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[Merged by Bors] - feat(ContinuousFunctionalCalculus): add several lemmas involving the CFC and algebraMap #14065

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adapt lemmas + golf
dupuisf committed Jul 3, 2024
commit 1ba7bd856f5fc133f5207530c9ae52be96a2b8dc
58 changes: 29 additions & 29 deletions Mathlib/Topology/ContinuousFunction/FunctionalCalculus.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -364,9 +364,6 @@ variable (R) in
lemma cfc_predicate_one : p 1 :=
map_one (algebraMap R A) ▸ cfc_predicate_algebraMap (1 : R)

lemma cfc_predicate_of_cfc_nontriv (hp : p 0 := by cfc_tac) : p (cfc f a) :=
cfc_cases p _ _ hp fun _ _ => cfcHom_predicate _ _

lemma cfc_congr {f g : R → R} {a : A} (hfg : (spectrum R a).EqOn f g) :
cfc f a = cfc g a := by
by_cases h : p a ∧ ContinuousOn g (spectrum R a)
@@ -585,41 +582,44 @@ lemma eq_one_of_spectrum_subset_one (h_spec : spectrum R a ⊆ {1}) (ha : p a :=
a = 1 := by
simpa using eq_algebraMap_of_spectrum_subset_singleton a 1 h_spec

lemma spectrum_algebraMap_eq_of_cfc_nontriv [Nontrivial A] (r : R) (hp : p 0 := by cfc_tac) :
lemma spectrum_algebraMap_subset (r : R) : spectrum R (algebraMap R A r) ⊆ {r} := by
rw [← cfc_const r 0 (cfc_predicate_zero R),
cfc_map_spectrum (fun _ ↦ r) 0 (cfc_predicate_zero R)]
rintro - ⟨x, -, rfl⟩

lemma spectrum_algebraMap_eq [Nontrivial A] (r : R) :
spectrum R (algebraMap R A r) = {r} := by
have hp : p 0 := cfc_predicate_zero R
rw [← cfc_const r 0 hp, cfc_map_spectrum (fun _ => r) 0 hp]
exact Set.Nonempty.image_const (⟨0, spectrum.zero_mem (R := R) not_isUnit_zero⟩) _

lemma spectrum_zero_eq_of_cfc_nontriv [Nontrivial A] (hp : p 0 := by cfc_tac) :
lemma spectrum_zero_eq [Nontrivial A] :
spectrum R (0 : A) = {0} := by
have : (0 : A) = algebraMap R A 0 := Eq.symm (RingHom.map_zero (algebraMap R A))
rw [this, spectrum_algebraMap_eq_of_cfc_nontriv]
rw [this, spectrum_algebraMap_eq]

lemma spectrum_one_eq_of_cfc_nontriv [Nontrivial A] (hp : p 0 := by cfc_tac) :
lemma spectrum_one_eq [Nontrivial A] :
spectrum R (1 : A) = {1} := by
have : (1 : A) = algebraMap R A 1 := Eq.symm (RingHom.map_one (algebraMap R A))
rw [this, spectrum_algebraMap_eq_of_cfc_nontriv]

lemma cfc_algebraMap_of_cfc_nontriv [Nontrivial A] (r : R) {f : R → R} (hp : p 0 := by cfc_tac) :
cfc f (algebraMap R A r) = algebraMap R A (f r) := by
have h₁ : ContinuousOn f ((fun _ ↦ r) '' spectrum R (0 : A)) := by
rw [spectrum_zero_eq_of_cfc_nontriv]
simp only [Set.image_singleton, continuousOn_singleton]
rw [← cfc_const r 0 hp, ← cfc_comp f (fun _ => r) 0 hp h₁]
have h₂ : (f ∘ (fun (_ : R) => r)) = fun _ => f r := by ext; simp
rw [h₂, cfc_const (f r) 0 hp]

lemma cfc_apply_zero_of_cfc_nontriv [Nontrivial A] {f : R → R} (hp : p 0 := by cfc_tac) :
cfc f (0 : A) = algebraMap R A (f 0) := by
have h₁ : (0 : A) = algebraMap R A 0 := by simp
conv_lhs => rw [h₁]
rw [cfc_algebraMap_of_cfc_nontriv]

lemma cfc_apply_one_of_cfc_nontriv [Nontrivial A] {f : R → R} (hp : p 0 := by cfc_tac) :
cfc f (1 : A) = algebraMap R A (f 1) := by
have h₁ : (1 : A) = algebraMap R A 1 := by simp
conv_lhs => rw [h₁]
rw [cfc_algebraMap_of_cfc_nontriv]
rw [this, spectrum_algebraMap_eq]

lemma cfc_algebraMap (r : R) (f : R → R) : cfc f (algebraMap R A r) = algebraMap R A (f r) := by
have h₁ : ContinuousOn f (spectrum R (algebraMap R A r)) :=
continuousOn_singleton _ _ |>.mono <| spectrum_algebraMap_subset r
rw [cfc_apply f (algebraMap R A r) (cfc_predicate_algebraMap r),
← AlgHomClass.commutes (cfcHom (p := p) (cfc_predicate_algebraMap r)) (f r)]
ext ⟨x, hx⟩
apply spectrum_algebraMap_subset r at hx

@[simp] lemma cfc_apply_zero {f : R → R} : cfc f (0 : A) = algebraMap R A (f 0) := by
simpa using cfc_algebraMap (A := A) 0 f

@[simp] lemma cfc_apply_one {f : R → R} : cfc f (1 : A) = algebraMap R A (f 1) := by
simpa using cfc_algebraMap (A := A) 1 f

end CFC

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -267,9 +267,6 @@ lemma cfcₙ_predicate_zero : p 0 :=
lemma cfcₙ_predicate (f : R → R) (a : A) : p (cfcₙ f a) :=
cfcₙ_cases p a f (cfcₙ_predicate_zero R) fun _ _ _ ↦ cfcₙHom_predicate ..

lemma cfcₙ_predicate_of_cfcₙ_nontriv (hp : p 0 := by cfc_tac) : p (cfcₙ f a) :=
cfcₙ_cases p a f hp fun _ h0 ha => cfcₙHom_predicate ha ⟨_, h0⟩

lemma cfcₙ_congr {f g : R → R} {a : A} (hfg : (σₙ R a).EqOn f g) :
cfcₙ f a = cfcₙ g a := by
by_cases h : p a ∧ ContinuousOn g (σₙ R a) ∧ g 0 = 0
@@ -441,25 +438,18 @@ lemma eq_zero_of_quasispectrum_eq_zero (h_spec : σₙ R a ⊆ {0}) (ha : p a :=
a = 0 := by
simpa [cfcₙ_id R a] using cfcₙ_congr (a := a) (f := id) (g := fun _ : R ↦ 0) fun x ↦ by simp_all

lemma quasispectrum_zero_eq_of_cfcₙ_nontriv (hp : p 0 := by cfc_tac) :
σₙ R (0 : A) = {0} := by
have h₁ : (0 : A) = cfcₙ (fun (_ : R) => 0) (0 : A) := Eq.symm (cfcₙ_const_zero R 0)
conv_lhs => rw [h₁]
have h₂ : ContinuousOn (fun (_ : R) ↦ (0 : R)) (σₙ R (0 : A)) := by fun_prop
have h₃ : (fun (_ : R) ↦ (0 : R)) 0 = 0 := by simp
rw [cfcₙ_map_quasispectrum (fun _ => 0) 0 h₂ h₃ hp]
exact Set.Nonempty.image_const (⟨0, quasispectrum.zero_mem R 0⟩) _
lemma quasispectrum_zero_eq : σₙ R (0 : A) = {0} := by
refine Set.eq_singleton_iff_unique_mem.mpr ⟨quasispectrum.zero_mem R 0, fun x hx ↦ ?_⟩
rw [← cfcₙ_zero R (0 : A),
cfcₙ_map_quasispectrum _ _ (by cfc_cont_tac) (by cfc_zero_tac) (cfcₙ_predicate_zero R)] at hx

@[simp] lemma cfcₙ_apply_zero {f : R → R} : cfcₙ f (0 : A) = 0 := by
by_cases hf0 : f 0 = 0
· by_cases hp : p 0
· have h₁ : (0 : A) = cfcₙ (0 : R → R) 0 := by simp
conv_rhs => rw [h₁]
refine cfcₙ_congr fun x hx => ?_
rw [quasispectrum_zero_eq_of_cfcₙ_nontriv, Set.mem_singleton_iff] at hx
simp [hx, hf0]
· exact cfcₙ_apply_of_not_predicate 0 hp
· exact cfcₙ_apply_of_not_map_zero 0 hf0
· nth_rw 2 [← cfcₙ_zero R 0]
apply cfcₙ_congr
simpa [quasispectrum_zero_eq]
· exact cfcₙ_apply_of_not_map_zero _ hf0

end CFCn
