ISOCE is an Image Space Occlusion Culling Engine optimized to perform occlusion culling in CPU. If you have a densely occluded scene (e.g. urban, indoor scene) you can use this module in you 3D project to speed up the rendering.
ISOCE does not depend on any Graphics API ( OpenGL, DirectX) since it is implemented in CPU and it is executed before sending the objects to the rendering pipeline.
ISOCE is DLL module programmed in C++, optimized using SSE intrinsics and is based on Hierarchical Occlusion Maps.
For statically generated PVS there is a Project called Janua:
Select and generate the best occluders of your scene. Calculate their conservative axis aligned boxes. In every frame project the occluder´s conservative axis aligned boxes into screen space. Call ISOCE DLL module and send the occluder´s visible faces for rasterization. For every visible object you want to test for occlusion send the object´s 2D bounding box and depth. ISOCE will determine if your object is occluded or it is potentially visible. How to use the module:
This engine is based on the paper called: Techniques for Image Space Occlusion Culling Engine
Please contact me at lebarba at
Leandro Barbagallo (lebarba at
Matias Leone (leonematias at