1)The Train Dataset has a total of 9 columns and 878050 records.{Dates,Category,Descript,DayOfWeek,PdDistrict,Resolution,Address,X,Y}
2)The Test Dataset has a total of 7columns and 884261 records.{Id,Dates,DayOfWeek,PdDistrict,Address,X,Y}
3)The two datasets given have Dates,DayOfWeek,PdDistrict,Address,X,Y as the common attributes.
Given the Common Features make Use of these features in order to predict the Category of crime committed given other set of attributes
1)Fetching Data in Batches and PreProcessing Streaming steps:
- Run stream.py which creates a TCP socket over which data is sent
- In another py file we received the data from other end of TCP connection
- Converted the data received into a dataframe and then passed it for our preprocessing step Preprocessing steps that were done are as follows:
- Design off the schema based on the attributes and it’s data type.
- SInce most of the attributes were categorical we mapped the unique values for each categorical column to a numerical value.
- Extracted Date column to obtain new columns like Date ,Month, Hour, Minute, Year and added it to our new data frame with new updated schema.
- We created a new dataframe with only ‘category’ column as it is our predictor variable.
- Dropping of unnecessary columns like Descript, Resolution(as it was not present in our test csv file),Category(As it was our predictor variable) and Address(too many unique values to get accurate results).
2)Building Model
Next step towards our implementation was to build models.
Since the model had to be built using an incremental approach i.e. fitting the
data from each batch we have used three such models which support
incremental fit which include Stochastic GradientDescent
Classifier,NaiveBayes Classifier,Passive Aggressive Classifier.
3)Learning from train data
After each batch of Data is preprocessed we fed the data to our models and
store the final trained model in the current directory using the concept of pickle
and joblib.
4)Testing Your Model
After streaming the entire data and training the model we started streaming
the test data and preprocessed similar to our training data ,then used a stored
model to predict the values for our category column.
As a part of clustering we used MinKBatchMeans to find the clusters on our
test dataset.
We have also found the importance of preprocessing on the acuracy by training our model with less features removing those having low variance and also havin very very high variance which signify most of them are same or completly different which will not help in training model accurately.
- Kuntal Gorai (PES2UG19CS198) --> Preprocessing,Streaming,Report Making,Effect of preprocessing on Accuarcy.(Assisted in making models also) Time spent: 50hrs+++
- S Mahammad Aasheesh (PES2UG19CS342) -->Incremental Models idea, Helped in Giving idea of Mappings,Dealing with Models. Time Spent: 40hrs ++
- S V S C Santosh (PES2UG19CS346) --> Preprocessing,Streaming,Report Making,Effect of preprocessing on Accuarcy.(Assisted in making models also). Time Spent: 50hrs+++
- Sai Eeshan Reddy Tallapalli (PES2UG19CS351) --> Incremental Models idea and assistance has been provided in Making model. Time Spent: 30hrs+++