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refactor: IndGroupInfo and IndGroupInst (#4738)
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This adds the types
* `IndGroupInfo`, a variant of `InductiveVal` with information that
   applies to a whole group of mutual inductives and
* `IndGroupInst` which extends `IndGroupInfo` with levels and parameters
   to indicate a instantiation of the group.

One purpose of this abstraction is to make it clear when a fuction
operates on a group as a whole, rather than a specific inductive within
the group.

This is extracted from #4718 and #4733 to reduce PR size and improve
  • Loading branch information
nomeata authored Jul 13, 2024
1 parent 4ea8c5a commit 1118978
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Showing 10 changed files with 184 additions and 98 deletions.
57 changes: 26 additions & 31 deletions src/Lean/Elab/PreDefinition/Structural/BRecOn.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import Lean.Elab.RecAppSyntax
import Lean.Elab.PreDefinition.Basic
import Lean.Elab.PreDefinition.Structural.Basic
import Lean.Elab.PreDefinition.Structural.FunPacker
import Lean.Elab.PreDefinition.Structural.RecArgInfo

namespace Lean.Elab.Structural
open Meta
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -145,26 +146,16 @@ private partial def replaceRecApps (recArgInfos : Array RecArgInfo) (positions :
e.withApp fun f args => do
if let .some fnIdx := recArgInfos.findIdx? (f.isConstOf ·.fnName) then
let recArgInfo := recArgInfos[fnIdx]!
let numFixed := recArgInfo.numFixed
let recArgPos := recArgInfo.recArgPos
if recArgPos >= args.size then
throwError "insufficient number of parameters at recursive application {indentExpr e}"
let recArg := args[recArgPos]!
let some recArg := args[recArgInfo.recArgPos]?
| throwError "insufficient number of parameters at recursive application {indentExpr e}"
-- For reflexive type, we may have nested recursive applications in recArg
let recArg ← loop below recArg
let f ←
try toBelow below recArgInfo.indParams.size positions fnIdx recArg
try toBelow below recArgInfo.indGroupInst.params.size positions fnIdx recArg
catch _ => throwError "failed to eliminate recursive application{indentExpr e}"
-- Recall that the fixed parameters are not in the scope of the `brecOn`. So, we skip them.
let argsNonFixed := args.extract numFixed args.size
-- The function `f` does not explicitly take `recArg` and its indices as arguments. So, we skip them too.
let mut fArgs := #[]
for i in [:argsNonFixed.size] do
let j := i + numFixed
if recArgInfo.recArgPos != j && !recArgInfo.indicesPos.contains j then
let arg := argsNonFixed[i]!
let arg ← replaceRecApps recArgInfos positions below arg
fArgs := fArgs.push arg
-- We don't pass the fixed parameters, the indices and the major arg to `f`, only the rest
let (_, fArgs) := recArgInfo.pickIndicesMajor args[recArgInfo.numFixed:]
let fArgs ← fArgs.mapM (replaceRecApps recArgInfos positions below ·)
return mkAppN f fArgs
return mkAppN (← loop below f) (← args.mapM (loop below))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -237,35 +228,39 @@ def mkBRecOnF (recArgInfos : Array RecArgInfo) (positions : Positions)
let valueNew ← replaceRecApps recArgInfos positions below value
mkLambdaFVars (indexMajorArgs ++ #[below] ++ otherArgs) valueNew

Given the `motives`, figures out whether to use `.brecOn` or `.binductionOn`, pass
the right universe levels, the parameters, and the motives.
It was already checked earlier in `checkCodomainsLevel` that the functions live in the same universe.
def mkBRecOnConst (recArgInfos : Array RecArgInfo) (positions : Positions)
(motives : Array Expr) : MetaM (Name → Expr) := do
-- For now, just look at the first
let recArgInfo := recArgInfos[0]!
(motives : Array Expr) : MetaM (Nat → Expr) := do
let indGroup := recArgInfos[0]!.indGroupInst
let motive := motives[0]!
let brecOnUniv ← lambdaTelescope motive fun _ type => getLevel type
let indInfo ← getConstInfoInduct recArgInfo.indName
let indInfo ← getConstInfoInduct indGroup.all[0]!
let useBInductionOn := indInfo.isReflexive && brecOnUniv == levelZero
let brecOnUniv ←
if indInfo.isReflexive && brecOnUniv != levelZero then
decLevel brecOnUniv
pure brecOnUniv
let brecOnCons := fun n =>
let brecOnCons := fun idx =>
let brecOn :=
if useBInductionOn then .const (mkBInductionOnName n) recArgInfo.indLevels
else .const (mkBRecOnName n) (brecOnUniv :: recArgInfo.indLevels)
mkAppN brecOn recArgInfo.indParams
if let .some n := indGroup.all[idx]? then
if useBInductionOn then .const (mkBInductionOnName n) indGroup.levels
else .const (mkBRecOnName n) (brecOnUniv :: indGroup.levels)
let n := indGroup.all[0]!
let j := idx - indGroup.all.size + 1
if useBInductionOn then .const (mkBInductionOnName n |>.appendIndexAfter j) indGroup.levels
else .const (mkBRecOnName n |>.appendIndexAfter j) (brecOnUniv :: indGroup.levels)
mkAppN brecOn indGroup.params

-- Pick one as a prototype
let brecOnAux := brecOnCons recArgInfo.indName
let brecOnAux := brecOnCons 0
-- Infer the type of the packed motive arguments
let packedMotiveTypes ← inferArgumentTypesN recArgInfo.indAll.size brecOnAux
let packedMotiveTypes ← inferArgumentTypesN indGroup.numMotives brecOnAux
let packedMotives ← positions.mapMwith packMotives packedMotiveTypes motives

return fun n => mkAppN (brecOnCons n) packedMotives
Expand All @@ -277,10 +272,10 @@ combinators. This assumes that all `.brecOn` functions of a mutual inductive hav
It also undoes the permutation and packing done by `packMotives`
def inferBRecOnFTypes (recArgInfos : Array RecArgInfo) (positions : Positions)
(brecOnConst : Name → Expr) : MetaM (Array Expr) := do
(brecOnConst : Nat → Expr) : MetaM (Array Expr) := do
let numTypeFormers := positions.size
let recArgInfo := recArgInfos[0]! -- pick an arbitrary one
let brecOn := brecOnConst recArgInfo.indName
let brecOn := brecOnConst 0
check brecOn
let brecOnType ← inferType brecOn
-- Skip the indices and major argument
Expand All @@ -298,11 +293,11 @@ def inferBRecOnFTypes (recArgInfos : Array RecArgInfo) (positions : Positions)
Completes the `.brecOn` for the given function.
The `value` is the function with (only) the fixed parameters moved into the context.
def mkBrecOnApp (positions : Positions) (fnIdx : Nat) (brecOnConst : Name → Expr)
def mkBrecOnApp (positions : Positions) (fnIdx : Nat) (brecOnConst : Nat → Expr)
(FArgs : Array Expr) (recArgInfo : RecArgInfo) (value : Expr) : MetaM Expr := do
lambdaTelescope value fun ys _value => do
let (indexMajorArgs, otherArgs) := recArgInfo.pickIndicesMajor ys
let brecOn := brecOnConst recArgInfo.indName
let brecOn := brecOnConst recArgInfo.indIdx
let brecOn := mkAppN brecOn indexMajorArgs
let packedFTypes ← inferArgumentTypesN positions.size brecOn
let packedFArgs ← positions.mapMwith packFArgs packedFTypes FArgs
Expand Down
43 changes: 3 additions & 40 deletions src/Lean/Elab/PreDefinition/Structural/Basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -9,46 +9,6 @@ import Lean.Meta.ForEachExpr

namespace Lean.Elab.Structural

Information about the argument of interest of a structurally recursive function.
The `Expr`s in this data structure expect the `fixedParams` to be in scope, but not the other
parameters of the function. This ensures that this data structure makes sense in the other functions
of a mutually recursive group.
structure RecArgInfo where
/-- the name of the recursive function -/
fnName : Name
/-- the fixed prefix of arguments of the function we are trying to justify termination using structural recursion. -/
numFixed : Nat
/-- position of the argument (counted including fixed prefix) we are recursing on -/
recArgPos : Nat
/-- position of the indices (counted including fixed prefix) of the inductive datatype indices we are recursing on -/
indicesPos : Array Nat
/-- inductive datatype name of the argument we are recursing on -/
indName : Name
/-- inductive datatype universe levels of the argument we are recursing on -/
indLevels : List Level
/-- inductive datatype parameters of the argument we are recursing on -/
indParams : Array Expr
/-- The types mutually inductive with indName -/
indAll : Array Name
deriving Inhabited
If `xs` are the parameters of the functions (excluding fixed prefix), partitions them
into indices and major arguments, and other parameters.
def RecArgInfo.pickIndicesMajor (info : RecArgInfo) (xs : Array Expr) : (Array Expr × Array Expr) := do
let mut indexMajorArgs := #[]
let mut otherArgs := #[]
for h : i in [:xs.size] do
let j := i + info.numFixed
if j = info.recArgPos || info.indicesPos.contains j then
indexMajorArgs := indexMajorArgs.push xs[i]
otherArgs := otherArgs.push xs[i]
return (indexMajorArgs, otherArgs)

structure State where
/-- As part of the inductive predicates case, we keep adding more and more discriminants from the
local context and build up a bigger matcher application until we reach a fixed point.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -128,3 +88,6 @@ def Positions.mapMwith {α β m} [Monad m] [Inhabited β] (f : α → Array β
( ys positions).mapM fun ⟨y, poss⟩ => f y ( (xs[·]!))

end Lean.Elab.Structural

Lean.registerTraceClass `Elab.definition.structural
21 changes: 13 additions & 8 deletions src/Lean/Elab/PreDefinition/Structural/FindRecArg.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ Authors: Leonardo de Moura, Joachim Breitner
import Lean.Elab.PreDefinition.Structural.Basic
import Lean.Elab.PreDefinition.Structural.RecArgInfo

namespace Lean.Elab.Structural
open Meta
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -74,15 +75,19 @@ def getRecArgInfo (fnName : Name) (numFixed : Nat) (xs : Array Expr) (i : Nat) :
| some (indParam, y) =>
throwError "its type is an inductive datatype{indentExpr xType}\nand the datatype parameter{indentExpr indParam}\ndepends on the function parameter{indentExpr y}\nwhich does not come before the varying parameters and before the indices of the recursion parameter."
| none =>
let indAll := indInfo.all.toArray
let .some indIdx := indAll.indexOf? | panic! "{} not in {indInfo.all}"
let indicesPos := fun index => match xs.indexOf? index with | some i => i.val | none => unreachable!
return { fnName := fnName
numFixed := numFixed
recArgPos := i
indicesPos := indicesPos
indName :=
indLevels := us
indParams := indParams
indAll := indInfo.all.toArray }
let indGroupInst := {
IndGroupInfo.ofInductiveVal indInfo with
levels := us
params := indParams }
return { fnName := fnName
numFixed := numFixed
recArgPos := i
indicesPos := indicesPos
indGroupInst := indGroupInst
indIdx := indIdx }
throwError "the index #{i+1} exceeds {xs.size}, the number of parameters"

Expand Down
65 changes: 65 additions & 0 deletions src/Lean/Elab/PreDefinition/Structural/IndGroupInfo.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
Copyright (c) 2024 Lean FRO. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Joachim Breitner
import Lean.Meta.InferType

This module contains the types
* `IndGroupInfo`, a variant of `InductiveVal` with information that
applies to a whole group of mutual inductives and
* `IndGroupInst` which extends `IndGroupInfo` with levels and parameters
to indicate a instantiation of the group.
One purpose of this abstraction is to make it clear when a fuction operates on a group as
a whole, rather than a specific inductive within the group.

namespace Lean.Elab.Structural
open Lean Meta

A mutually inductive group, identified by the `all` array of the `InductiveVal` of its
structure IndGroupInfo where
all : Array Name
numNested : Nat
deriving BEq, Inhabited

def IndGroupInfo.ofInductiveVal (indInfo : InductiveVal) : IndGroupInfo where
all := indInfo.all.toArray
numNested := indInfo.numNested

def IndGroupInfo.numMotives (group : IndGroupInfo) : Nat :=
group.all.size + group.numNested

An instance of an mutually inductive group of inductives, identified by the `all` array
and the level and expressions parameters.
For example this distinguishes between `List α` and `List β` so that we will not even attempt
mutual structural recursion on such incompatible types.
structure IndGroupInst extends IndGroupInfo where
levels : List Level
params : Array Expr
deriving Inhabited

def IndGroupInst.toMessageData (igi : IndGroupInst) : MessageData :=
mkAppN (.const igi.all[0]! igi.levels) igi.params

instance : ToMessageData IndGroupInst where
toMessageData := IndGroupInst.toMessageData

def IndGroupInst.isDefEq (igi1 igi2 : IndGroupInst) : MetaM Bool := do
unless igi1.toIndGroupInfo == igi2.toIndGroupInfo do return false
unless igi1.levels.length = igi2.levels.length do return false
unless ( igi2.levels).all (fun (l₁, l₂) => Level.isEquiv l₁ l₂) do return false
unless igi1.params.size = igi2.params.size do return false
unless (← ( igi2.params).allM (fun (e₁, e₂) => Meta.isDefEqGuarded e₁ e₂)) do return false
return true

end Lean.Elab.Structural
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions src/Lean/Elab/PreDefinition/Structural/IndPred.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ prelude
import Lean.Meta.IndPredBelow
import Lean.Elab.PreDefinition.Basic
import Lean.Elab.PreDefinition.Structural.Basic
import Lean.Elab.PreDefinition.Structural.RecArgInfo

namespace Lean.Elab.Structural
open Meta
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -81,8 +82,8 @@ def mkIndPredBRecOn (recArgInfo : RecArgInfo) (value : Expr) : M Expr := do
let motive ← mkForallFVars otherArgs type
let motive ← mkLambdaFVars indexMajorArgs motive
trace[Elab.definition.structural] "brecOn motive: {motive}"
let brecOn := Lean.mkConst (mkBRecOnName recArgInfo.indName) recArgInfo.indLevels
let brecOn := mkAppN brecOn recArgInfo.indParams
let brecOn := Lean.mkConst (mkBRecOnName recArgInfo.indName!) recArgInfo.indGroupInst.levels
let brecOn := mkAppN brecOn recArgInfo.indGroupInst.params
let brecOn := mkApp brecOn motive
let brecOn := mkAppN brecOn indexMajorArgs
check brecOn
Expand Down
25 changes: 11 additions & 14 deletions src/Lean/Elab/PreDefinition/Structural/Main.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -92,11 +92,11 @@ def getMutualFixedPrefix (preDefs : Array PreDefinition) : M Nat :=
/-- Checks that all parameter types are mutually inductive -/
private def checkAllFromSameClique (recArgInfos : Array RecArgInfo) : MetaM Unit := do
for recArgInfo in recArgInfos do
unless recArgInfos[0]!.indAll.contains recArgInfo.indName do
unless recArgInfos[0]!.indGroupInst.all.contains recArgInfo.indName! do
throwError m!"Cannot use structural mutual recursion: The recursive argument of " ++
m!"{recArgInfos[0]!.fnName} is of type {recArgInfos[0]!.indName}, " ++
m!"{recArgInfos[0]!.fnName} is of type {recArgInfos[0]!.indName!}, " ++
m!"the recursive argument of {recArgInfo.fnName} is of type " ++
m!"{recArgInfo.indName}, and these are not mutually recursive."
m!"{recArgInfo.indName!}, and these are not mutually recursive."

private def elimMutualRecursion (preDefs : Array PreDefinition) (recArgPoss : Array Nat) : M (Array PreDefinition) := do
withoutModifyingEnv do
Expand All @@ -120,17 +120,17 @@ private def elimMutualRecursion (preDefs : Array PreDefinition) (recArgPoss : Ar
lambdaTelescope value fun ys _value => do
getRecArgInfo preDef.declName maxNumFixed (xs ++ ys) recArgPos

checkAllFromSameClique recArgInfos

-- Check that the inductive parameters agree. This also ensures that they only depend on the
-- trimmed prefix (minimum of all `.numFixed`).
for recArgInfo in recArgInfos[1:] do
let ok ← Array.allM
(fun (e₁, e₂) => isDefEqGuarded e₁ e₂)
( recArgInfo.indParams recArgInfos[0]!.indParams)
unless recArgInfos[0]!.indParams.size = recArgInfo.indParams.size && ok do
let ok ← IndGroupInst.isDefEq recArgInfo.indGroupInst recArgInfos[0]!.indGroupInst
unless ok do
throwError m!"The inductive type of the recursive parameter of {recArgInfos[0]!.fnName} " ++
m!"and {recArgInfo.fnName} have different parameters:" ++
indentD m!"{recArgInfos[0]!.indParams}" ++
indentD m!"{recArgInfo.indParams}"
indentD m!"{recArgInfos[0]!.indGroupInst.params}" ++
indentD m!"{recArgInfo.indGroupInst.params}"

return ( (·.numFixed)).foldl Nat.min maxNumFixed

Expand All @@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ private def elimMutualRecursion (preDefs : Array PreDefinition) (recArgPoss : Ar
-- Two passes should suffice
assert! recArgInfos.all (·.numFixed = numFixed)

let indInfo ← getConstInfoInduct recArgInfos[0]!.indName
let indInfo ← getConstInfoInduct recArgInfos[0]!.indName!
if ← isInductivePredicate then
-- Here we branch off to the IndPred construction, but only for non-mutual functions
unless preDefs.size = 1 do
Expand All @@ -166,9 +166,8 @@ private def elimMutualRecursion (preDefs : Array PreDefinition) (recArgPoss : Ar
check valueNew
return #[{ preDef with value := valueNew }]

checkAllFromSameClique recArgInfos
-- Sort the (indices of the) definitions by their position in indInfo.all
let positions : Positions := .groupAndSort (·.indName) recArgInfos indInfo.all.toArray
let positions : Positions := .groupAndSort (·.indName!) recArgInfos indInfo.all.toArray

-- Construct the common `.brecOn` arguments
let motives ← ( recArgInfos values).mapM fun (r, v) => mkBRecOnMotive r v
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -236,8 +235,6 @@ def structuralRecursion (preDefs : Array PreDefinition) (termArgs? : Option Term
markAsRecursive preDef.declName
applyAttributesOf preDefsNonRec AttributeApplicationTime.afterCompilation

registerTraceClass `Elab.definition.structural

end Structural

Expand Down

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