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[Merged by Bors] - feat: the mapping cone of a monomorphism, up to a quasi-isomorphism #13675

wants to merge 10 commits into from
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -312,6 +312,7 @@ import Mathlib.Algebra.Homology.HomotopyCategory.MappingCone
import Mathlib.Algebra.Homology.HomotopyCategory.Pretriangulated
import Mathlib.Algebra.Homology.HomotopyCategory.Shift
import Mathlib.Algebra.Homology.HomotopyCategory.ShiftSequence
import Mathlib.Algebra.Homology.HomotopyCategory.ShortExact
import Mathlib.Algebra.Homology.HomotopyCategory.SingleFunctors
import Mathlib.Algebra.Homology.HomotopyCategory.Triangulated
import Mathlib.Algebra.Homology.HomotopyCofiber
Expand All @@ -322,6 +323,7 @@ import Mathlib.Algebra.Homology.Localization
import Mathlib.Algebra.Homology.ModuleCat
import Mathlib.Algebra.Homology.Opposite
import Mathlib.Algebra.Homology.QuasiIso
import Mathlib.Algebra.Homology.Refinements
import Mathlib.Algebra.Homology.ShortComplex.Ab
import Mathlib.Algebra.Homology.ShortComplex.Abelian
import Mathlib.Algebra.Homology.ShortComplex.Basic
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Mathlib/Algebra/Homology/HomologySequenceLemmas.lean
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Expand Up @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ noncomputable def composableArrows₅ (i j : ι) (hij : c.Rel i j) : ComposableA
mk₅ (homologyMap S₁.f i) (homologyMap S₁.g i) (hS₁.δ i j hij)
(homologyMap S₁.f j) (homologyMap S₁.g j)

lemma composableArrows₅_exact (i j : ι) (hij : c.Rel i j):
lemma composableArrows₅_exact (i j : ι) (hij : c.Rel i j) :
(composableArrows₅ hS₁ i j hij).Exact :=
exact_of_δ₀ (hS₁.homology_exact₂ i).exact_toComposableArrows
(exact_of_δ₀ (hS₁.homology_exact₃ i j hij).exact_toComposableArrows
Expand Down
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Algebra/Homology/HomotopyCategory/MappingCone.lean
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Expand Up @@ -174,6 +174,17 @@ lemma ext_from_iff (i j : ℤ) (hij : j + 1 = i) {A : C} (f g : (mappingCone φ)
· rintro ⟨h₁, h₂⟩
exact ext_from φ i j hij h₁ h₂

lemma decomp_to {i : ℤ} {A : C} (f : A ⟶ (mappingCone φ).X i) (j : ℤ) (hij : i + 1 = j) :
∃ (a : A ⟶ F.X j) (b : A ⟶ G.X i), f = a ≫ (inl φ).v j i (by omega) + b ≫ (inr φ).f i :=
⟨f ≫ (fst φ).1.v i j hij, f ≫ (snd φ).v i i (add_zero i),
by apply ext_to φ i j hij <;> simp⟩

lemma decomp_from {j : ℤ} {A : C} (f : (mappingCone φ).X j ⟶ A) (i : ℤ) (hij : j + 1 = i) :
∃ (a : F.X i ⟶ A) (b : G.X j ⟶ A),
f = (fst φ).1.v j i hij ≫ a + (snd φ).v j j (add_zero j) ≫ b :=
⟨(inl φ).v i j (by omega) ≫ f, (inr φ).f j ≫ f,
by apply ext_from φ i j hij <;> simp⟩

lemma ext_cochain_to_iff (i j : ℤ) (hij : i + 1 = j)
{K : CochainComplex C ℤ} {γ₁ γ₂ : Cochain K (mappingCone φ) i} :
γ₁ = γ₂ ↔ γ₁.comp (fst φ).1 hij = γ₂.comp (fst φ).1 hij ∧
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40 changes: 39 additions & 1 deletion Mathlib/Algebra/Homology/HomotopyCategory/ShiftSequence.lean
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Expand Up @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ and `HomotopyCategory` namespaces.


open CategoryTheory Category
open CategoryTheory Category ComplexShape Limits

variable (C : Type*) [Category C] [Preadditive C]

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -124,6 +124,34 @@ instance {K L : CochainComplex C ℤ} (φ : K ⟶ L) (n : ℤ) [QuasiIso φ] :
change IsIso (homologyMap φ _)

variable (C) in
lemma homologyFunctor_shift (n : ℤ) :
(homologyFunctor C (ComplexShape.up ℤ) 0).shift n =
homologyFunctor C (ComplexShape.up ℤ) n := rfl

lemma liftCycles_shift_homologyπ
(K : CochainComplex C ℤ) {A : C} {n i : ℤ} (f : A ⟶ (K⟦n⟧).X i) (j : ℤ)
(hj : (up ℤ).next i = j) (hf : f ≫ (K⟦n⟧).d i j = 0) (i' : ℤ) (hi' : n + i = i') (j' : ℤ)
(hj' : (up ℤ).next i' = j') :
(K⟦n⟧).liftCycles f j hj hf ≫ (K⟦n⟧).homologyπ i =
K.liftCycles (f ≫ (K.shiftFunctorObjXIso n i i' (by omega)).hom) j' hj' (by
simp only [next] at hj hj'
obtain rfl : i' = i + n := by omega
obtain rfl : j' = j + n := by omega
dsimp at hf ⊢
simp only [Linear.comp_units_smul] at hf
apply (one_smul (M := ℤˣ) _).symm.trans _
rw [← Int.units_mul_self n.negOnePow, mul_smul, comp_id, hf, smul_zero]) ≫
K.homologyπ i' ≫
((HomologicalComplex.homologyFunctor C (up ℤ) 0).shiftIso n i i' hi') K := by
simp only [liftCycles, homologyπ,
shiftFunctorObjXIso, Functor.shiftIso, Functor.ShiftSequence.shiftIso,
ShiftSequence.shiftIso_inv_app, ShortComplex.homologyπ_naturality,
ShortComplex.liftCycles_comp_cyclesMap_assoc, shiftShortComplexFunctorIso_inv_app_τ₂,
assoc, Iso.hom_inv_id, comp_id]

end CochainComplex

namespace HomotopyCategory
Expand All @@ -147,4 +175,14 @@ lemma homologyShiftIso_hom_app (n a a' : ℤ) (ha' : n + a = a') (K : CochainCom
(homologyFunctorFactors _ _ a') K := by
apply Functor.ShiftSequence.induced_shiftIso_hom_app_obj

lemma homologyFunctor_shiftMap
{K L : CochainComplex C ℤ} {n : ℤ} (f : K ⟶ L⟦n⟧) (a a' : ℤ) (h : n + a = a') :
(homologyFunctor C (ComplexShape.up ℤ) 0).shiftMap
((quotient _ _).map f ≫ ((quotient _ _).commShiftIso n) _) a a' h =
(homologyFunctorFactors _ _ a) K ≫
(HomologicalComplex.homologyFunctor C (ComplexShape.up ℤ) 0).shiftMap f a a' h ≫
(homologyFunctorFactors _ _ a') L := by
apply Functor.ShiftSequence.induced_shiftMap

end HomotopyCategory
146 changes: 146 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Algebra/Homology/HomotopyCategory/ShortExact.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
Copyright (c) 2024 Joël Riou. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Joël Riou
import Mathlib.Algebra.Homology.HomotopyCategory.HomologicalFunctor
import Mathlib.Algebra.Homology.HomotopyCategory.ShiftSequence
import Mathlib.Algebra.Homology.HomologySequenceLemmas
import Mathlib.Algebra.Homology.Refinements

# The mapping cone of a monomorphism, up to a quasi-isomophism

If `S` is a short exact short complex of cochain complexes in an abelian category,
we construct a quasi-isomorphism `descShortComplex S : mappingCone S.f ⟶ S.X₃`.

We obtain this by comparing the homology sequence of `S` and the homology
sequence of the homology functor on the homotopy category, applied to the
distinguished triangle attached to the mapping cone of `S.f`.


open CategoryTheory Category ComplexShape HomotopyCategory Limits
HomologicalComplex.HomologySequence Pretriangulated Preadditive

variable {C : Type*} [Category C] [Abelian C]

namespace CochainComplex

lemma homologySequenceδ_quotient_mapTriangle_obj
(T : Triangle (CochainComplex C ℤ)) (n₀ n₁ : ℤ) (h : n₀ + 1 = n₁) :
(homologyFunctor C (up ℤ) 0).homologySequenceδ
((quotient C (up ℤ)).mapTriangle.obj T) n₀ n₁ h =
(homologyFunctorFactors C (up ℤ) n₀) _ ≫
(HomologicalComplex.homologyFunctor C (up ℤ) 0).shiftMap T.mor₃ n₀ n₁ (by omega) ≫
(homologyFunctorFactors C (up ℤ) n₁) _ := by
apply homologyFunctor_shiftMap

namespace mappingCone

variable (S : ShortComplex (CochainComplex C ℤ)) (hS : S.ShortExact)

/-- The canonical morphism `mappingCone S.f ⟶ S.X₃` when `S` is a short complex
of cochain complexes. -/
noncomputable def descShortComplex : mappingCone S.f ⟶ S.X₃ := desc S.f 0 S.g (by simp)

@[reassoc (attr := simp)]
lemma inr_descShortComplex : inr S.f ≫ descShortComplex S = S.g := by
simp [descShortComplex]

@[reassoc (attr := simp)]
lemma inr_f_descShortComplex_f (n : ℤ) : (inr S.f).f n ≫ (descShortComplex S).f n = S.g.f n := by
simp [descShortComplex]

@[reassoc (attr := simp)]
lemma inl_v_descShortComplex_f (i j : ℤ) (h : i + (-1) = j) :
(inl S.f).v i j h ≫ (descShortComplex S).f j = 0 := by
simp [descShortComplex]

variable {S}

lemma homologySequenceδ_triangleh (n₀ : ℤ) (n₁ : ℤ) (h : n₀ + 1 = n₁) :
(homologyFunctor C (up ℤ) 0).homologySequenceδ (triangleh S.f) n₀ n₁ h =
(homologyFunctorFactors C (up ℤ) n₀) _ ≫
HomologicalComplex.homologyMap (descShortComplex S) n₀ ≫ hS.δ n₀ n₁ h ≫
(homologyFunctorFactors C (up ℤ) n₁) _ := by
/- We proceed by diagram chase. We test the identity on
cocycles `x' : A' ⟶ (mappingCone S.f).X n₀` -/
rw [← cancel_mono ((homologyFunctorFactors C (up ℤ) n₁) _),
assoc, assoc, assoc, Iso.inv_hom_id_app,
← cancel_epi ((homologyFunctorFactors C (up ℤ) n₀) _), Iso.inv_hom_id_app_assoc]
apply yoneda.map_injective
ext ⟨A⟩ (x : A ⟶ _)
obtain ⟨A', π, _, x', w, hx'⟩ :=
(mappingCone S.f).eq_liftCycles_homologyπ_up_to_refinements x n₁ (by simpa using h)
erw [homologySequenceδ_quotient_mapTriangle_obj_assoc _ _ _ h]
rw [comp_id, Iso.inv_hom_id_app_assoc, Iso.inv_hom_id_app]
erw [comp_id]
rw [← cancel_epi π, reassoc_of% hx', reassoc_of% hx',
/- We decompose the cocycle `x'` into two morphisms `a : A' ⟶ S.X₁.X n₁`
and `b : A' ⟶ S.X₂.X n₀` satisfying certain relations. -/
obtain ⟨a, b, hab⟩ := decomp_to _ x' n₁ h
rw [hab, ext_to_iff _ n₁ (n₁ + 1) rfl, add_comp, assoc, assoc, inr_f_d, add_comp, assoc,
assoc, assoc, assoc, inr_f_fst_v, comp_zero, comp_zero, add_zero, zero_comp,
d_fst_v _ _ _ _ h, comp_neg, inl_v_fst_v_assoc, comp_neg, neg_eq_zero,
add_comp, assoc, assoc, assoc, assoc, inr_f_snd_v, comp_id, zero_comp,
d_snd_v _ _ _ h, comp_add, inl_v_fst_v_assoc, inl_v_snd_v_assoc, zero_comp, add_zero] at w
/- We simplify the RHS. -/
conv_rhs => simp only [hab, add_comp, assoc, inr_f_descShortComplex_f,
inl_v_descShortComplex_f, comp_zero, zero_add]
rw [hS.δ_eq n₀ n₁ (by simpa using h) (b ≫ S.g.f n₀) _ b rfl (-a)
(by simp only [neg_comp, neg_eq_iff_add_eq_zero, w.2]) (n₁ + 1) (by simp)]
/- We simplify the LHS. -/
dsimp [Functor.shiftMap, homologyFunctor_shift]
rw [HomologicalComplex.homologyπ_naturality_assoc,
S.X₁.liftCycles_shift_homologyπ_assoc _ _ _ _ n₁ (by omega) (n₁ + 1) (by simp),
dsimp [homologyFunctor_shift]
simp only [hab, add_comp, assoc, inl_v_triangle_mor₃_f_assoc,
shiftFunctorObjXIso, neg_comp, Iso.inv_hom_id, comp_neg, comp_id,
inr_f_triangle_mor₃_f_assoc, zero_comp, comp_zero, add_zero]

open ComposableArrows

set_option simprocs false

lemma quasiIso_descShortComplex : QuasiIso (descShortComplex S) where
quasiIsoAt n := by
rw [quasiIsoAt_iff_isIso_homologyMap]
let φ : ((homologyFunctor C (up ℤ) 0).homologySequenceComposableArrows₅
(triangleh S.f) n _ rfl).δlast ⟶ (composableArrows₅ hS n _ rfl).δlast :=
homMk₄ ((homologyFunctorFactors C (up ℤ) _) _)
((homologyFunctorFactors C (up ℤ) _) _)
((homologyFunctorFactors C (up ℤ) _) _ ≫
HomologicalComplex.homologyMap (descShortComplex S) n)
((homologyFunctorFactors C (up ℤ) _) _)
((homologyFunctorFactors C (up ℤ) _) _)
((homologyFunctorFactors C (up ℤ) _).hom.naturality S.f)
erw [(homologyFunctorFactors C (up ℤ) n).hom.naturality_assoc]
rw [← HomologicalComplex.homologyMap_comp, inr_descShortComplex])
erw [homologySequenceδ_triangleh hS]
simp only [Functor.comp_obj, HomologicalComplex.homologyFunctor_obj, assoc,
Iso.inv_hom_id_app, comp_id])
((homologyFunctorFactors C (up ℤ) _).hom.naturality S.f)
have : IsIso ((homologyFunctorFactors C (up ℤ) n) (mappingCone S.f) ≫
HomologicalComplex.homologyMap (descShortComplex S) n) := by
apply Abelian.isIso_of_epi_of_isIso_of_isIso_of_mono
((homologyFunctor C (up ℤ) 0).homologySequenceComposableArrows₅_exact _
(mappingCone_triangleh_distinguished S.f) n _ rfl).δlast
(composableArrows₅_exact hS n _ rfl).δlast φ
all_goals dsimp [φ]; infer_instance
apply IsIso.of_isIso_comp_left ((homologyFunctorFactors C (up ℤ) n) (mappingCone S.f))

end mappingCone

end CochainComplex
34 changes: 34 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Algebra/Homology/Refinements.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
Copyright (c) 2024 Joël Riou. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Joël Riou

import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Abelian.Refinements
import Mathlib.Algebra.Homology.ShortComplex.HomologicalComplex

# Refinements

This file contains lemmas about "refinements" that are specific to
the study of the homology of `HomologicalComplex`. General
lemmas about refinements and the case of `ShortComplex` appear
in the file `CategoryTheory.Abelian.Refinements`.


open CategoryTheory

variable {C ι : Type*} [Category C] [Abelian C] {c : ComplexShape ι}
(K : HomologicalComplex C c)

namespace HomologicalComplex

lemma eq_liftCycles_homologyπ_up_to_refinements {A : C} {i : ι} (γ : A ⟶ K.homology i)
(j : ι) (hj : i = j) :
∃ (A' : C) (π : A' ⟶ A) (_ : Epi π) (z : A' ⟶ K.X i) (hz : z ≫ K.d i j = 0),
π ≫ γ = K.liftCycles z j hj hz ≫ K.homologyπ i := by
subst hj
exact ( i).eq_liftCycles_homologyπ_up_to_refinements γ

end HomologicalComplex
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Abelian/Refinements.lean
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Expand Up @@ -110,4 +110,13 @@ lemma ShortComplex.Exact.exact_up_to_refinements
rw [ShortComplex.exact_iff_exact_up_to_refinements] at hS
exact hS x₂ hx₂

lemma ShortComplex.eq_liftCycles_homologyπ_up_to_refinements {A : C} (γ : A ⟶ S.homology) :
∃ (A' : C) (π : A' ⟶ A) (_ : Epi π) (z : A' ⟶ S.X₂) (hz : z ≫ S.g = 0),
π ≫ γ = S.liftCycles z hz ≫ S.homologyπ := by
obtain ⟨A', π, hπ, z, hz⟩ := surjective_up_to_refinements_of_epi S.homologyπ γ
refine ⟨A', π, hπ, z ≫ S.iCycles, by simp, ?_⟩
rw [hz]
congr 1
rw [← cancel_mono S.iCycles, liftCycles_i]

end CategoryTheory
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Shift/InducedShiftSequence.lean
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Expand Up @@ -119,6 +119,18 @@ lemma induced_shiftIso_hom_app_obj (n a a' : M) (ha' : n + a = a') (X : C) :
(G.shiftIso n a a' ha') X ≫ (e' a') X := by
apply induced.shiftIso_hom_app_obj

lemma induced_shiftMap {n : M} {X Y : C} (f : X ⟶ Y⟦n⟧) (a a' : M) (h : n + a = a') :
letI := induced e M F' e'
F.shiftMap ( f ≫ (L.commShiftIso n) _) a a' h =
(e' a) X ≫ G.shiftMap f a a' h ≫ (e' a') Y := by
dsimp [shiftMap]
rw [Functor.map_comp, induced_shiftIso_hom_app_obj, assoc, assoc]
nth_rw 2 [← Functor.map_comp_assoc]
simp only [comp_obj, Iso.hom_inv_id_app, map_id, id_comp]
rw [← NatTrans.naturality_assoc]

end ShiftSequence

end Functor
Expand Down
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Triangulated/HomologicalFunctor.lean
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Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import Mathlib.Algebra.Homology.ShortComplex.Exact
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Shift.ShiftSequence
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Triangulated.Functor
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Triangulated.Subcategory
import Mathlib.Algebra.Homology.ExactSequence

/-! # Homological functors

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -237,6 +238,21 @@ lemma mem_homologicalKernel_W_iff {X Y : C} (f : X ⟶ Y) :
· intros
constructor <;> infer_instance

open ComposableArrows

/-- The exact sequence with six terms starting from `(F.shift n₀).obj T.obj₁` until
`(F.shift n₁).obj T.obj₃` when `T` is a distinguished triangle and `F` a homological functor. -/
@[simp] noncomputable def homologySequenceComposableArrows₅ : ComposableArrows A 5 :=
mk₅ ((F.shift n₀).map T.mor₁) ((F.shift n₀).map T.mor₂)
(F.homologySequenceδ T n₀ n₁ h) ((F.shift n₁).map T.mor₁) ((F.shift n₁).map T.mor₂)

lemma homologySequenceComposableArrows₅_exact :
(F.homologySequenceComposableArrows₅ T n₀ n₁ h).Exact :=
exact_of_δ₀ (F.homologySequence_exact₂ T hT n₀).exact_toComposableArrows
(exact_of_δ₀ (F.homologySequence_exact₃ T hT n₀ n₁ h).exact_toComposableArrows
(exact_of_δ₀ (F.homologySequence_exact₁ T hT n₀ n₁ h).exact_toComposableArrows
(F.homologySequence_exact₂ T hT n₁).exact_toComposableArrows))


end Functor
Expand Down