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[Merged by Bors] - feat(RingTheory/Flat): a module is flat iff tensoring preserves exact sequences #14482

wants to merge 18 commits into from
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3636,6 +3636,7 @@ import Mathlib.RingTheory.Finiteness
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Fintype
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Flat.Algebra
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Flat.Basic
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Flat.CategoryTheory
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Flat.EquationalCriterion
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Flat.Stability
import Mathlib.RingTheory.FractionalIdeal.Basic
Expand Down
27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Algebra/Category/ModuleCat/Abelian.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.Isomorphisms
import Mathlib.Algebra.Category.ModuleCat.Kernels
import Mathlib.Algebra.Category.ModuleCat.Limits
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Abelian.Exact
import Mathlib.Algebra.Homology.ShortComplex.Exact

#align_import algebra.category.Module.abelian from "leanprover-community/mathlib"@"09f981f72d43749f1fa072deade828d9c1e185bb"

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -128,4 +129,30 @@ theorem exact_iff : Exact f g ↔ LinearMap.range f = LinearMap.ker g := by
set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false in
#align Module.exact_iff ModuleCat.exact_iff

theorem shortComplex_exact (H : LinearMap.range f = LinearMap.ker g) :
ShortComplex.Exact (.mk f g $ range_le_ker_iff.1 $ le_of_eq H) := by
rw [ShortComplex.exact_iff_kernel_ι_comp_cokernel_π_zero]
simp only [Functor.comp_obj]
suffices eq1 : (kernelIsoKer g).inv ≫ kernel.ι g ≫
cokernel.π f ≫ (cokernelIsoRangeQuotient f).hom = 0 by
rwa [Iso.inv_comp_eq, ← Category.assoc, ← Iso.eq_comp_inv, Limits.comp_zero,
Limits.zero_comp] at eq1
rw [← Category.assoc, kernelIsoKer_inv_kernel_ι, cokernel_π_cokernelIsoRangeQuotient_hom, H]
ext ⟨x, hx⟩
change x ∈ ker (ker g).mkQ
rwa [Submodule.ker_mkQ]

theorem iff_shortComplex_exact (h : f ≫ g = 0) :
ShortComplex.Exact (.mk f g h) ↔ LinearMap.range f = LinearMap.ker g := by
refine ⟨fun H => le_antisymm (range_le_ker_iff.2 h) $ ker_le_range_iff.2 ?_,
shortComplex_exact _ _⟩
suffices eq1 : (kernelIsoKer g).inv ≫ kernel.ι g ≫
cokernel.π f ≫ (cokernelIsoRangeQuotient f).hom = 0 by
simpa only [Functor.comp_obj, cokernel_π_cokernelIsoRangeQuotient_hom, ← Category.assoc,
kernelIsoKer_inv_kernel_ι] using eq1
rw [Iso.inv_comp_eq, ← Category.assoc, ← Iso.eq_comp_inv, Limits.comp_zero,
rw [ShortComplex.exact_iff_kernel_ι_comp_cokernel_π_zero] at H
exact H

end ModuleCat
193 changes: 193 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/RingTheory/Flat/CategoryTheory.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
Copyright (c) 2024 Jujian Zhang. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Jujian Zhang
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Flat.Basic
import Mathlib.Algebra.Category.ModuleCat.Monoidal.Symmetric
import Mathlib.Algebra.Category.ModuleCat.Projective
import Mathlib.Algebra.Category.ModuleCat.Abelian
import Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.Tor
import Mathlib.Algebra.Homology.ShortComplex.Exact

# Tensoring with a flat module is an exact functor

In this file we prove that tensoring with a flat module is an exact functor.

## Main results
- `Module.Flat.iff_tensorLeft_preservesFiniteLimits`: an `R`-module `M` is flat if and only if
left tensoring with `M` preserves finite limits, i.e. the functor `- ⊗ M` is left exact.

- `Module.Flat.iff_tensorRight_preservesFiniteLimits`: an `R`-module `M` is flat if and only if
right tensoring with `M` preserves finite limits, i.e. the functor `M ⊗ -` is left exact.

- `Module.Flat.iff_lTensor_preserves_shortComplex_exact`: an `R`-module `M` is flat if and only if
for every short exact sequence `0 ⟶ A ⟶ B ⟶ C ⟶ 0`, `0 ⟶ M ⊗ A ⟶ M ⊗ B ⟶ M ⊗ C ⟶ 0` is also
a short exact sequence.

- `Module.Flat.iff_rTensor_preserves_shortComplex_exact`: an `R`-module `M` is flat if and only if
for every short exact sequence `0 ⟶ A ⟶ B ⟶ C ⟶ 0`, `0 ⟶ A ⊗ M ⟶ B ⊗ M ⟶ C ⊗ M ⟶ 0` is also
a short exact sequence.

- `Module.Flat.higherTorIsoZero`: if an `R`-module `M` is flat, then `Torⁿ(M, N) ≅ 0` for all `N`
and all `n ≥ 1`.


- Prove that vanishing `Tor`-groups implies flat.


universe u

open CategoryTheory MonoidalCategory Abelian

namespace Module.Flat

variable {R : Type u} [CommRing R] (M : ModuleCat.{u} R)

lemma lTensor_shortComplex_exact [Flat R M] (C : ShortComplex $ ModuleCat R) (hC : C.Exact) : (tensorLeft M) |>.Exact := by
rw [ModuleCat.iff_shortComplex_exact, Eq.comm, ← LinearMap.exact_iff]
exact lTensor_exact M $ LinearMap.exact_iff.2 $ Eq.symm $
ModuleCat.iff_shortComplex_exact _ _ |>.1 hC

lemma rTensor_shortComplex_exact [Flat R M] (C : ShortComplex $ ModuleCat R) (hC : C.Exact) : (tensorRight M) |>.Exact := by
rw [ModuleCat.iff_shortComplex_exact, Eq.comm, ← LinearMap.exact_iff]
exact rTensor_exact M $ LinearMap.exact_iff.2 $ Eq.symm $
ModuleCat.iff_shortComplex_exact _ _ |>.1 hC

lemma iff_lTensor_preserves_shortComplex_exact :
Flat R M ↔
∀ (C : ShortComplex $ ModuleCat R) (_ : C.Exact), ( (tensorLeft M) |>.Exact) :=
⟨fun _ _=> lTensor_shortComplex_exact _ _, fun H => by
rw [iff_lTensor_exact]
intro N N' N'' _ _ _ _ _ _ f g h
specialize H (.mk (ModuleCat.ofHom f) (ModuleCat.ofHom g)
(DFunLike.ext _ _ h.apply_apply_eq_zero)) (ModuleCat.shortComplex_exact _ _ $ Eq.symm $
LinearMap.exact_iff |>.1 $ h)
rw [LinearMap.exact_iff, Eq.comm]
rw [ModuleCat.iff_shortComplex_exact] at H
convert H⟩

lemma iff_rTensor_preserves_shortComplex_exact :
Flat R M ↔
∀ (C : ShortComplex $ ModuleCat R) (_ : C.Exact), ( (tensorRight M) |>.Exact) :=
⟨fun _ _=> rTensor_shortComplex_exact _ _, fun H => by
rw [iff_rTensor_exact]
intro N N' N'' _ _ _ _ _ _ f g h
specialize H (.mk (ModuleCat.ofHom f) (ModuleCat.ofHom g)
(DFunLike.ext _ _ h.apply_apply_eq_zero)) (ModuleCat.shortComplex_exact _ _ $ Eq.symm $
LinearMap.exact_iff |>.1 $ h)
rw [LinearMap.exact_iff, Eq.comm]
rw [ModuleCat.iff_shortComplex_exact] at H
convert H⟩

open scoped MonoidalCategory in
set_option maxHeartbeats 400000 in
noncomputable instance [flat : Flat R M] {X Y : ModuleCat.{u} R} (f : X ⟶ Y) :
Limits.PreservesLimit (Limits.parallelPair f 0) (tensorLeft M) where
preserves {c} hc := by
have mono0 : Mono (c.π.app .zero) :=
{ right_cancellation := fun {Z} g h H => by
let c' : Limits.Cone (Limits.parallelPair f 0) :=
⟨Z, ⟨fun | .zero => h ≫ c.π.app .zero | .one => 0, by rintro _ _ (⟨j⟩|⟨j⟩) <;> simp [H]⟩⟩
rw [hc.uniq c' g, hc.uniq c' h] <;>
rintro (⟨j⟩|⟨j⟩) <;> try simp [H] <;> try simpa [c'] using H }
let s : ShortComplex (ModuleCat R) := .mk (c.π.app .zero) f $ by simp
have exact0 : s.Exact:= by
refine ShortComplex.exact_of_f_is_kernel _ $
Limits.IsLimit.equivOfNatIsoOfIso (Iso.refl _) _ _ ⟨⟨?_, ?_⟩, ⟨?_, ?_⟩, ?_, ?_⟩ hc
· exact 𝟙
· rintro (⟨⟩|⟨⟩) <;> simp
· exact 𝟙
· rintro (⟨⟩|⟨⟩) <;> simp
· rfl
· rfl

have exact1 : ( (tensorLeft M)).Exact := by apply lTensor_shortComplex_exact; assumption
have mono1 : Mono (M ◁ c.π.app .zero) := by
rw [ModuleCat.mono_iff_injective] at mono0 ⊢
exact lTensor_preserves_injective_linearMap _ mono0

refine Limits.IsLimit.equivOfNatIsoOfIso
⟨⟨fun | .zero => 𝟙 _ | .one => 𝟙 _, ?_⟩,
⟨fun | .zero => 𝟙 _ | .one => 𝟙 _, ?_⟩, ?_, ?_⟩ _ _ ⟨⟨?_, ?_⟩, ⟨?_, ?_⟩, ?_, ?_⟩ $
ShortComplex.exact_and_mono_f_iff_f_is_kernel ( (tensorLeft M)) |>.1
⟨exact1, mono1⟩ |>.some
· rintro _ _ (⟨⟩ | ⟨⟩ | ⟨_⟩) <;> simp
· rintro _ _ (⟨⟩ | ⟨⟩ | ⟨_⟩) <;> simp
· ext (⟨⟩|⟨⟩) <;> simp
· ext (⟨⟩|⟨⟩) <;> simp
· exact 𝟙 _
· rintro (⟨⟩ | ⟨⟩) <;> simp [← MonoidalCategory.whiskerLeft_comp]
· exact 𝟙 _
· rintro (⟨⟩ | ⟨⟩) <;> simp [← MonoidalCategory.whiskerLeft_comp]
· ext (⟨⟩ | ⟨⟩); simp
· ext (⟨⟩ | ⟨⟩); simp

noncomputable instance tensorLeft_preservesFiniteLimits [Flat R M] :
Limits.PreservesFiniteLimits (tensorLeft M) :=
(tensorLeft M).preservesFiniteLimitsOfPreservesKernels

noncomputable instance tensorRight_preservesFiniteLimits [Flat R M] :
Limits.PreservesFiniteLimits (tensorRight M) where
preservesFiniteLimits J _ _ :=
{ preservesLimit := fun {K} => by
letI : Limits.PreservesLimit K (tensorLeft M) := inferInstance
apply Limits.preservesLimitOfNatIso (F := tensorLeft M)
exact ⟨⟨fun X => β_ _ _ |>.hom, by aesop_cat⟩, ⟨fun X => β_ _ _ |>.inv, by aesop_cat⟩,
by aesop_cat, by aesop_cat⟩ }

lemma iff_tensorLeft_preservesFiniteLimits :
Flat R M ↔
Nonempty (Limits.PreservesFiniteLimits (tensorLeft M)) :=
⟨fun _ => ⟨inferInstance⟩, fun ⟨_⟩ => iff_lTensor_preserves_injective_linearMap _ _ |>.2
fun N N' _ _ _ _ L hL => by
haveI : Mono (ModuleCat.ofHom L) := by rwa [ModuleCat.mono_iff_injective]
have inj : Mono <| (tensorLeft M).map (ModuleCat.ofHom L) :=
preserves_mono_of_preservesLimit (tensorLeft M) (ModuleCat.ofHom L)
rwa [ModuleCat.mono_iff_injective] at inj⟩

lemma iff_tensorRight_preservesFiniteLimits :
Flat R M ↔
Nonempty (Limits.PreservesFiniteLimits (tensorRight M)) :=
⟨fun _ => ⟨inferInstance⟩, fun ⟨_⟩ => iff_rTensor_preserves_injective_linearMap _ _ |>.2
fun N N' _ _ _ _ L hL => by
haveI : Mono (ModuleCat.ofHom L) := by rwa [ModuleCat.mono_iff_injective]
have inj : Mono <| (tensorRight M).map (ModuleCat.ofHom L) :=
preserves_mono_of_preservesLimit (tensorRight M) (ModuleCat.ofHom L)
rwa [ModuleCat.mono_iff_injective] at inj⟩

section Tor

open scoped ZeroObject

For a flat module `M`, higher tor groups vanish.
noncomputable def higherTorIsoZero [Flat R M] (n : ℕ) (N : ModuleCat.{u} R) :
((Tor _ (n + 1)).obj M).obj N ≅ 0 :=
let pN := ProjectiveResolution.of N
pN.isoLeftDerivedObj (tensorLeft M) (n + 1) ≪≫
(Limits.IsZero.isoZero $ HomologicalComplex.exactAt_iff_isZero_homology _ _ |>.1 $
lTensor_shortComplex_exact M ( (n + 1)) (pN.complex_exactAt_succ n))

For a flat module `M`, higher tor groups vanish.
noncomputable def higherTor'IsoZero [Flat R M] (n : ℕ) (N : ModuleCat.{u} R) :
((Tor' _ (n + 1)).obj N).obj M ≅ 0 :=
let pN := ProjectiveResolution.of N
pN.isoLeftDerivedObj (tensorRight M) (n + 1) ≪≫
(Limits.IsZero.isoZero $ HomologicalComplex.exactAt_iff_isZero_homology _ _ |>.1 $
rTensor_shortComplex_exact M ( (n + 1)) (pN.complex_exactAt_succ n))

end Tor

end Module.Flat