'TVS13', 'TVS14',
'TVS15', 'TVS16', 'TVS17', 'TVS18', 'TVS19', 'TVS20', 'TVS21', 'TVS22',
'TVS23', 'TVS24', 'TVS25', 'TVS26', 'TVS27', 'TVS28', 'TVS29', 'TVS30',
'TVS31', 'TVS32', 'TVS33', 'TVS34', 'TVS35', 'U1', 'U2', 'U3', 'U4',
'XTAL1', 'XTAL2'
Total designators found: 149
Warning: Gap found in C series between 'C10' and 'C12'
Okay, so apparently designator C11
is missing. To fix this, we should shift C12
, C13
, ... down. Like so:
=> C11
=> C12
=> C13
You get the point. To achieve that, invoke the script with the -d
or --decrement
parameter and provide C12
as the argument:
> python -d C12
The script will shift all capacitors one number down, starting from C12
. Now, the gap should be filled!
Okay, but we still need to solve the problem stated at the beginning of the page:

To solve this, we should create a gap for capacitor C8
. In other words: the existing C8
capacitor should shift one number up to C9
, and push all subsequent capacitors also one level up. This creates a gap for capacitor C8
. To achieve this, invoke the script with the -i
or --increment
parameter and provide C8
as the argument:
> python -i C8
Confirm the operation. Now, to check what happened, run the script again with the -s
or --show
> python -s
You'll get the following warning:
Warning: Gap found in C series between 'C7' and 'C9'
That's exactly what we need! Open KiCAD and add a new capacitor:

The new capacitor automatically fills the gap you just created!
script operates on both the .kicad_sch
and kicad_pcb
files. After the operation, they should still be in sync. Contact me if it wouldn't be the case.
If you forgot how to run the script, just run it with the -h
or --help
> python --help