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Raspberry Pi

Thomas E edited this page Sep 11, 2016 · 15 revisions

Measureit runs on a Raspberry Pi without problems.
I recommend the usage from a pre configured iso image where all software is installed

The setup is lightweight, very fast and did not need much system resources so you can do additional things with your pi.

Just download and copy it on the SD-Card. All services runs with system start.
The measureit iso requires a 4 GB SD-Card but more space is always good :)

Measureit support IPV6 from scratch. The webserver answers request for IPV4 and IPV6 too.

It is based on the [Raspbian image] (
Software that was additionally installed on the original image:

mysql / mariadb

If you are interested how the setup is done in detail you can take a look at my copy & paste wiki. Be warned. It is not well documented and you should at least know how to use a text editor on the console. In this example vim ;)

php5-fpm and nginx, database and measureit are controlled with supervise.

The username and the password from the image is the default one from the raspian image.

User: pi
Pass: raspberry

The database root password is: raspberry

The directory from measureit you can reach per samba share.

/web/measureit/measureit_public_html - web server directory
/web/measureit/measureit_system_files - private files f.e. the data grabber

The username is web and the password is raspberry

You can reach the Raspberry Pi with 2 pre configured ip adresses and with the ip you get from dhcp

Until version 116 with the gateway with the gateway

Since version 117 with the gateway with the gateway

Since version 118 with the gateway with the gateway
fe80::ba27:ebff:fe00:102/64 (not sure that this will work in all networks)
fe80::ba27:ebff:fe00:804d/64 (not sure that this will work in all networks)

The image is working with the PI version 1, 2, 3.

Here you will find informations how to flash the image
[To enlarge your image if you have a SD-Card > 4GB take a look here] (

Meanwhile the resizing from the partition can be done with the raspy-config program too.

The download is to big to hosting it on github.
So I share it with a download service. Warning. It uses flash :(

If you know an other one where big files are no problem please let me know

To get your installation to the latest version online you can use git.

Feedback welcome :)

Ahhh. By the way: If you plan to do a apt-get upgrade on the image please answer with NO if you will be asked if the config file from php and nginx should be replaced with the distribution version or your nice image is broken ;)


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