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E-commerce website that can be deployed on Kubernetes with a HTML,Javascript,CSS frontend and Flask for backend.

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Kαleΐd𐍉𝕤c𐍉קeǤear 🔮🌀

E-commerce website that can be deployed on Kubernetes with a HTML,Javascript,CSS frontend and Flask for backend. The data ingestion API that is created will be capable of taking in data from the merchandiser and adding it to the database after it has been validated

Design Document 📄🎨

Link to Design Document:

Functional Documentation

Please refer to the wiki tab for detailed documentation of functions written in backend.

Overview of API Specification 🤖💬

We have designed api specification on two things

  • Data Ingestion ⬇️🔄💾
    This is used to populate the products and category to thhe database on the respective json file provided.
    The various api specification is mentioned below
    • Api to load the products into database via a post request 🛍️
      POST   /products
      Host: localhost
      Content-Type :application/json
      Content Length: 
      { - - - -  JSON of Products - - - - }
    • Api to load the caetogory into database via a post request 🏷️
      POST   /category
      Host: localhost
      Content-Type :application/json
      Content Length: 
      { - - - -  JSON of Products - - - - }
  • Data Query 🔍💻
    This is used to perform some operation to fetched data from databse via a get request.
    The various api specification is mentioned below.
    • To answer a query that has been passed. This will then be routed to Unbxd Search API 🔎📦
      GET     /products/search/<query_name>/<pagenumber>/<sort>
      Host: localhost
      Parameters: query,pagenumber
    • To perform category filtering 🏷️🧹
      GET   /products/category/<catid>/<pagenumber>/<sort>
      Host: localhost
      Parameters: catid,sort,pagenumber
    • To get items that we want to load when site is first opened 📈🔥
      GET     /products/trending/<pagenumber>/<sort>
      Host: localhost
      Parameters: pagenumber
    • To load the category tree on the basis of the level passed to it 🌳🏷️
      GET /products/category/tree/<catid>
      Host: localhost
    • To get the detailed product information 🛍️📝
      GET /products/details/{productId}
      Host: localhost
      Parameters: id

Postman collection 🗂️👨‍💻

Link to Postman Collection :

How to run data ingestion API 💻

DataIngestion folder consists of the data ingestion API. These are used to ingest the data into the postgresql databse.
The below curl commamnds have to be run when inside DataIngestion folder:

This ingests the category table with the data present in category.json.

curl -d @category.json -H Content-Type:application/json

This ingests the prroducts table with the data present in product.json.

curl -d @out.json -H Content-Type:application/json

How to run website via Docker 🐳

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Make sure to run the data ingestion Api for the first time
  3. Run the following docker command
    docker-compose up -d --build in the Project directory.
  4. The Application will be up and running at localhost:8000

How to Run Website via Kubernetes ⚙️🕸️

There are two ways to run Kubernetes.

  1. Kind🐳🎓 using MacOS
    i. Apply metallb Manifest

    kubectl apply -f

    ii. Wait until the MetalLB pods (controller and speakers) are ready:

     kubectl wait --namespace metallb-system \
              --for=condition=ready pod \
              --selector=app=metallb \

    iii. Setup address pool used by lodbalancers

     docker network inspect -f '{{.IPAM.Config}}' kind

    iv. Apply the contents

      kubectl apply -f

    v. Open a two terminals and run the following commands

       kubectl port-forward deployment/dataapi 6000:6000
       kubectl port-forward deployment/api-backend 5000:5000

    vi. Make sure to run the data ingestion Api for the first time.
    vii. Frontend Service will be up and running at http://localhost:5678.

    To make the service running on a domain name.

    • Run `sudo nano ~/etc/hosts`
    • Add ` localhost` to the file.
    • Save it and search for `` in web browser.

  2. MiniKube🐳🔍 using MacOS
    i. Install the following commands

    brew install minikube
    brew install hyyperkit

    ii. Once installed start the minikube with hyperkit as the driver

    minikube start --driver=hyperkit

    iii. Make the hyperkit as the default driver

    minikube config set driver hyperkit

    iv. Open a two terminals and run the following commands

    kubectl port-forward deployment/dataapi 6000:6000
    kubectl port-forward deployment/api-backend 5000:5000

    v. Make sure to run the data ingestion Api for the first time.
    vi. Run minikube service frontend-service.

    To make the service running on a domain name we need to enable ingress.

    • Run `minikube add-ons enable ingress`.
    • Keep track of the ip-address where the service is running. E.g.
    • Run `sudo nano ~/etc/hosts`
    • Add ` {ip-address}` to the file.
    • Save it and search for `` in web browser.

Trello Board 📝

Link to Trello Board:

Screenshots of Application 📷🖥️

HomePage - Displaying Trending Products 🔥

HomePage - Displaying Trending Products

HomePage - Displaying Searched Products 🔍

HomePage - Displaying Searched Products

HomePage - Displaying Prducts With Filter Applied 🧹

HomePage - Displaying Products With Filter Applied

HomePage - Displaying Products With Category Applied 🏷️

HomePage - Displaying Products With Category Applied

ProductDetailPage - Displaying details of products 🛍️📝

ProductDetailPage - Displaying details of products

ProductRecommendationPage - Displaying recommedation of product 🛍️💡

ProductRecommendationPage - Displaying recommedation of product


E-commerce website that can be deployed on Kubernetes with a HTML,Javascript,CSS frontend and Flask for backend.






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  • Python 55.2%
  • JavaScript 23.0%
  • HTML 12.0%
  • CSS 9.1%
  • Dockerfile 0.7%