Releases: lablabs/aws-service-quotas-exporter
Releases · lablabs/aws-service-quotas-exporter
- 1e1d534 fix(ci): patch release
- 3ece962 fix(scripts): rework script execution using cmd wrapper (#3)
- fd79969 feat(helm): update chart version with updated values
- a781192 Merge pull request #2 from lablabs/feat/docs
- 7848f1d docs PR update
- 9f2f949 docs improvements
- 7cc3ee8 update to latest
- b8f9875 Merge pull request #1 from lablabs/feat/init-repo
- f4fd8a7 capability drop all
- 457faa1 fix for context cancelation
- 494ed41 MR comments
- 126185b rename eip to route53.yaml
- 3269670 license file
- 87f6030 MR comments
- b9a8b23 add example with private zone flag
- ef39c8c change trigger for docker and go bin
- 6bc4586 workflow v2
- 3a4b2cd docker flow
- d86244f worflows change + config
- dde2966 change example
- e188ba5 improve docs
- ebade3d clean helm test
- 7beeb1f quota client default list
- 42da1d4 task file init
- c4c0b80 pre commit hook
- 5370beb list
- aa26feb clean & build docker image
- aedf9ae fix map
- 0113300 ubuntu 22:04
- fba7f30 go tests
- d0e72dd test flow
- b3f1379 pre commit hook
- a1f2700 testing pipeline
- fe23929 helm release
- f3b134b fix helm lint
- 9f60f0d test for helm
- 5900fbb prepare helm chart
- 1584358 push true
- 7845bc3 test build
- 5c99e46 fix typo
- c8b6203 test Dockerfile
- 24de702 image build and Dockerfile
- e706b4c go lint
- 7a689ef lint fix
- a4f3b93 golangcli lint
- e5fc0dc Initial commit
- f0526db fix version for chart-releaser
- 33ab35a helm release test
- 87f6030 MR comments
- b9a8b23 add example with private zone flag
- ef39c8c change trigger for docker and go bin
- 6bc4586 workflow v2
- 3a4b2cd docker flow
- d86244f worflows change + config
- dde2966 change example
- c4c0b80 pre commit hook
- 5370beb list
- aa26feb clean & build docker image
- aedf9ae fix map
- 0113300 ubuntu 22:04
- fba7f30 go tests
- d0e72dd test flow
- b3f1379 pre commit hook
- a1f2700 testing pipeline
- fe23929 helm release
- f3b134b fix helm lint
- 9f60f0d test for helm
- 5900fbb prepare helm chart
- 1584358 push true
- 7845bc3 test build
- 5c99e46 fix typo
- c8b6203 test Dockerfile
- 24de702 image build and Dockerfile
- e706b4c go lint
- 7a689ef lint fix
- a4f3b93 golangcli lint
- e5fc0dc Initial commit