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@github-actions github-actions released this 03 Feb 07:17
· 787 commits to master since this release



Unique sorrys

#5757 makes it harder to create "fake" theorems about definitions that
are stubbed-out with sorry by ensuring that each sorry is not
definitionally equal to any other. For example, this now fails:

example : (sorry : Nat) = sorry := rfl -- fails

However, this still succeeds, since the sorry is a single
indeterminate Nat:

def f (n : Nat) : Nat := sorry
example : f 0 = f 1 := rfl -- succeeds

One can be more careful by putting parameters to the right of the colon:

def f : (n : Nat) → Nat := sorry
example : f 0 = f 1 := rfl -- fails

Most sources of synthetic sorries (recall: a sorry that originates from
the elaborator) are now unique, except for elaboration errors, since
making these unique tends to cause a confusing cascade of errors. In
general, however, such sorries are labeled. This enables "go to
definition" on sorry in the Infoview, which brings you to its origin.
The option set_option pp.sorrySource true causes the pretty printer to
show source position information on sorries.

Separators in numeric literals

#6204 lets _ be used in numeric literals as a separator. For
example, 1_000_000, 0xff_ff or 0b_10_11_01_00. New lexical syntax:

numeral10 : [0-9]+ ("_"+ [0-9]+)*
numeral2  : "0" [bB] ("_"* [0-1]+)+
numeral8  : "0" [oO] ("_"* [0-7]+)+
numeral16 : "0" [xX] ("_"* hex_char+)+
float     : numeral10 "." numeral10? [eE[+-]numeral10]

Additional new featues

  • #6300 adds the debug.proofAsSorry option. When enabled, the proofs
    of theorems are ignored and replaced with sorry.

  • #6362 adds the --error=kind option (shorthand: -Ekind) to the
    lean CLI. When set, messages of kind (e.g.,
    linter.unusedVariables) will be reported as errors. This setting does
    nothing in interactive contexts (e.g., the server).

  • #6366 adds support for Float32 and fixes a bug in the runtime.

Library updates

The Lean 4 library saw many changes that improve arithmetic reasoning, enhance data structure APIs,
and refine library organization. Key changes include better support for bitwise operations, shifts,
and conversions, expanded lemmas for Array, Vector, and List, and improved ordering definitions.
Some modules have been reorganized for clarity, and internal refinements ensure greater consistency and correctness.

Breaking changes

#6330 removes unnecessary parameters from the functional induction
principles. This is a breaking change; broken code can typically be adjusted
simply by passing fewer parameters.

This highlights section was contributed by Violetta Sim.

For this release, 201 changes landed. In addition to the 74 feature additions and 44 fixes listed below there were 7 refactoring changes, 5 documentation improvements and 62 chores.


  • #3696 makes all message constructors handle pretty printer errors.

  • #4460 runs all linters for a single command (together) on a separate
    thread from further elaboration, making a first step towards
    parallelizing the elaborator.

  • #5757, see the highlights section above for details.

  • #6123 ensures that the configuration in Simp.Config is used when
    reducing terms and checking definitional equality in simp.

  • #6204, see the highlights section above for details.

  • #6270 fixes a bug that could cause the injectivity tactic to fail in
    reducible mode, which could cause unfolding lemma generation to fail
    (used by tactics such as unfold). In particular,
    Lean.Meta.isConstructorApp'? was not aware that n + 1 is equivalent
    to Nat.succ n.

  • #6273 modifies the "foo has been deprecated: use betterFoo instead"
    warning so that foo and betterFoo are hoverable.

  • #6278 enables simp configuration options to be passed to norm_cast.

  • #6286 ensure bv_decide uses definitional equality in its reflection
    procedure as much as possible. Previously it would build up explicit
    congruence proofs for the kernel to check. This reduces the size of
    proof terms passed to kernel speeds up checking of large reflection

  • #6288 uses Lean.RArray in bv_decide's reflection proofs. Giving
    speedups on problems with lots of variables.

  • #6295 sets up simprocs for all the remaining operations defined in

  • #6300, see the highlights section above for details.

  • #6330, see the highlights section above for details.

  • #6362, see the highlights section above for details.

  • #6366, see the highlights section above for details.

  • #6375 fixes a bug in the simplifier. It was producing terms with loose
    bound variables when eliminating unused let_fun expressions.

  • #6378 adds an explanation to the error message when cases and
    induction are applied to a term whose type is not an inductive type.
    For Prop, these tactics now suggest the by_cases tactic. Example:

tactic 'cases' failed, major premise type is not an inductive type
  • #6381 fixes a bug in withTrackingZetaDelta and
    withTrackingZetaDeltaSet. The MetaM caches need to be reset. See new

  • #6385 fixes a bug in simp_all? that caused some local declarations
    to be omitted from the Try this: suggestions.

  • #6386 ensures that revertAll clears auxiliary declarations when
    invoked directly by users.

  • #6387 fixes a type error in the proof generated by the contradiction

  • #6397 ensures that simp and dsimp do not unfold definitions that
    are not intended to be unfolded by the user. See issue #5755 for an
    example affected by this issue.

  • #6398 ensures Meta.check check projections.

  • #6412 adds reserved names for congruence theorems used in the
    simplifier and grind tactics. The idea is prevent the same congruence
    theorems to be generated over and over again.

  • #6413 introduces the following features to the WIP grind tactic:

  • Expr internalization.
  • Congruence theorem cache.
  • Procedure for adding new facts
  • New tracing options
  • New preprocessing steps: fold projections and eliminate dangling
  • #6414 fixes a bug in Lean.Meta.Closure that would introduce
    under-applied delayed assignment metavariables, which would keep them
    from ever getting instantiated. This bug affected match elaboration
    when the expected type contained postponed elaboration problems, for
    example tactic blocks.

  • #6419 fixes multiple bugs in the WIP grind tactic. It also adds
    support for printing the grind internal state.

  • #6428 adds a new preprocessing step to the grind tactic:
    universe-level normalization. The goal is to avoid missing equalities in
    the congruence closure module.

  • #6430 adds the predicate Expr.fvarsSet a b, which returns true if
    and only if the free variables in a are a subset of the free variables
    in b.

  • #6433 adds a custom type and instance canonicalizer for the (WIP)
    grind tactic. The grind tactic uses congruence closure but
    disregards types, type formers, instances, and proofs. Proofs are
    ignored due to proof irrelevance. Types, type formers, and instances are
    considered supporting elements and are not factored into congruence
    detection. Instead, grind only checks whether elements are
    structurally equal, which, in the context of the grind tactic, is
    equivalent to pointer equality. See new tests for examples where the
    canonicalizer is important.

  • #6435 implements the congruence table for the (WIP) grind tactic. It
    also fixes several bugs, and adds a new preprocessing step.

  • #6437 adds support for detecting congruent terms in the (WIP) grind
    tactic. It also introduces the grind.debug option, which, when set to
    true, checks many invariants after each equivalence class is merged.
    This option is intended solely for debugging purposes.

  • #6438 ensures norm_cast doesn't fail to act in the presence of
    no_index annotations

  • #6441 adds basic truth value propagation rules to the (WIP) grind

  • #6442 fixes the checkParents sanity check in grind.

  • #6443 adds support for propagating the truth value of equalities in
    the (WIP) grind tactic.

  • #6447 refactors grind and adds support for invoking the simplifier
    using the GrindM monad.

  • #6448 declares the command builtin_grind_propagator for registering
    equation propagator for grind. It also declares the auxiliary the

  • #6449 completes the implementation of the command

  • #6452 adds support for generating (small) proofs for any two
    expressions that belong to the same equivalence class in the grind
    tactic state.

  • #6453 improves bv_decide's performance in the presence of large

  • #6455 fixes a bug in the equality proof generator in the (WIP) grind

  • #6456 fixes another bug in the equality proof generator in the (WIP)
    grind tactic.

  • #6457 adds support for generating congruence proofs for congruences
    detected by the grind tactic.

  • #6458 adds support for compact congruence proofs in the (WIP) grind
    tactic. The mkCongrProof function now verifies whether the congruence
    proof can be constructed using only congr, congrFun, and congrArg,
    avoiding the need to generate the more complex hcongr auxiliary

  • #6459 adds the (WIP) grind tactic. It currently generates a warning
    message to make it clear that the tactic is not ready for production.

  • #6461 adds a new propagation rule for negation to the (WIP) grind

  • #6463 adds support for constructors to the (WIP) grind tactic. When
    merging equivalence classes, grind checks for equalities between
    constructors. If they are distinct, it closes the goal; if they are the
    same, it applies injectivity.

  • #6464 completes support for literal values in the (WIP) grind
    tactic. grind now closes the goal whenever it merges two equivalence
    classes with distinct literal values.

  • #6465 adds support for projection functions to the (WIP) grind

  • #6466 completes the implementation of addCongrTable in the (WIP)
    grind tactic. It also adds a new test to demonstrate why the extra
    check is needed. It also updates the field cgRoot (congruence root).

  • #6468 fixes issue #6467

  • #6469 adds support code for implementing e-match in the (WIP) grind

  • #6470 introduces a command for specifying patterns used in the
    heuristic instantiation of global theorems in the grind tactic. Note
    that this PR only adds the parser.

  • #6472 implements the command grind_pattern. The new command allows
    users to associate patterns with theorems. These patterns are used for
    performing heuristic instantiation with e-matching. In the future, we
    will add the attributes @[grind_eq], @[grind_fwd], and
    @[grind_bwd] to compute the patterns automatically for theorems.

  • #6473 adds a deriving handler for the ToExpr class. It can handle
    mutual and nested inductive types, however it falls back to creating
    partial instances in such cases. This is upstreamed from the Mathlib
    deriving handler written by @kmill, but has fixes to handle autoimplicit
    universe level variables.

  • #6474 adds pattern validation to the grind_pattern command. The new
    checkCoverage function will also be used to implement the attributes
    @[grind_eq], @[grind_fwd], and @[grind_bwd].

  • #6475 adds support for activating relevant theorems for the (WIP)
    grind tactic. We say a theorem is relevant to a grind goal if the
    symbols occurring in its patterns also occur in the goal.

  • #6478 internalize nested ground patterns when activating ematch
    theorems in the (WIP) grind tactic.

  • #6481 implements E-matching for the (WIP) grind tactic. We still
    need to finalize and internalize the new instances.

  • #6484 addresses a few error messages where diffs weren't being

  • #6485 implements Grind.EMatch.instantiateTheorem in the (WIP)
    grind tactic.

  • #6487 adds source position information for structure parent
    projections, supporting "go to definition". Closes #3063.

  • #6488 fixes and refactors the E-matching module for the (WIP) grind

  • #6490 adds basic configuration options for the grind tactic.

  • #6492 fixes a bug in the theorem instantiation procedure in the (WIP)
    grind tactic.

  • #6497 fixes another theorem instantiation bug in the grind tactic.
    It also moves new instances to be processed to Goal.

  • #6498 adds support in the grind tactic for propagating dependent
    forall terms forall (h : p), q[h] where p is a proposition.

  • #6499 fixes the proof canonicalizer for grind.

  • #6500 fixes a bug in the markNestedProofs used in grind. See new

  • #6502 fixes a bug in the proof assembly procedure utilized by the
    grind tactic.

  • #6503 adds a simple strategy to the (WIP) grind tactic. It just
    keeps internalizing new theorem instances found by E-matching.

  • #6506 adds the monotonicity tactic, intended to be used inside the
    partial_fixpoint feature.

  • #6508 fixes a bug in the sanity checkers for the grind tactic. See
    the new test for an example of a case where it was panicking.

  • #6509 fixes a bug in the congruence closure data structure used in the
    grind tactic. The new test includes an example that previously caused
    a panic. A similar panic was also occurring in the test

  • #6510 adds a custom congruence rule for equality in grind. The new
    rule takes into account that Eq is a symmetric relation. In the
    future, we will add support for arbitrary symmetric relations. The
    current rule is important for propagating disequalities effectively in

  • #6512 introduces support for user-defined fallback code in the grind
    tactic. The fallback code can be utilized to inspect the state of
    failing grind subgoals and/or invoke user-defined automation. Users
    can now write grind on_failure <code>, where <code> should have the
    type GoalM Unit. See the modified tests in this PR for examples.

  • #6513 adds support for (dependent) if-then-else terms (i.e., ite and
    dite applications) in the grind tactic.

  • #6514 enhances the assertion of new facts in grind by avoiding the
    creation of unnecessary metavariables.


  • #6182 adds BitVec.[toInt|toFin]_concat and moves a couple of
    theorems into the concat section, as BitVec.msb_concat is needed for
    the toInt_concat proof.

  • #6188 completes the toNat theorems for the bitwise operations
    (and, or, xor, shiftLeft, shiftRight) of the UInt types and
    adds toBitVec theorems as well. It also renames and_toNat to
    toNat_and to fit with the current naming convention.

  • #6238 adds theorems characterizing the value of the unsigned shift
    right of a bitvector in terms of its 2s complement interpretation as an
    Unsigned shift right by at least one bit makes the value of the
    bitvector less than or equal to 2^(w-1),
    makes the interpretation of the bitvector Int and Nat agree.
    In the case when n = 0, then the shift right value equals the integer

  • #6244 changes the implementation of HashMap.toList, so the ordering
    agrees with HashMap.toArray.

  • #6272 introduces the basic theory of permutations of Arrays and
    proves Array.swap_perm.

  • #6282 moves IO.Channel and IO.Mutex from Init to Std.Sync and
    renames them to Std.Channel and Std.Mutex.

  • #6294 upstreams List.length_flatMap, countP_flatMap and
    count_flatMap from Mathlib. These were not possible to state before we
    upstreamed List.sum.

  • #6315 adds protected to Fin.cast and BitVec.cast, to avoid
    confusion with _root_.cast. These should mostly be used via
    dot-notation in any case.

  • #6316 adds lemmas simplifying for loops over Option into
    Option.pelim, giving parity with lemmas simplifying for loops of
    List into List.fold.

  • #6317 completes the basic API for BitVec.ofBool.

  • #6318 generalizes the universe level for Array.find?, by giving it a
    separate implementation from Array.findM?.

  • #6324 adds GetElem lemmas for the basic Vector operations.

  • #6333 generalizes the panic functions to a type of Sort u rather
    than Type u. This better supports universe polymorphic types and
    avoids confusing errors.

  • #6334 adds Nat theorems for distributing >>> over bitwise
    operations, paralleling those of BitVec.

  • #6338 adds BitVec.[toFin|getMsbD]_setWidth and
    [getMsb|msb]_signExtend as well as ofInt_toInt.

  • #6341 generalizes DecidableRel to allow a heterogeneous relation.

  • #6353 reproduces the API around List.any/all for Array.any/all.

  • #6364 makes fixes suggested by the Batteries environment linters,
    particularly simpNF, and unusedHavesSuffices.

  • #6365 expands the Array.set and Array.setIfInBounds lemmas to
    match existing lemmas for List.set.

  • #6367 brings Vector lemmas about membership and indexing to parity
    with List and Array.

  • #6369 adds lemmas about Vector.set, anyM, any, allM, and

  • #6376 adds theorems about == on Vector, reproducing those already
    on List and Array.

  • #6379 replaces the inductive predicate with an upstreamed version of List.Lex from Mathlib.
    (Previously was defined in terms of <; now it is generalized to take an arbitrary relation.)
    This subtly changes the notion of ordering on List α. was a weaker relation: in particular if l₁ < l₂, then a :: l₁ < b :: l₂ may hold according to even if a and b are merely incomparable (either neither a < b nor b < a), whereas according to List.Lex this would require a = b.

    When < is total, in the sense that ¬ · < · is antisymmetric, then the two relations coincide.

    Mathlib was already overriding the order instances for List α, so this change should not be noticed by anyone already using Mathlib.

    We simultaneously add the boolean valued List.lex function, parameterised by a BEq typeclass and an arbitrary lt function. This will support the flexibility previously provided for, via a == function which is weaker than strict equality.

  • #6390 redefines Range.forIn' and Range.forM, in preparation for
    writing lemmas about them.

  • #6391 requires that the step size in Std.Range is positive, to avoid
    ill-specified behaviour.

  • #6396 adds lemmas reducing for loops over Std.Range to for loops
    over List.range'.

  • #6399 adds basic lemmas about lexicographic order on Array and Vector,
    achieving parity with List.

  • #6423 adds missing lemmas about lexicographic order on

  • #6477 adds the necessary domain theory that backs the
    partial_fixpoint feature.


  • #6311 adds support for HEq to the new code generator.

  • #6348 adds support for Float32 to the Lean runtime.

  • #6350 adds missing features and fixes bugs in the Float32 support

  • #6383 ensures the new code generator produces code for opaque
    definitions that are not tagged as @[extern].
    Remark: This is the behavior of the old code generator.

  • #6405 adds support for erasure of Decidable.decide to the new code
    generator. It also adds a new Probe.runOnDeclsNamed function, which is
    helpful for writing targeted single-file tests of compiler internals.

  • #6415 fixes a bug in the sharecommon module, which was returning
    incorrect results for objects that had already been processed by
    sharecommon. See the new test for an example that triggered the bug.

  • #6429 adds support for extern LCNF decls, which is required for parity
    with the existing code generator.

  • #6535 avoids a linker warning on Windows.

  • #6547 should prevent Lake from accidentally picking up other linkers
    installed on the machine.

  • #6574 actually prevents Lake from accidentally picking up other
    toolchains installed on the machine.

Pretty Printing

  • #5689 adjusts the way the pretty printer unresolves names. It used to
    make use of all exports when pretty printing, but now it only uses
    exports that put names into parent namespaces (heuristic: these are
    "API exports" that are intended by the library author), rather than
    "horizontal exports" that put the names into an unrelated namespace,
    which the dot notation feature in #6189 now incentivizes.

  • #5757, aside from introducing labeled sorries, fixes the bug that the metadata attached to the pretty-printed representation of arguments with a borrow annotation (for example, the second argument of String.append), is inconsistent with the metadata attached to the regular arguments.


  • #6450 adds a docstring to the @[app_delab] attribute.


  • #6279 fixes a bug in structure instance field completion that caused
    it to not function correctly for bracketed structure instances written
    in Mathlib style.

  • #6408 fixes a regression where goals that don't exist were being
    displayed. The regression was triggered by #5835 and originally caused
    by #4926.


  • #6176 changes Lake's build process to no longer use leanc for
    compiling C files or linking shared libraries and executables. Instead,
    it directly invokes the bundled compiler (or the native compiler if
    none) using the necessary flags.

  • #6289 adapts Lake modules to use prelude and includes them in the
    check-prelude CI.

  • #6291 ensures the the log error position is properly preserved when
    prepending stray log entries to the job log. It also adds comparison
    support for Log.Pos.

  • #6388 merges BuildJob and Job, deprecating the former. Job now
    contains a trace as part of its state which can be interacted with
    monadically. also simplifies the implementation of OpaqueJob.

  • #6411 adds the ability to override package entries in a Lake manifest
    via a separate JSON file. This file can be specified on the command line
    with --packages or applied persistently by placing it at

  • #6422 fixes a bug in #6388 where the Package.afterBuildCahe*
    functions would produce different traces depending on whether the cache
    was fetched.

  • #6627 aims to fix the trace issues reported by Mathlib that are
    breaking lake exe cache in downstream projects.

  • #6631 sets MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET for shared libraries (it was
    previously only set for executables).


  • #6285 upstreams the ToLevel typeclass from mathlib and uses it to
    fix the existing ToExpr instances so that they are truly universe
    polymorphic (previously it generated malformed expressions when the
    universe level was nonzero). We improve on the mathlib definition of
    ToLevel to ensure the class always lives in Type, irrespective of
    the universe parameter.

  • #6363 fixes errors at load time in the comparison mode of the Firefox